
I Eat Cannibals

@maidenpool / maidenpool.tumblr.com

Accidentally deleted my blog like an idiot, but I'm back now. Sigh. So, if we were mutuals before and I haven't followed you yet, let me know. There are a lot of URLs I can't remember how to spell.
My name's Michelle. Some people call me Q since my fanfiction penname has been Qzil for years. Whichever one is fine. Here you'll mostly find Megstiel/SPN, with a smattering of other fandoms and general shit posting.
Sometimes I write stuff. This can be found under either my 'michelle writes' tag, or at my AO3 account. My older stuff can be found on my FFN.

Having now obtained an air fryer, I can now confidently say: I don't get it.

It's good for ultra processed frozen crap.

Hate everything else except maybe wings.

Fuck it.


My only complaint with the Fallout series is they should have played some of Cool Water by Marty Robbins during the part where Lucy is being marched through the wasteland and is thirsty.


One thing I really genuinely love about how my body has changed as I enter my thirties is that I'm almost the same size as my mom (she's taller and has better shoulders) which means that, when she's done with clothes, I get first pick. My basic sewing really comes in handy for hemming.

So, half the time I look like some sort of Fancy Lady who has her shit together (since my mother does, in fact, have her shit together) and the other half of the time I look like a literal woods goblin bc everything else is from the thrift store or homemade/home altered.


Shipping fictional characters isn’t representative of your moral values. It’s representative of your particular psychic damage and the themes and motifs that haunt you. Hope this helps.


the whole “i used to be a teen who hated authority only to grow up to become the authority that hates teens” is a bad bad thing that practically every other generation has fallen into and we all need to make an extremely conscious effort not to repeat the fucking pattern


Studies have shown that the shift starts to happen around age 30. If you’re close to that, make a conscious effort to be open to and accepting of younger people. I’m 31 and paying close attention to how I react to young people and new trends and shit and trying to keep myself from developing those thought patterns.



It is imperative you befriend people other than those of your own generation. It’s harder to lump people together if you know some of them. This is why you should also pursue friendships beyond your race, ability, religion (or lack thereof), and class. Humanity relies on relating to each other.

I totally agree with this. Age difference should season the conversation, not prevent it.


Hating kids does not mean that you're mean/cruel to children.

It just means that you don't like them! Simple.

And, to be fair, I also hate a majority of adults I come across.


i feel like a lot of the 'i hate kids' crowd would be more tolerant if they understood that due to a kid's limited experience of the world that 4 hour flight might just be the longest they've ever had to sit still for or that trapped finger might literally be the most pain they've ever felt in their short life or they might not have ever seen a person with pink hair ever so of course they want to touch it or nobody's told them yet that they can't run around the museum and they only just learned cheetahs are the fastest animals so of course they want to put that to the test. how were they supposed to know etc etc.

some of you in the notes.. i would say read the room but you didn't even read. the post

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