
tiny, gay, & here to stay

@cheesekneesandbees / cheesekneesandbees.tumblr.com

Arthur•they/them queer•bi/polyam

“It’s not automatically funny to make an innocent cute character evil/rude/innapropriate” really only applies if you’re being edgy and saying Mario commits violent murder and abuses his brother.

However, drawing Isabelle in a shirt that says “shut the fuck,” saying Yoshi commits tax evasion, and Kirby in the street at night holding a knife outside your house… are all really fucking funny and in those cases, it’s really not deep or worth getting mad about.


The difference comes from a sense of non-sequitur. With the first type of humor, there’s a “logical” negative connection of pessimism where people see a link between two events and automatically assume the worst. Like “Oh Mario’s powerup is a mushroom? That must mean he does the drugs. Peach keeps getting kidnapped? She must be doin THE SEX with Bowser!! Pokemon are like animals? The game is DOGFIGHTING!!!” And so on. It’s not really as funny for us because the connections made are just so cynical.

The stuff like Isabelle wearing a shirt saying “Shut the FUCK up. Biiiiiiitch!” Or Yoshi committing Tax Fraud or Kirby menacingly standing outside with a knife is funny because there isn’t a connection outside of “character is cute and their actions are not” and the extreme disonnance outside of reason between the two is so strong that it’s funny based on that non-sequitur alone. Rather than “Oh its funny because one could theorize Mario has a drug addiction” it becomes more “lol it’s Spyro but with a GUN!!” It becomes more of “haha Isabelle wear a funny shirt” and less “This character is being mean because of what has happened to her, likely due to your own actions”. It also helps that most of the “edgy” humor is stuff like drugs, alcohol, sex, and abuse while the non-sequitur are meant to be more outlandish (ironically, tax fraud is more outlandish due to context)

Anyway I know OP said it wasn’t deep but too bad my over-analyzing ass had to show up

This is actually the only good analysis of this post and puts it in more thought than I could. And also the only good comment on this post. Good shit.

Anonymous asked:

ok but unironically: on paw patrol, there's a 'recycling dog' who I think is just a bin man, and it's the only dog described as a 'mongrel'. this dog also apparently does not bathe, which is a running gag. paw patrol denigrates the working class, especially those that fulfil important but undesirable jobs

Oh cool we love classist indoctrination




hi big heads up ben and jerry’s is recalling a couple of their ice cream flavors because they forgot to list that there were nuts in them… this can be deadly for people so please help spread it

Article from 17 April 2019

Affected Chunky Monkey pints have a consumer UPC number of 076840100354. The products have “best by” dates of AUG2820BH2, AUG2920BH2 or AUG3020BH2.
The affected Ben & Jerry’s Coconut Seven Layer Bar is sold in a tub containing 2.4 gallons and has a consumer UPC of 076840104246. Impacted products have a “best by” date of SEP1520BJ4.
The issue occurred due to an error with one of Ben & Jerry’s nut suppliers and has been resolved, the release says. The problem was discovered during the production of the products.

not to be That Guy but nobody cried this much when brazils national museum burned down in september, just goes to show how much people favor white history!!!

to be fair, i didn’t hear squat about this. i would have been just as unhappy about that event as this

and theres a reason you didnt hear squat about it!

because people favor white history!

notre dame got immediate coverage and attention, even though notre dame will be okay. even though the art has been saved and spared, even though it has happened before and will happen again

when the national museum of brazil burned in september, there was hardly any coverage. even though the majority of what had taken hundreds of years to collect had burned. even though the national museum of brazil was home to art from pompeii and egypt as well.

am i saying that what has been burned and demolished at notre dame isnt devastating? no. absolutely not.

but its real fucking telling what people care about when MULTIPLE people now have responded saying they hadnt even HEARD of brazils national museum burning lol

Y'all… The Museu Nacional (National Museum) held the largest collection in LATIN AMERICA.

The fire destroyed over 20 million relics. You read that right. 20 MILLION. Dinosaur fossils, mummies, and indigenous artefacts. More than 90% of the items the museum held were destroyed.

Notre Dame can still be repaired. It was already renovated 2 centuries ago. Notre Dame can be rebuilt. The historical items the Museu Nacional held CANNOT be replaced. The museum was absolutely DESTROYED.

The Declaration of Independence of my country was signed at this very museum. Throughout the fire, museum employees ran inside to rescue as many items as they could.

A lot of Latin America’s history fully VANISHED in this fire. This was a huge hit for us. Y'all care so much about white history and are freaking out over Notre Dame, when an event that destroyed much more history got no attention whatsoever from the international community.

I rest my case.


It’s okay to be sad about Notre Dame, but we can’t place it above similar and more devastating events such as this.

Anonymous asked:

Could you describe a sliding scale of feral scientists from most to least feral.

if you held a gun to my head and asked me to name a single scientist right now as i sit here in my bathroom drifting off into space i would just make right with god


tired interpretation: complaining about your wife being opinionated

wired interpretation: bragging about how smart your wife is

Jerry Seinfeld vs John Mulaney death battle


Wow, alright, I’m in a place in my head where I hadn’t even CONSIDERED that 1st one, the tired interpretation. I straight-up only thought it was a lovely mug about how awesome their wife is, and I’m just so happy about that :)


we’re gonna have to start eatin hard cheese and cured salted meats again to try to dodge badly inspected food like just go ahead and give me a set of leather armor and send me on a quest if you’re so set on returning us to darker times


Mental Crop Rotation

When farmers grow the same crop too many years in a row, it can leave their soil depleted of minerals and other nutrients that are vital to the health of their fields.

To avoid this, farmers will often alternate the crops that they grow because some plants will use up different minerals (such as nitrogen) while other plants replenish those minerals. This process is known as “crop rotation.”

So the next time you find that you need to step away from a project to work on something else for a while, don’t beat yourself up for “quitting” that project. Give yourself permission to practice “mental crop rotation” to maintain a healthy brain field.

Because I’ve found that when that unnecessary guilt and pressure are removed from the process, a good mental crop rotation can help you feel more energized and invigorated than ever once you’re ready to rotate back to that project.

: A crucial part of crop rotation is that the field is let fallow sometimes. You plant what’s called a “cover crop”, which is something you don’t expect to harvest– it’s there for its roots to hold the soil in place, and often it’ll be what’s called a nitrogen-fixer, i.e. a plant that can pull nitrogen out of the air and fix it into the soil with its roots (but sometimes it won’t, sometimes it’s really just there to shelter the soil surface), and then you’ll till in that cover crop, or let the frost kill it and the stalks lie as mulch, and then you’ll rotate productive crops back into that field the next season. 

It’s important, though, to understand that during the fallow period, no nutrients are removed from that ground, and nothing is expected of it. Whatever the land grows then, it keeps, and it gets tilled back in or decomposes in place, to return its energy to the earth.

We’re not allowed, in our current society, to just let our minds be fallow for a bit, to produce nothing for export, to make nothing that can be sold. But it’s part of good land stewardship, to give every field time when it doesn’t need to give you anything back. 

So yes, grow and produce different things from time to time, rotate them around your mind and exercise different mental muscles, take different things from your creative processes, yes– but also, give yourself a fallow spell now and again, and let the field of your mind grow things for itself to keep, to break down and save for later. 


i hope the younger lgbt+ youth (12-16) on here knows that it’s okay to play with identities. it’s okay to try out a label for a month, decided it’s not for you, and then pick up another one. you aren’t “betraying your community”, you’re figuring yourself out at an age that- you know- you figure yourself out in! do what works for you. if you don’t like labels, ditch them! if a label resonates with you deeply, try playing around with it! it’s normal. don’t be afraid.

I wish this was something I was told as a kid, and even as an adult.


this is so funny


this is like. all media 

why is Donald Glover just chilling there he’s not even in his Lando costume does Disney own Childish Gambino

this SUCKS

when did disney buy the st. louis cardinals


If you want a handy infographic explaining every company disney owns, check this out





A modern-day trust.

This is the shit Elizabeth Warren is talking about breaking up. It needs to happen, and fast.


For anyone who would defend this by saying it’s capitalism: this is not capitalism.

Capitalism relies upon competition within the free market in order to function as intended; when one large company controls this much, there is no competition and no free market. This is corporate oligarchy, and it’s testament to an exceptional amount of propaganda that capitalists have come to believe it’s still capitalism.

Corporate oligarchy is a natural outcome of capitalism. This is why capitalism is broken, and bad.


Anti-trust laws. We need them back. For the good of every single industry in the US, show me a business that has not been affected by the monopolization of too-large companies and of course too-large banks

I always thought mega corporations would have names that were more 80s like idk GenCorp or some shit but turns out it’s Disney, Amazon and Google

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