
/|\( ;,;)/|\

@bellatrixobsessed1 / bellatrixobsessed1.tumblr.com

Shitty memes, shittier opinions, fanfictions, metal music, and fictional characters. Mostly Regina Mills, Alcina Dimitrescu, Azula, and Bellatrix. We love and want to hug fictional villains in this house. My aim is to keep this blog discourse free to the best of my ability; I will make mini metas, part take in discussion, and answer asks regarding fandom hot topics every now and again but I will probably call it off if I feel like it's getting to heated or deep for my blog. I'm here to write fics, shitpost, and just be enthusiastic about my favorie charactes and bands.   No longer 110% depressed on main or in general. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。 I sometimes reblog horror movie content and creepy/horror aesthetic pics. Will also sometimes reblog artistic nudes--follow at your own discretion.

Pinned Post (04/12/24)

Current projects are:

Azula is cursed to become an embodiment of fire and firebending. The gang, already in pursuit of her, don't realize that they have found her.
Nerissa never wanted to be anything more than what she was. Just a girl with no goals and no intention of forming any. But she has been given remarkable powers regardless. Powers that have enamored her so fully that she can't imagine going back to an ordinary life. And so she consumes quintessence, becomes quintessence.

I can't promise regular updates anymore but I do hope to finish both of these fics and maybe update stuff like Honey Lemon now and then.


If anyone wants to read my fics but can’t find all of the parts, here are links to all of my ongoing project(s);

Recently Finished: Vicarious

Also I’m no longer on fanfic.net. I don’t have time to delete 100+ fics manually so the account is still up but it will be inactive from here on out.

I’m trying to (very slowly) move all of them (yes even the super cringy old ones) to Ao3 but it is a pretty massive and daunting undertaking.


How I imagine Zuko and Azula look like in @concernedbrownbread's fire siblings role reversal fic Lily White, Poppy Red because, once again, I love fire siblings role reversal fics.

My little undead murderous dog (affectionate) and underground resistance rebellion leader <3

I realized clothing is never really described, so I decided to make something up for when I imagine scenes while reading... and re-reading... I believe Zuko wears darker clothes since he hides and feels safe in shadows and, on the other hand, Azula in the colonies tries to look as royal as possible to show that, even if she is a traitor and is oficially dead, she is still a princess by birthright.


From "you're Henry's birth mother?" to "she'll always be Madam Mayor to me." they found each other over and over again, in every realm, in every situation.

they are the embodiment of true love and I don't care about what anyone else says


I'm proud of myself; a giant spider came down from the ceiling and I didn't reflexively throw my laptop at it this time.

This is like the fourth time that this has happened. Which isn't a lot considering I have been alive for 20+ years. But that is 4 times too many.


For anyone wondering why I haven't updated Blackened Bones in a while; someone close to me has been battling cancer and I've been at the hospital with that person. They finally passed away.

Basically things have been super stressful, hectic, and depressing.

I'm hoping to get a chance to work on a chapter (and just do something relaxing/distracting for a change) after the weekend.

Thanks for being patient with me everyone.

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