

@stegolibrium / stegolibrium.tumblr.com

Yo. My name's Katie, and this here is just a simple place for me to put whatever I feel like. It's mostly trash.
Icon credit goes to padalickingood. Thanks for making such a cute Ray!
Current obsessions are typically listed in the extra links on the right and are subject to change.

Have lowkey been talking about how I started writing a Berseria fic over a year ago.  I’m still barely even into it, but I’ve consistently been writing when I’ve had the spare time, and even though it was last summer when I first played Berseria, I’m still highkey hyperfocusing on it, which is pretty impressive since I usually jump to the next New Thing when I run out of fandom to consume.  And Bersy’s fandom is...not very big, comparatively speaking.  Especially the Eiroku content, it’s weirdly nonexistent over here in the West.  How?  The game gives us so much to work with for them (for the whole party, really), and yet it’s such a rarepair?  Bless Japan for throwing me a bone every now and then.  I need a second shelf for my doujin now.

Anyway, I have a lot of anxiety writing this thing, since it’s been a long time since I sat down to write anything and this is the most effort I’ve put into a project like this since like, high school. :’D But I’m going to try to make some headway on it for Nano, so that’s probably when I’ll don my brave boye pants and throw what I have written on ao3.

The only problem is. It still doesn’t have a title.




I mean.
Cartoon design is based off of 70s/80s fashion
So, it’s not wrong.
It’s rather likely

I’d like to add dickey collars for consideration.


I can picture him having an entire drawer devoted to an assortment of these, right next to his drawer full of ascots.

May I present this image from Legend of the Vampire?


what is the FUCKING truth


He has multiple outfits that all look identical while having completely different construction


so we moved into a new house over the weekend and while i think i’m going to like it a lot once we get everything put away and settled, we have the Most Cursed bathroom

first of all there’s a step leading into it but the door closes before it so you open it and surprise step. very easy to trip

it’s fucking carpeted. like. around the sink is not carpeted but the carpeting goes right up to and behind the toilet. what do you do if the toilet floods

there’s ... this. baby changing station i guess? weird counter

big window with no way of putting curtains on it

four places to hang towels even though there’s no shower in this bathroom

there’s also a hallway leading to this bathroom but it’s the only thing that the hallway leads to

in conclusion:


why wants to see MURDER SHED

doesn’t seem too bad from the outside right? cute little yellow shed



of course, lit by a single naked bulb

if i ever stop posting here it’s because the thing that always tries to open the door from the inside of the murder shed finally escaped and killed me

this got a note and it reminded me so here’s a fun update on the house so far: 

murder shed 

the doors to the murder shed would be open every morning when i got up, no matter how early i got up, without fail. the doors are both latched and bolted. they would always open in the middle of the night. one day this just STOPPED happening and i have not been in there since. it hasn’t opened in like two weeks. we’ve had severe storms and sudden fluctuations in temperature. they have remained closed

cursed bathroom 

  • the door has slats in it. like you can hear through the door and look through it if youre looking at the right angle 
  • the toilet is not stable. like it leans if you move and jiggles. im worried one day its just going to tip over and spill all over the carpet 
  • the faucet handle is broken. you can turn it on fine but it just comes off if you try to turn the water off. you have to jam it back on, hold the handle into the base, and force it down 
  • the toilet has the slowest flush i’ve ever witnessed. every single time i think its either not going to flush or its going to back up. like flushing this toilet is a prolonged experience 


  • there are multiple entrances to every room but only one lightswitch in each and its never by the door it should be. my roommate’s light switch is like in the middle of the wall 
  • i think my ceiling fan is a ghost fan? (rotom??) like no matter what speed you have it on, even if its moving very quickly, it produces no change in air current whatsoever. you can hear the blades whooshing but absolutely cannot feel any sort of breeze no matter where you’re standing in the room 
  • the basement has a bathroom, with a completely non-enclosed shower (its just a showerhead on the wall in the corner) and theres no drain its just a six inch hole in the floor. like going into dirt. there’s a garden hose going down into the hole and i dont know what its for
  • there is a large dark stain in the middle of the carpet in one room (small person sized)
  • when we came to tour the house the only things in it were a broken dollhouse and several stacks of childrens books written in hebrew (there are only 5,000 jews in all of iowa (0.2% of the population) and i am one of those people) 

i will add on as i discover more cursed things about my house 

so i finally worked up the chutzpah to go down and take pictures of the basement bathroom (thank you @iseedeadsneeeple for going down with me even though i walked in all the spider webs first)

i revoke the original post that said that was the most cursed bathroom. it is truly the basement bathroom that holds that title. Cursed indeed

starting you off with the easy pic because you need time to mentally prepare yourself

rest here, traveler. the journey ahead is treacherous

okay, i warned you

here’s the shower. just like. on the wall. no sort of enclosed space whatsoever

don’t worry about drainage you got this sick ass hole in the floor with the basement hose. you know, the basement hose, found in every standard basement?

the toilet, conveniently situated right next to the fuse box so you won’t be scared if the power goes out when you’re pooping!

but ALAS. what’s this?

oh yeah, it’s just that dark space under the stairs that’s right behind the toilet half wall. but don’t worry - if you’re concerned about someone watching you while you’re on the toilet, there’s some blinds you can pull down!

anyway can someone tell me WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS HOUSE

Did you perhaps buy the house from this man?:

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