

EddieIsnt. Professional pen wiggler | Aspiring ukulele strummer | Draws nerdy things a lot. Twitter ~ Instagram
Anonymous asked:

Hi! Sorry I don’t really know how tumbler works but I came across you Lars drawing and ahhhhh I frickin love it!! I was wondering if I could use it as a profile picture? I won’t take credit for it ofc

Fuck yeh dude go ahead I love you

Anonymous asked:

Hey are you okay? noticed your twitters gone.

Im okay~ just needed to step (faaarrrr) away a moment for personal reasons...(I can reactivate it later if need be)

Anonymous asked:

As much as I hate and actively do my best to fight against Paladins being considered nothing more than an Overwatch ripoff, I can't help but love the idea of Maeve being a clone of Genji because it implies Genji, the extremely advanced and skilled cyborg ninja being discarded in favor of a 15 yr old russian hobo with a cat obsession.

HAHAHA! I love both Overwatch and Paladins~ We both know he was discarded because he always needs healing... whereas this lil’ French cat hobo can heal herself!


When did you start drawing or found out you could draw? (I found out I could sing when I was 8 :D)


I started drawing when I was tiny~ My earliest memories always involve doodling and coloring books! Although when I got my art tablet a few years ago, I felt as-though I was relearning how to draw entirely. It’s been an adventure! (also im jealous about your singing, I sound like a dying whale when I sing! ;0)

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