

I reblog stuff here.  | running on queue | dni if you think public transport shouldn't be prioritized over car infrastructure (serious)

I need people to stop blaming the death of movies on “quips”. A quip is just a funny line of dialogue. That’s all. Like I just saw a post talking about quips and the death of movies and brought up Pirates of the Caribbean as an example of a better movie and yes it is but also that movie is FULL OF QUIPS. I just rewatched The Princess Bride. It’s all quips. Every single line. And it’s a masterpiece.

Movies suck when people don’t care about the art they’re making. That includes them not caring about their quips. Which is why a lot of comic relief dialogue ALSO sucks now. But the problem isn’t that funny dialogue exists.

The Princess Bride is almost all quips, but it’s all sincerity. Every aspect of the plot is ridiculous and yet no movie dialogue has ever gone as hard as “I want my father back, you son of a bitch”


people recognize the problem contained within Whedon-style quippyness without knowing the term for the actual issue so they say “quips” when they mean “bathos”


another problem with quips that’s a little harder to analyze and explain is the quips are all in the author’s voice, NOT the characters’.

steve rogers, natalia romanoff, james barnes, tony stark, pepper potts, and bruce banner are people from radically different walks of life, and should therefore have extremely different styles of communication, despite all off them nominally speaking the same language (english). they should have different senses of humor, different senses of where the boundary lies between irreverence and insult, different boundaries, different sore spots, different goals as well as different methods of communication.

the fact that all these characters banter the exact same way, i.e how joss whedon thinks is funny, is incredibly shallow and grating.

steve grew up as a challenging little shit, who was also very small and poor, and he did it in 1920′s-30′s brooklyn new york. he regularly got his ass kicked. tony stark is also challenging and provocative, he’s a shit stirrer, but he grew up rich as all fuck. no one was beating the piss out of him in a dirty alley. tony has grown up surrounded by sycophants, rich enough to get away with whatever amount of bad behavior he wants to pull; steve grew up poor and disabled in a society that openly advocated for the death and degradation of the weak and unfit. why the fuck would they enter a conversation the same way? why would they deliver a snappy retort the same way? natasha romanoff is a spy, she’s manipulative, she’s always watching to see how a joke lands, she’s always conscientiously tuning herself this way and that to get results. she doesn’t have the luxury of casual defiance, or unthinking obnoxiousness, or even standing by her principles and pissing off someone she hates. again, why would she be tossing off little asides the same as tony, or even the same as steve?

the princess bride is sincere, and the characters still banter in their own voices. fezzik is cautious and methodical, inigo is weary and incredulous, vizzini is desperate to impress everyone with his own intelligence and in so doing often sounds like a complete twerp, buttercup is so incredibly pissed off she doesn’t have any brain cells to spare for joking around, and westley is here to ruin everyone’s day. and it works! the characters have great banter because they’re striking sparks off each other, not meshing like identical cogs in a machine.

humor is about subverting expectations, about breaking up patterns, about confrontation and absurdity. you can’t get that from a blandly uniform pulp.

I have never heard anyone summarize Westley’s character so perfectly in a single line


The prospect of shounen/seinen being seen as more “general audience” not only by publishers but also western consumers is kinda depressing

Me gripping the manga/anime community with the force of a 1000 suns : if you actually listened to mangakas complaints about how these magazine companies are runned and pushed you would understand that josei/shoujo are only “dying”(not really true) due to marketing restrictions/bias and misogyny

Most of the renowned seinen authors use the templates and get inspired by shoujo/josei imagery and storytelling beats for emotional/dramatic narratives , if you want to learn how to do character drama I’m begging you to start reading some shoujo/josei , yes even if it’s trash , you’re missing out on so much content I promise you


its always “shoujo/josei is dying” and never : because men rarely cross demographics the stories in this demographic is barely exposed and the people running these magazines have very narrow ideas and gender biased marketing that is WHY shounen/seinen have not only a high female reader ship but most manga authors choose these specific magazines because they know they’ll get more exposure


I want to go to this exact point and run around it saying “I’m in Sweden!” I’m in Finland!” “I’m in Norway!” until I get tired

i aspire to great things in life


According to Google Maps, that point is in the middle of a small lake.


So we’ll do it in January when it’s frozen.

actually that’s why they’ve helpfully dropped a big-ass cement block with a bridge surrounding it in the middle of the lake: for the express purpose of doing what OP aspires to do


there’s so much beauty in the world.


god i'm so tired of everybody's bad faith interpretations of everything. where's the trust. where's the forgiveness. where's the understanding that most things are complex and most people have many layers. and like the black eyed peas once said. where is the love


hello lolly what kind of dog breeds do you think gilgamesh would like the most also i hope you're having a great friday


Oh I've thought about this actually!! Tho this was actually for what dog gil himself would be in my servants as dogs AU lol

I think gil would like something beautiful and regal looking, with a long proud history like himself. So I was thinking: saluki, which also have the bonus that they come from neolithic Mesopotamia. We all know how proud gil is of his people's heritage after all. Also in modern day theyre one of the most expensive dog breeds to get so that's even more gilcore


Propaganda pamphlet from the Korean war trying to convince American soldiers to defect, early 1950s

They were right

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