


{NSFW 18+} ♢ J. // 21// Leo 🌟 festivals * love ♡ art * weed ♡ nature * animals ♡ music * 👽 tags: me, mine, yabba-dab-a-doobie, leo, tats 🌞 Tag me in things! ♥ Submit some cool shit

2015 absolutely drained me. I need abouta 2 year long nap, see you in 2017, folks. don’t fucking vote for trump 

um. good morning and what the fuck 


I’ll say this to you, my friend, with all the love in my heart and all the wisdom of the universe. Take it sleazy. The Good Place S4E13 “Whenever You’re Ready”



Louis XV:

julius caesar yells at the einstein bros. manager daily

cleopatra is writing her PhD thesis and is sick of people undermining her intelligence

louis XV is a business professional currently being investigated by HR

more takes from yours truly

nefertiti is a child star who fell from grace but rose again like a pheonix

alexander the great is ***NOT GAY*** and on academic probation

caligula is under investigation by the FBI


I still don’t think female and male are opposite sexes. They are definitely two different, distinct sexes. That’s biology. But opposite? That’s cultural. That’s patriarchal. That’s an interpretation of facts, facts arranged into a hierarchy and forced into dualisms. To call female and male opposites is to gender biology. It reeks of Descartian and Freudian thought, but it has as little to do with reality as the trope that somehow positions cats and dogs as each others’ opposites.

probably one of the most insightful things I’ve ever read on this site.

The idea that men and women are opposite is probably the root of the myth that the clitoris is an undeveloped penis.

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