
we post art here, i guess

@roenais / roenais.tumblr.com

art blog art bog

robin / they + them

  • feel free to use my art in icons, edits, etc, with credit.
  • i'm totally ok with my posts being tagged with kin etc.
  • askbox is always open for requests but i may not get around to them if it doesnt inspire me.
  • pls dont tag my posts with "reblogs help the artist" or "why doesn't this have more reblogs" type statements. i don't really look at my like/reblog ratio and being reminded of it just feels bad man.


#art for art only

#txt for non-art posts


Anonymous asked:

Hi! Just out of curiosity, do you think you'll ever open commissions again sometime soon? I love your art so much and I'm especially interested in the Live2d stuff (though I'd expect prices for that would increase- which is fair and like I said, what I would expect! Your work is amazing.) If not than no worries of course, but just wondering if you'd have an estimate?

hi! currently im a little busy with university and i want to restructure my comms a little, but it makes me happy to hear that someone is interested :) i imagine ill probably get them open again in a month or so? maybe less if it turns out this final assignment is less intense than what im expecting.


crawls out of the gutter. I've been wanting to try my hand at making fan merch (charms, posters, stickers etc) because it looks fun to design, but because im mostly a hermitcraft & life series & empires fan im worried it's like. stepping on their toes? what do y'all think. is it fine because those mcyts mostly sell clothes and plushies so im not like. stealing their market? should i only charge enough to cover production and shipping so im not profiting off someone else's brand?? or just like. yolo go for it it's my art i can do what i want. girl help.


Did you ever come up with a proper tag for your skulk apocalypse au? The tag under that name only has ~4ish posts, not sure if you just never posted more or made a different tag


i never really made much else on main! i saw other people expanding on a similar concept and didn't want to beat the dead horse sgsbdj. plus i just haven't been drawing much in general, but that au still sits fondly in the back of my mind.

Anonymous asked:

HELLO i must know what animation software you use to make it look so smooth! Love the art and animation, I think it's all super good and that you're really creative :D

most of my animation is done in animeeffects! i find it v intuitive and its freeware which is always a bonus.

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