
@sd1d-enthusiast / sd1d-enthusiast.tumblr.com

Used to be a kpop blog, but I'm into cdramas and kdramas now

Harmione antis: “Harry and Hermione ending up together would’ve been predictable and boring.”

Also Harmione antis: “I knew what the canon ships were gonna be from the 1st book. Harry and Hermione? They don’t make any sense together”

You see what’s going on here?


Sometimes I really think Colin Bridgerton is hilarious because

Marina: Colin I love you

Colin: Allow me a day

But when it is Pen who says: Colin I love you

The boy, despite being furious, and a myriad of other ugly feelings, is so horned up he very nearly fingerbangs her right there and then on the very public street they are standing on. I just think sometimes Colin and his lack of care for decorum when it comes to Pen is the most entertaining thing


“book colin this, book colin that, book colin would never do this”

book colin had anger issues and tried to physically hurt pen, felt like “killing” her at the day of their engagement because she decided to publish lw again & said worse things about her trying to entrap him into marriage.

& mind you, book colin didn’t suffer even half of what show colin did.

lw in the book wrote nothing about him or eloise, the whole marina plot didn’t exist there.

but we know how much show lw hurt him and his self esteem buy calling out his fake persona (even if it were to be true).

even after all this, the worst thing he said was that pen tried to entrap him (mind you he said it out of anger & regretted it instantly when pen said how much she loved him).

is he not allowed to feel hurt and betrayed after all this or what knowing how much he hated lw?

some of you behave as if you haven’t said mean things to your partners out of anger during a fight lol

even after everything that went down, he never even for a moment considered to give up on her. he married her & even when things were rocky between them, he still reassured her while she walked down the aisle.

slept right outside her bedroom and sulked all day long when he could have got himself another room in that big ass mansion lol

i will never get why colin gets so much hate like??


This season of Bridgerton is exposing how bitter and angry some people really are. Before the season dropped, the cast was all like “yeah, we think this’ll touch a lot of people, it’s super romantic, etc etc” only to be met with an angry swarm of people who are mad the male lead “didn’t suffer enough” before getting with the female lead & instead choosing to root for the guy who straight up tells the female lead he will never love her.

The way some people hate Colin, you’d think he killed Penelope’s family or something. No, literally all he did was make one hurtful comment. And to a large portion of the audience, this was a big enough crime to negate all the years of love and protection he showed Penelope.

A lot of people project their anger onto Colin and it shows. Like girl I’m sorry you got brutally rejected by some guy in the past, but Colin is NOT that guy, and this show is a romantic fantasy. Unclench and enjoy the damn regency show.


People are so so conditioned by idk what for only enemies to lovers, for suffering and drawn out groveling! What Colin said was unkind but we see how much it affects him and how he attempts to make it up to her, and he does genuinely try to help her get a husband, going so far as to practice flirting with her alone in his house which is suchhhhh a reckless thing to do but he does it because he wants to help her. We see him slowly become pained at the idea of his friend marrying someone else, realize he never saw what was right in front of him the whole time, have a romantic and very hot run to catch her carriage after disrupting her with a known suitor in front of the whole ton. Then a very steamy and inappropriate make out in the carriage and a proposal! And there’s more to come! And yet people want to just bash it and say there’s no chemistry, it’s too fast, the actors suck. I’m sorry, we’re getting more steamy hot and romantic moments than Anothony and Kate by this point in the season and yet all people can do is complain and I swear it’s all bc people hate 1 of a few things:

1. That it’s friends to lovers and there’s no true “animosity” there.

2. They haven’t been paying attention to Colin or Penelope’s story since the first season and therefore write off this whole season as bad bc they think it’s rushed but in reality we’ve been playing the long game with them since S1 and all their small moments together.

3. They don’t find either lead attractive in the generic way they found the previous leads attractive (not trying to day it’s about body type but maybe it is/ Colin’s sort of glow up)

4. They cannot for the life of them infer anything from things and rely on the show to tell them exactly what each characters intention is. (I’m looking at the ppl who claim they hate Colin for how he’s acting all flirty and sleeping with women) pls use youre brain cells and understand why on earth he is doing this in the first place.

5. They just wanna hate on something that is innocently being enjoyed by others bc it’s not their favorite one. That’s fine, it’s not your favorite, you don’t have to diss the actors or the creators of the show bc you enjoyed S2 far more, just keep watching that season it’s available to you, let us POLIN enjoyers gab about this season. Thanks.


“Colin didn’t suffer enough.” Yes, he did.

He suffered in season 1 when his family mocked and belittled him for being so open to love and the woman he gave his heart to lied to and manipulated him because of it. He suffered in season 2 when he tried to distract himself and find out who he was in his time of heartbreak and no one in his family cared that he had returned or wanted to hear about his adventures and thought of him as annoying or a bore for talking about them. He suffered in between seasons 2 and 3 when no one in his family answered his letters and the only person who truly cared about and appreciated him just for who he was had seemingly grown tired of him as well. He suffered when he abandoned the person he was and took on a new persona to fit in with the rest of the ton and have people finally take him seriously. He suffered after his best friend kissed him and changed his life along with the axis on which the earth moved and he thought it meant nothing to her. He suffered when he finally realized that what he had been searching for was right in front of him all along only to realize that he had become the architect of his own nightmare and might lose her to someone else because of the very same advice he gave her. He suffered when he couldn’t live up to his father’s memory and find the courage to ask the love of his life if his feelings were reciprocated. He suffered when he thought she would marry a man who didn’t truly love or appreciate her like she deserved. And when he finally got the chance to tell the woman he loved how he felt he refused to suffer anymore. He finally accepted who he was and what he needed and literally chased after what he wanted more than anything in this world just for the chance to make his true feelings known.


i removed the song from the carriage scene because that song choice was AWFUL and was totally ruining the vibe. I think it's better like this imo. the music is supposed to enhance, not distract!


I hope watching Polin season helps heal the trauma some people have been carrying around over a preteen boy making fun of them in 7th grade because some of these attacks on Colin can not possibly be about the character from the show.


Whenever i see the unhinged Kanthony fans (not to be confused with the sane ones) talk about "it's PR, Nicola and Luke are doing PR and i hate them for it", i actually have a good laugh. What in the actual damaged drugs are these people on? Actors are doing PR? No shite Sherlock. It's PR, it's glorious PR because they are actual good friends and have insane good chemistry. And it's working like a charm. So many people that have not seen the other seasons are tuning in, praising them and commenting on their chemistry and good personalities. And the big majority who has seen it are just as excited, if not more. And they are actually putting book things on the episodes...opss.... The best one is that they live in a bubble and they actually think Polin is not a popular ship. Creatures, check the fangroups and the sizes of it, the numbers on their videos, trailers, interviews, how much they attract on their videos even with no series out yet that focus on them. And most of all the audience. I honestly think these teens who live on twitter don't talk much with other women outside their own timeline. People have been rooting and hoping for Penelope to have her happy ending with Colin. But if you do have to cry about it, do me a favor: Take pictures and send it to me. It warms my heart.

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