



Attention anyone who needs hairstyle references

I want to introduce all of you to this amazing place called the ukhairdressers style gallery.

It’s basically a massive database full of high-quality images of different hairstyles. I mean, look at all the options in that sidebar (and part of it’s cut off):

In total they have 976 pages of hairstyles with about 17 styles each, that’s about 16592 hairstyles to look at. 

Look at all the stuff they’ve got! Long hair:

So if you need help with designing a character or you just want to practice drawing hair, this is a fantastic resource.


An Actual Writing Tip From An Actual Author

Wow holy shit I’m gonna actually give you guys an actual writing tip, being a published and award winning author and all.

Anyways, a great way to work in TOTALLY UNRELATED little details about your setting or what have you that may or may not be relevant later on is through the use of metaphors, euphemisms, etc. in character dialogue.

“This cold is terrible! I’m wearing more layers than an Aenirian bride!”

Congratulations, you now know something about Aenirian marriage customs. You might not even know what exactly an Aenirian is, but you know that their brides wear lots of layers.

See where I’m going with this?

also even though it seems like common sense little details add so much depth and flavour to a story even and maybe especially when those details aren’t plot relevant

not everything in the real world connects neatly and seamlessly with everything else; there are TONS of loose ends in real life because there’s an entire world that keeps going regardless of one particular person or group’s drama

having proof of a world outside of and utterly unconcerned with the main conflict is such a nice touch and a really quick way to breathe life into dialogue

Excellent addition!


im glad whoever made this photo helpfully added a red circle so i could spot the alien but im still not sure where the alien is. could someone please magnify the alien so i can see it. i cant find any


hope this helps

thanks jens but i still dont know what youre showing me. could you point some arrows at it or something. maybe that will help me see it

here you go

thank you for trying to help jens but i dont see anything of interest. could you maybe increase the saturation and exposure on the alien or something. that oughta make it stand out. add a few more circles and arrows too maybe

hope this is helpful

thanks jens this has been really helpful. i dont see anything though. could you magnify it a little bit more 

oh shit is that an alien

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