@gasclerk-blog /

ernest reilly priv. sel. an original character.

why are people so against negative character development? characters don’t need to improve and become better people they can get worse and make mistakes and end up in a worse state than when they began and it’s just as interesting and entertaining as characters developing positively


forgive me for sending another but i wanted to make a separate one for nessa AKA glaciesque & psychiatricks because even though i'm a shy little butt, she continues to speak to me, & i'm beginning to grow out of my shell more & more & it feels super easy to talk to her! SHE IS SO FUNNY! She is so creative! her CHARACTERS ARE SAD BUTTS THAT I LOVE. & she makes amazing graphics

  @glaciesque  &   @psychiatricks

ajay (nxrestfxrthewicked) is one of my most valued & closest rp partner/friends & i wouldn't know what to do without him. even when we're not plotting/writing/etc i enjoy talking to him, i'm a terrible bean cause i sometimes make him worry ;-; cause sadness & mental health issues but he's there for me & that means a lot to me. so i'm sorry

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