
human disaster

@dwidain / dwidain.tumblr.com


This is privilege. My partner had an "essential job" all through the pandemic. He was not allowed to work from home either. If he'd pulled this he would've been fired.


Well, yeah. But if people who have enough privilege to take a stand against workplace exploitation do take a stand, that helps slow down the ongoing creep of how much they're allowed to dick you around at work.

Make no mistake, by "not allowed to work from home," this employer meant "you will not be paid for work you do at home," while clearly expecting the employee to do work (such as answering work emails and taking work calls) while at home. (If the employer didn't expect that, then they wouldn't have noticed when the worker stopped doing it.)

If you're expected to respond when the boss summons you outside of work hours, you are on-call. If you're on-call, you should be paid.

Expecting white-collar workers to be on-call for no extra pay is wage theft, no different from if a retail or food service employee is told to, "Clock out before you clean up/close out your station, so you don't go over your hours."

(And yes, this example happens a lot. If it happens to you, in the US, you should report it to the Department of Labor. It's confidential; your employer will never find out it was you who turned them in.)


Your exhaustion is not shameful. It is not a moral failure to be physically, mentally or emotionally tired. It is okay to be overwhelmed. You're not inferior to anyone just because it's hard for you to keep up with a fast-paced life.


oh no the horrors-

wait hang on. it’s past 9 pm. false alarm, i cannot trust the horrors

HOW did this get ANY notes


oh no the horrors-

wait hang on. it’s past 9 pm. false alarm, i cannot trust the horrors

HOW did this get ANY notes


Things I wish I had read in "beginner" sewing tutorials/people had told me before I started getting into sewing

  • You have to hem *everything* eventually. Hemming isn't optional. (If you don't hem your cloth, it will start to thread. There are exceptions to this, like felt, but most cloth will.)
  • The type of cloth you choose for your project matters very much. Your clothing won't "fall right" if it's not the kind of stretchy/heavy/stiff as the one the tutorial assumes you will use.
  • Some types of cloth are very chill about threading, some are very much not. Linen doesn't really give a fuck as long as you don't, like, throw it into the washing machine unhemmed (see below), whereas brocade yearns for entropy so, so much.
  • On that note: if you get new cloth: 1. hem its borders (or use a ripple stitch) 2. throw it in the washing machine on the setting that you plan to wash it going forward 3. iron it. You'll regret it, if you don't do it. If you don't hem, it'll thread. If you don't wash beforehand, the finished piece might warp in the first wash. If you don't iron it, it won't be nice and flat and all of your measuring and sewing will be off.
  • Sewing's first virtue is diligence, followed closely by patience. Measure three times before cutting. Check the symmetry every once in a while. If you can't concentrate anymore, stop. Yes, even if you're almost done.
  • The order in which you sew your garment's parts matters very much. Stick to the plan, but think ahead.
  • You'll probably be fine if you sew something on wrong - you can undo it with a seam ripper (get a seam ripper, they're cheap!)
  • You can use chalk to draw and write on the cloth.
  • Pick something made out of rectangles for your first project.
  • I recommend making something out of linen as a beginner project. It's nearly indestructible, barely threads and folds very neatly.
  • Collars are going to suck.
  • The sewing machine can't hurt you (probably). There is a guard for a reason and while the needle is very scary at first, if you do it right, your hands will be away from it at least 5 cm at any given time. Also the spoils of learning machine sewing are not to be underestimated. You will be SO fast.

I believe that's all - feel free to add unto it.

I only have one thing to add.

  • Do NOT sew over your pins with a machine. Always pull them out. Always. If you sew over them, the machine's needle will eventually hit one, fracture, and catapult the fractured needle through the room. If you're very unlucky, it will end up in your eyeball. I am being serious here. I only didn't suffer grievious injury because I'm wearing glasses. Pull out your needles when sewing.

there’s such an unbelievable multitude of this type of (straight) woman who’s like “when he mentions a ‘she’ 😡🥺👀” “when he calls some girl his ‘friend’ 👀👀🔪” etc and this person is like a different species to me. this person is a space alien. this type of person makes me feel like amy adams in arrival

a man’s female friends are like a car’s warranty. a woman has vouched for this guy’s ability to be normal. you should be kissing her on the mouth for her service

You get it


Ao3 search filters legit have me so spoiled. I forget how good they are until I have to search for something in some horrendous corporate website and they don't even have exclusion filters. Like cmon ao3 has these why don't you! Anyway I love you ao3 tagging and filtering system


“I don’t ever want to have kids.”

Normal human response: Ok.

Freaks: But what if you change your mind oh that will change you’re hard-wired to want to procreate who will take care of you when you’re dying you’ll never be fulfilled if you aren’t a parent good luck being miserable when you’re old

“I want to have kids someday.”

Normal human response: Ok.

Freaks: Well I hate children you’re going to hate your life later if I ever get pregnant I’m getting a triple-abortion just to make sure it’s really gone if a child was here right now I’d drop-kick them good luck being miserable for eighteen years


I don't trust anyone who hasn't acknowledged their capacity for evil.

"I'm just a smol bean uwu" No sir, what you are is someone who is so habituated to thinking of yourself as innocent that you will continue to do so even when you're guilty.

Okay but what about the people that are the opposite, the ones that are habitually thinking of themselves as evil while cleaning up their own table at the restaurant because they don’t want to inconvenience the waitress?


I'd say they're two sides of the same coin. When you have a society that's like "if you ever mess up you are evil and bad and irredeemable," then you get people who are like: "I am morally pure and unproblematic and can do no wrong uwu" and other people who are like "there's something secretly Wrong with me and I don't know what it is but I'd better make myself as small as possible so no one notices, and also ask God for forgiveness for breathing wrong."

Instead of just acknowledging that everyone is nuanced and complex. Yes, you too.


Age-old advice which is more relevant nowadays rather than less. This is the second iteration of it though. The original version is: “Never write anything in a letter you wouldn’t want to see in print.” Advice handed down by my mother from her forbears.


From the IT department. We archive EVERYTHING. And Outlook autosaves every couple seconds.


“Dance like no one is watching.  Email and text like it will one day be read in court.”


using ai to write your papers is so embarrassing stop being a pussy and just dont turn anything in if you dont want to do the work... have strength in your convictions


best thing i ever accepted about people is that most people are just kind of gross like, physically

like most people have gross little bad habits and let the laundry go a little too long and sweat in weird places and are messy eaters and have weird laughs and are a little greasy and asymettrical and have stains and tears and wear on the things they own and its like literally fine and human. we dont need to worry about that stuff and frankly we should kill whoever is responsible for making us think humans are even capable of being perfectly polished made up hygeine machines 24/7. we are little animals we came from the dirt and sometimes you scratch your buttcrack or pick at scabs or what the fuck ever it is literally normal animal behaviour !!! let the soft animal of your body ect ect nd sometimes the soft animal of your body is a little yucky.


I think Stardew Valley, The Sims, and Minecraft are all in the same category of game in that you play it obsessively for weeks, losing all sense of time, and then don’t touch it for months

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