
Bovine Catgirl's sleepy existence

@mewing-moo / mewing-moo.tumblr.com

Amy She/They Polyam/Pan/Ace/Lesbian LGBTQIA+ rights Posts might be 16+, but I dunno

What I expect when I join the war on christmas:

  • Making conservatives cry by placing pronoun pins on their baby jesus mangers
  • Dismantling the Coca-Cola factories
  • Downfall of consumerism

What I get:

  • Santa Claus shoving a glock in my face

fluffy kobold brushing her tail

you agree


dawn and i came up with a new troll their name is Normal Person

Normal Person. no quirk, no blood color, perfectly generic horns, dad lusus

we couldn't decide if their aspect would be void (infinitely unassuming) or breath (arc around subverting identity and standing out) or something else. what do we think about Normal Person's classpect

never mind we've got a winner


This is a nice video showing an blind/invisible stitch, which is quite useful for repairing tears or finishing something (ex. cushion).

Also, that extra step for putting back the seam is really nice.


We all know Furbies lay Orbeez eggs that Worms on a String hatch from, but did you know that when a Furby escapes captivity it will revert back to its feral long worm form in less than a year

I hope this clears things up


What the fresh fuck


The fact the Yu-gi-oh card game is called Yugioh irl instead of Duel Monsters is so fking lame like I want to feel like Yugi so bad and call it Duel Monsters or a proper game-sounding name. but no I have to sound like a total geed and say I want to play a game called “king of games” who calls a game “king of games” hey want to play king of games? wow what a loser


lightning that has a chance to trans your gender (do not attempt)

but the trans my gender lights D:

Transgenderfication beam


trans flag picked w/ colours from this


ppl will say "demisexual and demiromantic apply to literally everyone why is it a label" and then play smash or pass, see people on the street and comment to their friends how attractive they are, meet someone at a bar and ask them on a date, start talking to someone in the hopes that it will end up sexual/romantic one day

like bro. an actual lack of attraction until a serious connection has formed is not the same thing as wanting to get to know someone before you have sex or date them.




I think we should take guns away from cops


Or, hear me out here, we could have no cops.


Okay… and how do you propose laws be enforced? Or criminals be held accountable? Abolishing law enforcement is just saying “all crimes should be legal”.

No, it’s not, and the idea that “everything becomes legal if we don’t have an outgrowth of slave patrols growing on our society like a malignant cancer” is fucking facile.

That said.

Writing a shitpost on Tumblr dot com does not obligate me to write essays on demand. No, not even if I responsed to someone else with a bunch of links.

If you want to read extensive anti-carceral essays, there are lots of them out there.


It takes some real strength to radicalize yourself, and excising copaganda from your brain takes a lot of work. But it seems like it takes more work to continually do the mental gymnastics required to think that cops are necessary and have always existed.

Our modern idea of policing is so new! And the idea that cops are the good guys all the time only came about in the last century! Before copaganda shows, everyone’s main idea of the cops was that they were corrupt and useless!

And like, ok, some folks are gonna crime pretty much no matter what, but we could so easily cut down on crime by just giving people what they need to live! We live in a world in which scarcity is manufactured by capitalists to serve the owning class! Where corporations get to invent crimes to serve their bottom lines! But we could just Feed People and House Them and make sure they had power and water and heat! And then there would be a lot less “crime!” We could make sure people felt safe, and work to support them and heal the trauma of capitalism! And then we could have a healthy society!

But instead we’ve got slave-catchers, except the people they catch were nominally free until the cops stepped in, because the economy relies on free labor, and the 13th Amendment said that slavery is still totally cool as long as it’s a punishment. There would be so many fewer incarcerated people if prison labor was illegal and if prisons weren’t run for profit.

So, you know, I’m sorry the liberal up-thread will probably never see this, but maybe someone else will who needs it.


@jaytarrant should see this, yep.

There have been numerous societies throughout history that have had nothing resembling police and yet worked fine.

Me being me, I shall of course reference the Icelandic Commonwealth, which had no police force or prisons, but also a functioning and effective legal system.

I take it people don’t watch unsolved mysteries or hell even buzzfeed unsolved or follow any remotely famous cases?

Tupac and Big could of had their shit solved easily if police weren’t like, ‘they were gangbangers who the fuck cares’, the OJ case was a shitshow cause a cop planted evidence (the famous glove) which was then poorly handled.

Like every single unsolved case has been because the police are fucking useless or have handled cases so poorly that what was once possible to solve isn’t anymore.

Police only do the job when it fits their personal beliefs and mood, and well, when the right people bribe the fuck outa them.

I have a Cousin-In-Law who’s deputy sheriff of my county and let me tell you, as decent of a guy he is, I stand by abolishing the police. One or two good cops isn’t enough to fix the disaster dumpster fire of our justice system.

What do I do if someone try’s to kill me? I’m all for getting rid of corrupt systems, but while mostly poor people are targeted, and certain factors can increase crime, not all people are criminals because they’ve come from bad circumstances. Some people kill because they are cruel and entitled. Sometimes people kill, traffic, or kidnap. What do I do if I get kidnapped? Especially if I don’t have a weapon on me? Should it be, if you can’t defend yourself well you don’t deserve to live? Should I call my family to come get them? Because if my family did you can skip prisons, they’d be dead.

Um. You know that cops don’t have to protect you, right? That’s one of those links up there.

And nowhere in here did I say you can’t protect yourself, nor am I a firearms abolitionist. You’re literally like… making up a guy to argue with, because you’re not arguing with anything I’ve ever said.

Okay that’s fair, I’m not sure if I agree with it, (I think citizens armed with guns could be pretty corrupt themselves) but I can respect a consistent value system.

Anyone armed with anything can be corrupt if they have enough power and authority in wielding it. Have you ever really looked closely at farm tools? A lot of them are wicked weapons; there’s a reason the stereotypical “angry mob” is depicted armed with pitchforks and rakes and sickles and clubs used for beating rope. You can fuck someone up with a pitchfork.

Corruption doesn’t transfer via the firearm. Corruption transfers via unchecked power… which brings us back to why the cops need to be abolished and replaced with any one of a million other options.

Wouldn’t people taking justice into their own hands be more unchecked? I can’t see a society based around people having to defend themselves not giving immense leeway in terms of self-defense cases, and there there’d be no system to check that justice is adequately served because everyone would be acting on there own terms.

Basically it’d be giving that power to the citizens, and citizens who are expected to there own policing are going to have more leeway to do whatever they want because they 1.Aren’t employed by the state 2.Are a part of there communities so may be able to gain community support and 3. Who would arrest them if they went too far? (not the police) This is basically they same issues that the police have.

Also people would be going after people based on hunches since the average person doesn’t have access to forensic analysis (which could be racially biased)


Humans have been living in settled communities together for about 14K years, minimum.

Before the advent of the Slave Patrol less than 200 years ago, we had nothing like modern policing anywhere on this planet.

Do you really think that for 13800 years it was just unchecked murder and chaos, and then for 200 years, fine and orderly? That every society before the advent of the Slave Patrol in the US was just … people running up on each other every day doing endless rape and murder? Or do you think that maybe there have been a lot of ways to organize a society without police for a very long time, and your ideas of what a policeless society looks like have been largely formed by copaganda meant to make police look flawlessly smart, dedicated, fearless, backed by science!, and above all, necessary for modern life?

Because if you truly cannot believe that there were very many organized and relatively low-crime societies before the advent of modern police, congratulations, you have been successfully copagandized!

Also, my G-d, which forensic science? Fingerprints? Bite Mark analysis? Hair analysis? Burn mark analysis? Blood spatter analysis? Junk science is rampant, and even when good science is used, bad actors and liars ruin lives. Just about the best forensic science we currently have, DNA evidence (which still isn’t perfect), is an incredible tool which has been able to overturn so many wrong convictions based on many other, far less, uh, scientifically based “sciences,” including the first man whose conviction was overturned in the US by DNA evidence, who was wrongly convicted of the rape and murder of an elementary school girl by multiple juries, one of which included my father, by the way. In case you’re thinking to yourself, “but I would never be taken in by bad evidence and send an innocent man to prison for a horrible crime he didn’t commit, and I would definitely never be so convinced by bad evidence that I say years later that I would have sentenced an innocent man to die based on that evidence,” well, I’d beg to differ with you.

Yes, you could be taken in by bad evidence, and I know you could be and that I could be because my dad, for all his faults, is a pretty smart dude with a Master’s in a very science-y field, and he was absolutely taken in by bad evidence presented convincingly.

But all of that aside, do you really think that for 99.99825% of human history, it was just wild chaos of everyone accusing everyone of crimes and murdering them with pitchforks on basis of those accusations, and then suddenly police and everything is fine and orderly? Because if you do, that’s terrifying, and if you don’t, then you don’t need me to explain to you that there are so many other ways to organize a society that don’t require a standing police force at all, let alone a police force that’s more militarized than the armies of many countries, and also don’t involve random citizens running after each other with pitchforks.

In either case, I don’t need to have a perfect 120-point plan of what should replace modern policing in order to say “this thing right here is garbage and we should get rid of it and replace it because it is currently murdering lots and lots of people.” So unless you are coming back to me with your 120-point plan to perfectly reform modern policing and address all of the shit wrong with it – or, perhaps, even only the things wrong with it which are talked about in articles I have personally linked in this post – I’m not really interested in continuing this conversation.

Modern policing, especially militarized American policing, is toxic garbage and ruins far, far more lives than it improves. We should therefore do away with it and do something else instead.

At this point unless generic-you are bringing me your fully-cited plan to address everything linked in this post vis a vis police reform, I’m going to assume you’re expecting far more work from me than you’re doing, and I’m done explaining the central thesis of this shitpost over and over. I’ve already provided more than enough education and reading material.

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