
Tiny Nestling

@tinynestling / tinynestling.tumblr.com

A little blog for a little lovie

A Serious Post

To be honest, I haven’t actually been active on Tumblr for a while. I’ve been queuing things and then basically not checking here. Not because I don’t love and appreciate you, but because of... a lot of things. I could talk about them, but there’s really only one reason why I’m typing this out in the first place.

I try not to post about “controversial” things because this is a place where you can look at a cute, loud mango and feel happy about it. But this is just not okay to ignore.

If you don’t know where to start, start here: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/. Start anywhere. Just start. Start educating yourself if you don’t know where to look. It’s okay to be afraid or feel guilty. It’s okay to have to take a break and look at happy things and wholesome things and round birbs. It is not okay to pretend that this isn’t happening.

Stay safe. I love you all. I’ll see you soon for more birb posts, but don’t let yourself forget.


I understand. I have a lizard so I can relate when you say "it's not just a cute thing it takes work to care for." My guy had a respiratory infection and it was one of the hardest experiences I've gone through with him. I hope things get better for you both soon!


Thank you for your well-wishes, though I’m sorry that you have had similar experiences. I hope your lizard is doing better now. Please accept this picture of a sleepy birb.

Anonymous asked:

Wait what's happened to Sammy?? Is she alright???

Hi there. Sammy has been having some issues lately. It’s been tough and often frustrating. She’s okay, but it’s led to constant stress. She was sick and taking medicine for a while. She’s mostly done with those, but things probably won’t be the same. Still, we’re trying. :) Thank you for your concern.


Is Sammy feeling better??


Hi there. Thank you for asking. Really, it means a lot. :)

I’m going to be honest here: It’s still so hard. It’s frustrating and worrying to take care of her. I understand that all of this—caring for her when she’s not well, having to force her beak open for medicine, or even just being patient when she’s being THE MEANEST THING—is part of taking care of a pet. A part that people sometimes forget about.

I’m trying. I promise I’ll keep posting as many cute things as I can, but I think this is a good time to remind everyone that having a bird isn’t just a cute little tumblr thing. It’s a big responsibility, and it causes a lot of stress, especially when birds misbehave or fall ill. Because they’re not as common and they’re so fragile, it’s harder to find proper care for them.

Anyway. That was my rant. I’m sorry for all the text. Thank you for checking in. I hope you’re doing okay, friend. :)


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