

@teenwolfsoulmateszine / teenwolfsoulmateszine.tumblr.com

A Teen Wolf soulmates zine! FAQ - Guidelines - Schedule

Hello! How's the bestiary coming? I want this zine so bad lol


Hi there @bipizzapringle ! We're so happy to hear you're excited for the zine! <3

The beastiary is with our printer right now, we've had to make some adjustments regarding the page scaling, so that took a bit of time, but once we get confirmation back from the printer that the pages are scaled correctly, it should only take a week or so for the booklets to arrive!! <3

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I hope you are doing okay. Just wanted to know if there was any updates on how things are going?

Hi there! As per our most recent post, we've received the stickers and keychains now, but are still waiting on the rest of our merch to arrive

Everything except for the stretch goal booklets has been shipped and we expect it to arrive within another 1-2 weeks! After that it'll just be a waiting game for the booklets to arrive, and then we can finally ship!! <3

It won't be much longer now Anon :)

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

Hey! It might be too early to ask, but I will anyways just in case! For leftover sales, will there be full bundles for sale?

Hey there Anon! Not too early at all! Yes full bundles will be for sale! :)

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

I sent a message a little while ago & never got a reply. I moved recently due to my job since I ordered. How can I make sure that I get my order to the proper address?

Oh I'm sorry, we never received anything Anon! You can message us here or send us an email with your order number and your new address, we'll be happy to change it for you! :)

~Mod Asagi


Surprise surprise Soulmates, look what’s here!!!!

Our zines have arrived!!!!!

They are absolutely GORGEOUS and we’re so excited to share them with you! <3 With the rest of our merch already underway and our beastiaries being prepared to be ordered, we’ll be able to start shipping before you know it, so stay tuned for that exciting update everyone! <3


Our books have been ordered!!

A short but very big update for you soulmates!

Our books have been ordered!!!

This means that all that’s left for us to order will be our booklets, and those will be along very soon! <3

Our merch is also all currently in production, so please be on the look out for our photo posts once it all arrives! :D


Hello! I am so stoked about this zine, any updates on shipping times and all that? :D


Thank you @puppystiles ! We’re so thrilled that you’re excited! <3

As for updates, you’ll be happy to know that our merchandise is all at the printers, we’re currently getting the digital proofs of each product on a near daily basis and are approving them as quickly as we can

Our book is also complete!! We’re just getting the spine done and then we’ll be sending it off to the printers as well, so please be expecting an update on that very soon! :)

Finally, our beastiary is nearly complete! We’ll be placing our orders for that very soon and it should be on track to come in not far behind the rest of our orders <3

We should start getting our merchandise in soon, so please keep an eye out for updates!! <3

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I was wondering if there was an update on production and if things would be mailed out. Please and thank you

Hey there Anon!

You’ll be delighted to know that all of our merch has been ordered! We’re only waiting on it to arrive and for the PDFs of the main book and beastiary to be finished :) The main book is in it’s final stages, we’re currently passing it through it’s last round of edits, and then we’ll be able to order! :D

As for when it’ll be mailed out, I’m afraid I don’t have an ETA on that at the moment, as there are alot of different factors in play (IE: production time, shipping time, getting all of our components together, etc) but things are moving along very steadily so we’re hoping that it’ll be quite soon! :D

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Could we ask for an update about the magazine production? Thank you!

Yes certainly! I was just about to make a post actually :) Half of our merch was ordered last night!! Our remaining items will be ordered soon :) And our PDF has had the first draft completed! It’s going through a reworking right now, but the remainder of the development process should go much more quickly now that the initial assembly is done :)

~Mod Asagi


Hello! I was wondering if there was an estimated delivery date for the zines? (And is there a different delivery date for PDF orders vs physicals?) Side note: thanks for putting this zine together! I'm excited to see it.


Hi there @endlesstalesofwonder ! We don’t have an ETA at the moment, in part due to the continued complications in the world, our manufacturers may get delayed at any moment, so could our shipments, so we don’t want to make any guesstimations and then have them end up being off the mark due to something like that

That being said, we’re getting ready to place our first merch order very soon, and we’re currently on the first draft of our PDF! <3 We’ll keep everyone updated as much as possible and certainly once orders start being placed, thanks for being patient with us!

~Mod Asagi

Anonymous asked:

Hi, a few weeks ago I bought one of the packs but I only received an email from paypal saying that I had made the purchase, I should have received an email from you?

Ah, yes you definitely should have received an email from us, we actually did have this problem twice before with Bigcartel on a different zine, in one case the order did go through but in one case it didn’t, so if you could pretty please send us your name so we can check to see if we have an order from you? Thanks!

~Mod Asagi

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