
Scarlett Rose

@scarlettrose9901 / scarlettrose9901.tumblr.com

Lv 24 Mand’alor
Here for the fics
Hunter Howler & Din Diner
@tech-deck ‘s twin, the Joey to my Chandler
@Photogirl894 foundling

Friendly reminder that this blog is not a safe space for TERFs, racists, homophobes, or "pro-life" supporters.

If any or all of these apply to you, kindly show yourself the unfollow button.


P.S. This is the only time I'll say it nicely. And by "nicely" there is absolutely the subtext of "fuck all the way off my blog". ✌️


amongst all the fuss about the new pedro picture as joel and the fact he's collaborating in omar apollo's upcoming album, that deep fake ai porn video has reached surface again and people keep sharing it even if it's clearly fake, most of them in mockery tone or saying how upset they are it isn't real

like, seriously? if any female celebrity had a deep fake video done like that would people have the same reaction? Would they find it amusing or funny? Why does people think it's alright to treat pedro like that? When we talk about how wrong sexualizing Pedro is, it's not about who says "I wanna fuck that old man" and more like about people who find themselves comfortable enough to share fake porn videos of him straight up talking about what a pity it is it's not real or finding it funny

“I want you and I don’t want to be a luxury. I want you to need me. I want you to not be able to concentrate because you’re thinking about me. I want you to reach for your phone because you thought of something you have to share with me. I want you to not even be able to breathe at the thought of never seeing me again, because that’s how I feel about you.”

Shannon Stacey, All He Ever Needed


Bad Batch Ask Game : 7, 8, and 40


7. Favorite moment from season 3 (so far)?

Oh man, how to pick...there were so many moments that I loved!

Of course, every Hunter and Omega hug we got (we got 3 after 3 years, I still can't believe it!), all the Crosshair and Omega moments, Hunter and Crosshair reconciling as well as fighting together to save Omega in the finale, the epilogue...there were so many!

8. What song(s) do you associate with the Bad Batch?

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but I love this one 😊

Here are a couple others that I associate with them! A couple of them, I've even made fan videos with the songs!

40. Favorite scene(s)?

Every single moment of the Bad Batch from CW season 7 all the way to Bad Batch season 3 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I love that most of these songs are ones I reccommended to you ♥️


I’m not holding my breath for a new clone show, but here’s some loose ends that will most likely not be addressed in the finale, regardless of how long it is:

  • CLONE RIGHTS. What happens to the retired clones that weren’t imprisoned or sent to Tantiss? How does Riyo Chuchi plan to keep fighting for the clones in the Senate?
  • Rex’s network and the Clone Underground. How big are they? Who are their contacts in the Empire? Where are their other bases? What was Gregor doing during Infiltration and Extraction?
  • Revealing the existence of the inhibitor chips. How did Kanan know about them? Would Rex and Echo tell Riyo? Would it help or hinder their fight for clone rights?
  • Emerie Karr’s backstory and purpose. Why did the Kaminoans create a female clone with accelerated aging? Why does she have a last name?
  • Senator Singh’s fate. What exactly did Riyo want from him?
  • Phee Genoa and the folks of Pabu. (Vader voice) Where are they? Are they safe? Are they alright?
  • Trace and Rafa Martez. Have they been to their garage lately? Are they helping Rex in other ways?
  • Hera Syndulla. She told Omega they’d meet again. Why would she say that?
  • Omega’s crossbow. Why hasn’t she used it yet?
  • Roland and Isa Durand. Will they really waste Anjelica fucking Huston on three lines?

It's my own opinion but the more I watch the new season of the Bad Batch the more I feel like Tech's death was just cheap.

In a series focused on the Bad Batch, we saw more Rampart and Emerie than Echo . An integral member since the beginning.

So what if killing of Tech was just another quick way to get rid of a character they wouldn't have had time to write a role for? I mean, they barely talk about him and we never get to see anyone's reaction to his death.

It just feels like killing him was a way to get rid of a character easily to focus on others or just to make more drama in the new season.

"Oh Tech isn't here to do that so I guess we're going to have to risk our lives for this things."

"If Tech were here it would be easier but since he's not, guess we're going to have to take the long road !"


Stripping the paint from the armour has me so emotional I can’t lie


When they stripped the paint I nearly cried. That was the paint from the new life they tried to make with Omega, and now it’s gone and I’m actually so sad rn


I'm a liiiiiiiitle bit disappointed about how the writers keep completely skipping over what could be very emotional or tense conversations.

We didn't see Crosshair's reaction to hearing about Tech's death.

When Crosshair finally came face to face with Hunter and Wrecker for the first time in months, it cuts off before anything is said and is left as a bit of a cliff hanger, but the next episode takes place some amount of days later. How awkward was that ride back to Pabu?

We didn't see Hunter's and Wrecker immediate reaction after Omega was taken back to Tantiss, only some amount of hours (?) later when they've clearly already processed it and are trying to come up with a plan.

Why do we just keep glossing over major emotional beats..?


I’m not even a little bit annoyed, I am quite infuriated about it 😃😃😃

If they’re going to skip over important things, make the eps at least 25-30 minutes and not a sad 20 minutes.

Not sure how they’re going to wrap everything up in three episodes and I’m praying for a long ep for the finale but knowing our luck? Huge X to doubt



Hey, are you an artist or writer with WIPs?

Come here... I got a secret for you pssst come ‘ere


waiting in deep suspense

Psst you ready here comes the secret

Here it comes

I am also very curious about this secret

Your time spent enjoying the creative process is infinitely more valuable that any final project you create. So stop putting yourself down for never finishing or posting those WIPs because every moment you spent creating something you loved is a moment not wasted. Your progress and talent is measured by your passion not your number of posts.

This post went from 3k to 7k overnight and that just goes to show how many of you need to hear this so make sure you don’t ever forget it


THEY BLEW UP THE MARAUDER??? nahh this is like losing the razor crest all over again


R.I.P Marauder. You will forever be loved and never replaced ❤️

Ngl this was hard to see. Their home. The memories.

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