
in undertow.

@narakussy / narakussy.tumblr.com

zin. 32. queer. gender? i hardly know her. (they/he/it). my absurd love of cats, tendency to cry over fictional characters and vehemence to help upended bugs says a lot about me. minors please dni.

this is fetish content masquerading as silly content.

Idk about anyone else here but personally...yeah? Thats why I reblogged it? I was extremely aware when that the extremely attractive man crushing fruit with his bulging muscles and getting extremely messy and wet in his slutty tanktop and workout shorts was meant to be sexual. I reblogged it because it was horny.


One time this man approached me in a bar talking in Spanish. So I assumed he was Spanish and we started speaking, we had a whole ass conversation and at some point he was like. So what part of Spain are you from? And I said well I’m Italian actually. What part of Spain are you from? And he was like. I’m Greek.


One time I was in Argentina and I was so tired of trying to speak Spanish because I’m not very good at it lmao so I broke into exasperated English and the retail seller girl quickly understood me and engaged me in conversation. We talked for a while, she introduced me to a makeup brand, and then I decided to buy it. While she was packaging the purchase, she asked me if I were from the US or perhaps the UK and I just said “oh no I’m Brazilian hahah” and she looked me straight in the eyes and said, in clear Portuguese, “I’m Brazilian too”

When my dad went to China on a work trip, his Mandarin speaking wasn’t great but his listening was fine (his first language is Cantonese) and he encountered a German guy who had moved to China to work. My dad knew how to speak German because he studied it in university (but wasn’t great when it came to listening to new vocab he hadn’t studied before), and the German guy knew Mandarin because he lived and worked in China, so they had a conversation where my dad spoke to the German guy in German and the guy responded in Mandarin. I’m sure it confused a lot of their coworkers who just saw the Asian guy speaking German and the white guy speaking Mandarin.

Some years ago, I worked for a manufacturing company that had a service depot in China.  One of the engineers from the main office here in the US spent most of his time at the depot.  The problem was that he didn’t speak *any* of the various Chinese languages, and no one at the depot spoke any English. They all, however, spoke Spanish.


I love the world


I was working at a fast food restaurant and a very lost Sikh man showed up in a turban. He was a bit overwhelmed by the food choices.

One of the ladies from the kitchen nudged me away from the cash “I got this”, and another lady quickly took over at the grill. Lady at the cash was… Tamil? Maybe? The lady at the grill was Nepalese. They chatted with the Sikh man, told him what food options met his dietary/religious constraints, and reassured him that the food was made properly. He left feeling happy and welcome in my city.

After he left they told me that they were all speaking Hindi, which was a second/third language for all of them.

We should have this everywhere forever


listen, if you want to be with someone that has ADHD and doesn’t / can’t take medicine for it, you have to understand that we just forget. Yes, we know you had us write it down and put it somewhere obvious, we still forgot. Yes, you just said it 10 times, we still forgot. Yes, you literally, to our face, seconds before, told us in detail, we turned around and forgot immediately. we forget, everything, immediately, most of the time.

Honestly this is still true for most ADHDers who DO takes meds, just maybe slightly less so or less of the time.


“How to make cats and dogs happy at the same time”


this is great, because as far as i know, one of the reasons cats like to knock things off counters is because it gets a large reaction from us. they don’t realize that it’s an unhappy reaction - they’ve just discovered that they can exert a unique kind of agency over their world.

imagine if you walked into a room and there was a button on the wall. you’d want to press it and see what happened. if it did something like make a beep or change the lights, most people will immediately press it again in response, testing out whether it happens again, or what the pattern is.

so the cat is like, huh, wonder what happens if i do this - and then it gets a Big Reaction! it is having a major impact on its environment! cool! wonder if it happens every time? OH IT DOES! this is fun!

and then the dog is getting treats, which dogs hella like. double enrichment! A+ video.

And this also gives humans animal tv.

I love how the cat watches the dog gobble down almost a whole fistful of the shit the cat is dropping on the floor before the cat goes ‘hang on, maybe this is edible’

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