
Peacchy Bee

@peacchhybee / peacchhybee.tumblr.com

Bee 21 I don't know wtf I'm doing with my life

bare; a skintone pack

there’s so many creators out there who make such beautiful cc skintones, but i’ve wanted to make my own so i gave it a try! this took me 2 months because i had zero idea and had to take multiple breaks from the frustration ;-; i was wrapping them up when ea announced they were fixing their skintones but people still wanted them dfkjghf anyway, here they are! if there are any inconsistencies with the swatches, just know that i tried my best (。╯︵╰。)
  • nondefault skintones (does not replace ea skintones)
  • 4 undertones: neutral, cool, warm, olive
  • 25 swatches per undertone, 100 swatches total
  • has normal / tanned / burned states
  • enabled for aliens, vampires, mermaids, spellcasters

//more details, preview, & download under the cut!

Source: lamatisse

Let’s Talk MCCC, Systemic Racism, and How People Of Color Are Excluded From Communities

You might have seen some posts today about MCCC’s Discord and how they allow posts from racists or participating in racism, but threathen or ban people for talking about racism and delete their messages. If not, check the post here and the reblog here. I’m here to shed some light on the situation, and showcase different times I’ve seen discussion on racism shut down, and racists go without warning.


Let’s Talk About The MCCC Discord and Sexual Harassment by Support Team Members

In the wake of yesterday and some productive conversations I had with members of the team, I had hoped maybe there was a way to move forward, and held out hope that positive change could come from the MCCC Discord’s team. Unfortunately, what I learned this afternoon has made me realize that’s not possible. I do not think it is safe to be in the MCCC Discord. This is largely due to this user, and the team’s reaction to their actions:


I’ve learned that this member sexually harassed at least two members of the server. When reported, not only was this user defended by EG and other members of the team, but EG also insulted the worth of those reporting it. They sent messages in sexual nature and NSFW game scenes using Wicked Whims to users they did not know well, and didn’t even know the age of.

The victims have tried to come forward in the past, but were not heard. This is my attempt to help them be heard, and to warn off others.


TS4 Default Eyes Fixer

Created for: The Sims 4 by  CmarNYC

This is a very simple tool to fix default replacement eyes that were broken by the June 3 patch. Tested with human eyes only. To use, extract TS4DefaultEyesFixer_1_0_0_0.exe from the zip and run it. Select your default replacement eyes package. When the tool is finished save as a new package. Replace the original package with the new one in your Mods folder. Notes: - This is very quick and dirty, so please consider it to be beta-ish and report problems. - Please save as a new package and keep the original just in case. - Not yet tested on alien or animal eyes. - Windows only, sorry. Technical: With the new patch the EA eye and makeup RLE2 textures are now empty and there’s another resource (type 0x2BC04EDF) with the same instance number that afaik is a new type. CASPs that link to textures seem to be looking for the new resource type first and using an RLE2 only if it doesn’t find one. Default replacements that link to the EA texture TGIs are overridden by the 0x2BC04EDF resource with the same instance. The fix is to link to a texture with a new, custom TGI. That’s my guess, anyway, I could easily be wrong.


MAC Cosmetics Hider

Created for: The Sims 4 by Gabby2805

Animal Cruelty is a passion of mine. Since MAC Cosmetics are tested on animals, I was disgusted that the Sims have collaborated with this company. I hate that these ugly additions have been made in a compulsory update so I had to see an animal cruelty promotion in my game. I couldn’t stand this so I decided to make this mod. This mod simply hides the 12 new MAC makeup options from CAS, and should also stop it from showing on randomised CAS sims as well as newly spawned Townies. However, if a townie has already been generated wearing this makeup, I don’t think this mod will remove it. Even if you don’t share my moral reasons and just think this makeup is ugly, then this mod is also for you too. There are 5 files: If you want all makeup removed, download ‘Hide_MAC_Cosmetics_ALL’ ONLY. However, if you only want certain types removed, use as many of the other 4 files as you like instead.


Reminder that it really doesn’t matter what ways you’re marginalized, if you’re not black you’re just as capable of anti blackness as white cishet people. No amount of “but I’m gay!”, “but I’m trans!”, or “but I’m not white!” changes that.

And being neurodiverse/disabled isn’t an excuse for anti blackness either.

Don’t like this post if you’re not gonna also reblog it.

Boost my voice, don’t just like it for woke points.

I’d fucking love it if white people didn’t use this post to pat themselves on the back. I guarantee that no amount of “don’t people know this already?” or “isn’t this obvious?” will actually make you a good ally to black people.

The only things that will make you a good ally to us is listening to us, boosting our voices, defending us when we need it, calling out your fellow whites when they display overt and/or covert racist behavior, and checking yourself consistently.


i’ve stopped trash talking comic sans after learning the font is actually one of the only dyslexia-friendly fonts that come standard with most computers and i advocate for others doing the same

In the event that you would like to continue hating Comic Sans, other dyslexia-friendly alternatives include Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Century Gothic and Trebuchet.




Random fact: Verdana is one of the few fonts which was specifically designed to be as easy to read as possible, even at smaller type sizes. It was designed this way for use on screen, but the same principles apply in print too. This is part of why some Universities use Verdana as their default font for documents.

“In the event that you would like to continue hating Comic Sans” is one of the best things I’ve ever read on this website

I’ll take Comic Sans over Arial any day. 

Century Gothic and Trebuchet are both quite handsome typefaces.

I’m partial to Century Gothic as well. It’s serif, but not boring.

There’s also a dyslexic font designed especially for dyslexic people to read.

You can install on your tablets, laptops and browers etc, so not only can you change things like documents into it, you can change websites into that font as well! 

I’m sure you’re bright enough to do a google search, but since I’m dumb enough to forget to post a link, here it is. Better late than never

I default to arial for this reason, but I will now be defaulting to verdana or dyslexie. nice.

I don’t think I have dyslexia but that dyslexie font was the easiest fucking thing to read ever. Books should be written in that shit.



For computer reading, when you mix up lines of text, there’s a web browser app called Beeline Reader. It looks like this

The colors are also customizable, to an extent and while I don’t have dyslexia, I have adhd which makes reading large amounts of text harder and this helps A LOT.

This is dope. I freaking love how much more accessible this information is nowadays.

for our dyslexic ravens.

I always thought I was a decent reader, but holy crap that BeeLine made reading enjoyable lol


Blah, Blah, Blah..

The Wichita Daily Eagle, Kansas, December 30, 1899

The Saint Paul Globe, Minnesota, March 2, 1905

The Tribune, Seymour, Indiana, July 13, 1909

The Atlanta Constitution, Georgia, May 13, 1912

The Evening Journal, Wilmington, Delaware, June 11, 1913

Woodson County Advocate, Yates Center, Kansas, August 6, 1915

The Guntersville Democrat, Alabama, June 22, 1921

Daily News, New York, New York, February 13, 1925

The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, May 22, 1950

St. Mary and Franklin Banner-Tribune, Franklin, Louisiana, August 27, 1971

yesterdaysprint snapped


One of the most important things I learned in my Language and the Law class is that law enforcement will intentionally misinterpret every type of statement asking for a lawyer as not asking for a lawyer. Even directly saying it like this “I will not speak to you without a lawyer” can be taken as a simple statement of fact rather than a request for a lawyer. You literally have to state “I am now invoking my right to a lawyer” and every time they try to proceed with an interrogation you have to answer every question with “I am invoking my right to have a lawyer present”. You can’t just tell them you won’t talk without a lawyer or that you want a lawyer. You have to state that you are invoking your rights. Otherwise they could just say “well they just said they wouldn’t speak without a lawyer present. That’s not invoking their rights to a lawyer. It’s just stating a fact.” even just stating your right to a lawyer doesn’t count!


PLEASE share this addition. I am a lawyer who works in criminal defense, and this is one of the most avoidable things that people consistently get wrong about the Miranda rights.

Here are some more “ambiguous” phrases which courts have found DO NOT invoke your right to a lawyer:

“Maybe I should speak to my lawyer first.”

“I might like a lawyer.”

“I think I should have a lawyer present for this.”

“Could I speak to my lawyer first?”

“How long until my lawyer gets here?”

And perhaps most egregiously – “Get me a lawyer, dawg – ‘cause this is not what’s up.”

Here are the magic phrases which you need to know if you want to invoke your Miranda rights:

1) “Am I free to leave?”

It’s worth asking this even if the answer is obvious. Even if the officer does not let you leave, by forcing them to admit that you are not free to leave, you are creating a record which your attorney can use to prove that you were in custody. Miranda rights only apply if the interrogation is custodial, meaning that police officers will frequently claim that their suspects were “not in custody” to get around their Miranda rights.

2) “I am invoking my right to remain silent.”

Simply staying silent will not invoke your right to remain silent. As absurd as this is, you must explicitly say that you are invoking your right to remain silent in order to invoke that right.

3) “I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

As stated above, you must be not only clear and unambiguous, but clear and legally unambiguous. Don’t get cute. Don’t get sassy. And on the flip side, don’t get intimidated and use verbal ticks to minimize your request. Say the line with those words exactly – say it clearly, and say it once, and then say nothing else.

Because even after you’ve done all this, the police can still try to get you to talk. They’re not supposed to interrogate you, but they’re allowed to make casual conversation, and if that conversation just happens to circle back around to the thing they wanted to question you about, well, that’s really your fault for talking after you said you wouldn’t, isn’t it? Can’t possibly fault the poor officers when you initiated – if you really wanted to have your rights respected, you wouldn’t have talked to them in the first place.

The police know this, and they will mercilessly exploit this loophole. So, once you’ve successfully invoked your Miranda rights, any and all conversation you have with police officers will put those rights back into jeopardy. 

Putting it all together:

Ask: “Am I free to leave?”

If they say no, say: “I am invoking my right to remain silent and I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

And then shut up and do not say a single thing to them for any reason whatsoever until you have actually spoken to an attorney. Yes, even if it takes hours. Yes, even if they start talking to you about something else.

Finally, a very important disclaimer:

I may be a lawyer, but I’m not your lawyer, and I cannot guarantee that what I’ve just laid out here will always work for every situation. We didn’t get to this bizarre and absurd place overnight – we built this ridiculous system piecemeal, by deciding on a case-by-case basis that certain phrases were “too ambiguous” or certain types of questioning weren’t actually questioning at all. The law is still in flux, and is still fundamentally out to get you, and willing to bend plain meaning beyond all recognition to do it. Even if you invoke your rights perfectly, exactly as I have specified above, there’s a chance that your invocation of rights will be disqualified on some new technicality that no one’s even thought of yet – and that’s precisely the problem.

Also, if you’re under 18:

You CANNOT be legally interrogated without your parents present and/or consenting. Yes, even if it’s for a reason that’s not really to do with you (for example, if you were a pedestrian and witnessed a car accident).

IT IS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE THAT YOU KNOW THIS. Cops will try to pin anything on you they can just to make an arrest. Invoke your right to a lawyer and then say something like “also, in accordance with laws as regarding a minor, I request you contact my parent/guardian before I answer any questions.” THEY ARE REQUIRED RO DO SO.


My professor talked about how women aren’t used to asking for things in the work place, such as raises, because we’re conditioned to downplay our achievements and hold off on asserting our value. She discussed how, even now at this stage in her career (a published doctrate), she shakes when she askes to be considered for a raise and about the first time she was really successful at getting one. After class I asked her what she asked her boss and she winked at me, took me to her office, and asked me to take notes.

She said she practiced this technique like 5 times in her office before she requested a meeting with her boss. I’m gonna share it with you guys because I really loved it.

You start off by thanking your employer for their support (whatever that means in the context of your work environment). You then say that you would like to take some time to discuss next year’s salary. You say, allow me to refresh your memory regarding some of my accomplishments or contributions from the past year, and you present a written summary of all that you’ve done. You close by saying, I hope that next year’s salary reflects this list of contributions and you thank them for their time and see yourself out.

I just loved how she made it seem so much less daunting of a task. She said not to underestimate your achievements as women have a tendency underreporting what they’ve done.

The fact that she shared this with me really meant a lot as well as women really need to be there to empower each other and help guide each other towards success. So if you end up using this, let me know! I want to see how it works for you ^_^.



It’s time we talk about SimsDom again.

Most of you probably already know who and what Simsdom is but for those that don’t, Simsdom (or SimsDomination) claim to essentially be a CC finds website, which in essence I suppose they are… But don’t get your hopes up for a Lana replacement because they are SO much more than that. And not in a good way.

I know this is an old subject, and most people probably thought it was all over and done with, but Simsdom is still around and what’s worse is that I’ve noticed a growing trend among my fellow Game Changers who create content for Youtuber and Twitch/Mixer of promoting the site by using it to do CC shopping haul videos and streams, which is encouraging their viewers to use Simsdom. I’m not going to name names or point fingers but it made me realise that maybe some people don’t understand just how bad Simsdom is for the community in general, but especially for the amazingly dedicated CC creators of Simblr. And it’s just so disappointing to see people that some many in the community, including myself, look up to promoting this garbage site!

If you’re curious to know why this is a problem, I’ll explain under the cut. If not, keep scrolling… But don’t say I didn’t warn you.


wild how people had a lot of feelings about an empty building burning down in paris but when the lives of over a hundred sudanese civilians are taken in a massacre, most of the internet wants to stay mute. y’all cried legit tears over a piece of white history being on fire but turn the other cheek when african lives are being taken violently.

since op seems to only care about guilt tripping and arguing w people on their post, instead of providing any real resources on the post, here are some ways you can help sudan:

  • if you’re not sure what’s going on due to lack of media coverage, hasan minhaj has a ~20 minute good video you can watch here, https://youtu.be/2S3cBp4ucEU
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