
Scarlet Scarves Zines

@scarletscarveszines / scarletscarveszines.tumblr.com

Scarlet Scarves Zines produces quality zines for a variety of fandoms. Our upcoming project is Color Cafe, a for-profit SFW physical and digital coloring book Deltarune fanzine.

That's all, folks!

Color Cafe has now concluded! All shipments have been received and leftover items will be sent to UCSF Benioff's Children Hospital for pediatric patients to enjoy!

Thank you for all your support and keep an eye on our page for future projects! 💖


The Strongest Card...Is Friendship?!

It was just an old deck of playing cards, the kind Susie carried around whenever she was bored or hungry. She hadn’t even known she’d brought it to the Dark World. But here it was, packed into a tattered-looking tuck box on the ground that Lancer eagerly picked up.

“Is this pocky? I like pocky! But I can’t have any before dinner.” He poked at the box opening, giggling. “Can I have one?”

Fandom: Deltarune Characters: Susie, Lancer, Ralsei Rating: G Word Count: 2568 Mirror Link: AO3 Notes: Happy to finally share my fic I wrote for the Color Cafe Deltarune zine arranged by @scarletscarveszines! Thank you again for letting me participate alongside so many other great artists and writers. I've also included an extra scene in here that I originally couldn't fit into zine, so think of it as some extra flavor for it.


On one of her birthdays, Susie was given a set of playing cards.

They were the kind with the numbers on both the top and bottom, with weird shapes she didn’t learn the names of yet. They hadn’t even been new, the box they were in frayed from the card flap opening.

“Is this even for kids?” she had asked. 

“You just break everything you touch,” someone said. She didn’t know who. Didn’t matter anyway. “Even you can handle these.”

Years later, during recess, once she did learn the stupid names of those symbols or whatever, she’d try her hand at them. Leaning against the brick wall in a shadowy corner (it just happened to look that way), she’d pull them from jean pocket. Her claws would scrape against the surface, sometimes obliterating an entire number, or drawing a jagged line through a heart. 

Just cut the cards, shuffle them, maybe play a little Go Fish by herself – which was all kinds of stupid to begin with. When that didn’t work, she tried guessing what would come next when she’d pull a card from the top of the deck, and would always get it wrong. Not like there was any reason to get it right anyway, but it still kind of pissed her off.

She guessed 4 of clubs, she got 8 of spades instead. She guessed 7 of hearts, she got the joker card. Didn’t she pull that out of the deck??

Anonymous asked:

will you guys be doing anymore deltarune/undertale zines?

We're not sure if we'll be doing another zine. We might do a big bang, but we're still planning things out. Once we have an idea of what we'd like to do next, we'll post an update here!

Thank you so much!

Anonymous asked:

I have a question about the sales. You said the store will close when the sales end, then what will happen for physical items that didn't get sold out?

Some merch artists will receive their merch items in the mail. Scarlet Scarves Zines will be donating the few leftover zines we had and any merch items that merch artists did not want sent to them. We intend to make these donations to a local underserved school.

Thank you for your question!


25% Off Color Cafe Fanzine

  • Noelle clicked on a link for Hot Female Santas In Your Area!

❄️ SALE DECEMBER 21 - 28 ❄️ Use promo code SUSIECLAWS on Big Cartel for 25% off your order (excluding shipping & handling fees).

Our physical stock is low so order early! 🎅 You can buy a copy here: https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com

Note: Packages are not guaranteed to arrive before Christmas or any other holiday/specific date

Our sale was extended for a final time to December 29 (PT)! Use promo code SUSIECLAWS for 25% off total order (excluding shipping & handling fees). We have also provided an additional discount on our pencil pouches!

Our store closes when the sale ends, so if you're hoping to get a copy, this is your final chance! 💖

Only 4.5 hours remain! We only have one more full bundle left and a couple of the partial bundles! Check it out before we close sales forever!

Less than an hour left to get your copy of the Deltarune Coloring Book zine! Buy now before it's too late!

We only have one more full bundle left and a couple of the partial bundles! 💖


25% Off Color Cafe Fanzine

  • Noelle clicked on a link for Hot Female Santas In Your Area!

❄️ SALE DECEMBER 21 - 28 ❄️ Use promo code SUSIECLAWS on Big Cartel for 25% off your order (excluding shipping & handling fees).

Our physical stock is low so order early! 🎅 You can buy a copy here: https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com

Note: Packages are not guaranteed to arrive before Christmas or any other holiday/specific date

Our sale was extended for a final time to December 29 (PT)! Use promo code SUSIECLAWS for 25% off total order (excluding shipping & handling fees). We have also provided an additional discount on our pencil pouches!

Our store closes when the sale ends, so if you're hoping to get a copy, this is your final chance! 💖

Only 4.5 hours remain! We only have one more full bundle left and a couple of the partial bundles! Check it out before we close sales forever!


25% Off Color Cafe Fanzine

  • Noelle clicked on a link for Hot Female Santas In Your Area!

❄️ SALE DECEMBER 21 - 28 ❄️ Use promo code SUSIECLAWS on Big Cartel for 25% off your order (excluding shipping & handling fees).

Our physical stock is low so order early! 🎅 You can buy a copy here: https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com

Note: Packages are not guaranteed to arrive before Christmas or any other holiday/specific date

Our sale was extended for a final time to December 29 (PT)! Use promo code SUSIECLAWS for 25% off total order (excluding shipping & handling fees). We have also provided an additional discount on our pencil pouches!

Our store closes when the sale ends, so if you're hoping to get a copy, this is your final chance! 💖

16 hours until our store closes, grab your copy of the zine before it's too late!


25% Off Color Cafe Fanzine

  • Noelle clicked on a link for Hot Female Santas In Your Area!

❄️ SALE DECEMBER 21 - 28 ❄️ Use promo code SUSIECLAWS on Big Cartel for 25% off your order (excluding shipping & handling fees).

Our physical stock is low so order early! 🎅 You can buy a copy here: https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com

Note: Packages are not guaranteed to arrive before Christmas or any other holiday/specific date

Our sale was extended for a final time to December 29 (PT)! Use promo code SUSIECLAWS for 25% off total order (excluding shipping & handling fees). We have also provided an additional discount on our pencil pouches!

Our store closes when the sale ends, so if you're hoping to get a copy, this is your final chance! 💖


25% Off Color Cafe Fanzine

  • Noelle clicked on a link for Hot Female Santas In Your Area!

❄️ SALE DECEMBER 21 - 28 ❄️ Use promo code SUSIECLAWS on Big Cartel for 25% off your order (excluding shipping & handling fees).

Our physical stock is low so order early! 🎅 You can buy a copy here: https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com

Note: Packages are not guaranteed to arrive before Christmas or any other holiday/specific date

Anonymous asked:

Not to be rude but isnt it a bit soon to be doing leftover sales?

My order hasnt arrived yet, and if you start selling all the leftovers now what happens if my order (or other orders) ends up lost/damaged in the post? We won't be able to have them replaced. I want everyone to have a chance to buy one of course, but please don't sell all of them just in case someone needs a replacement! Youve probably already thought of this though, but I figured I would bring it up just in case!

Hi! Thanks for your question.

We have set aside enough items in the event that we need to replace any of the few outstanding orders.

If you have any questions about your specific order, please feel free to contact us either in DMs or email at ScarletScarvesZines AT gmail DOT com (please replace with punctuation; it is written this way so bots don't scrub the address).

We hope that addresses your concern!


Color Cafe Leftover Sales Open!

Sweet! Time to sell this scrap! 📔🤖📦

Miss out on preоrders? Now is your chance to buy a copy of Color Cafe Deltarune Coloring Book Fanzine and the merch!

Items are limited, and some will only be sold via the full bundle. Order at https://scarletscarveszines.bigcartel.com! 💖

Options include our Swatch Bundle (paper merch only), [[ BIG DEAL ]] Bundle (includes some non-paper items), Zine Only, Digital options, & select individual merch items!

You can also add a Swatchling pencil pouch for your art supplies!

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