
fic dump: the blog

@pfreadsandwrites / pfreadsandwrites.tumblr.com

Fishie・she/her/late 20s/*ON A WRITING HIATUS*/A sideblog for my fics, recs and anime nonsense. More info in pinned post. Kakashi-centric. Not big on shipping and not spoiler-free. 18+ please! Mobile links here!

Hi everyone!

You can call me Fishie, or pf :)

this is a sideblog for me to post my (Kakashi-centric) fics, headcanons, reblogs of other people’s works, general fandom nonsense and other inane ramblings that I’m fundamentally too embarrassed for some of my main blog followers to know about. Please give my about page a read page, and here is my fanfic masterpost and my headcanon masterpost  respectively if you’re interested in my content. Also, here is a very short list of little things I’ve translated.

WIP List here, and I have a (very short) list of my favourite fics and some of my own future project ideas here. I’ve also got some content guidelines/things to keep in mind here

Please don’t follow me if you are under 18! 

This whole blog is a WIP and I will likely be very slow to update, and there’ll likely be very little on here for a long time. Work and life kick my ass a lot and deplete my energy so I never get writing time as much as I want to :( But regardless, feel free to shoot me an ask about literally anything. Always up to discuss anything, Naruto related or not.

I don’t go off topic too often, but if you’d rather not see personal posts from me please backlist the tag #personal - you could block #pftalks too but sometimes I do talk about weeb stuff with this one sometimes too so blocking the former would be better.

I use #sins as an 18+ tag, or #pfsins for 18+ content I write. Block these if you want your dash sfw! And just a reminder that I’d rather not have minors interact with or follow me, but I don’t mind you interacting with my SFW posts. 

I’m also really sorry if I don’t follow you back - I just take curating my own experience very seriously since I know what I like and I don’t like, and how seeing what I don’t like constantly will affect me - so if I don’t follow you, please don’t take that to mean I’m not interested in interacting with you. It just means that (usually a small, small percentage) of your blog is not for me and seeing it will probably have a negative effect on my mood. For instance, - don’t worry, I don’t *usually* block anyone based on what they ship - but I’m unlikely to follow certain ship-heavy blogs back, cuz ships aren’t really my thing for the most part but there are some that I could really do without seeing on the daily - so please don’t take it personally! It doesn’t mean I’m not interested in starting a friendship or connecting with you. *

Have a nice day everyone!

*I should also note that there's certain kinks and headcanons that have gained traction that I don't fuck with at all and kinda ruin my day upon seeing them, so I may block to avoid these. I'm really sorry about that, but I just kinda wanna have a good time, that's all.


Hello! Long time no see! I’m good and I hope all of you have been too :)

Given that this is a Naruto blog, thought I’d share where I ended up today:


Hi! Congrats on reaching 5k!!! 👏👏👏

I'm not really requesting for a ship art, but I'd be interested to see your interpretation if any of the following men would be interacting with each other: Gojo, Kakashi, Kishibe, and Nanami.

Thank you!


Thank you! I don’t do more than two characters and as Kishibe is the only character out of all of the listed ones, I had to choose one that I think would be least likely to immediately admit to being disgusted in his teaching methods. Which would be Kakashi, because as an Anbu, he has seen some stuff (he’d still be shook) 💀


idk about you but i’m a sucker for the we just had sex and it’s the morning after and i woke up to an empty bed and how could i be so stupid of course you left me alone but wait you’re in my kitchen cooking me breakfast and i’m so relieved trope

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