
¿ theo ?


he/him ~ bi ace polyam ~ avid splatoon player😩💕~ im back from the dead

There are countless posts about trans girls boymoding in order to stay safe during transition and how it can be kind of funny, but the second transmascs talk about playing up their femininity or trying to appear like a women so they don't get hurt it's called afab privilege.

Personally I think I think of it like a game too. Like, yeah I look like a boy and if you know what trans people are you can tell pretty easily I'm a trans guy, but I can turn on my girl voice and act really sweet so the middle aged man I'm talking to doesn't want to hurt me. And they go "well, she looks kinda funny but what a nice girl." and I can leave in peace.

Let trans men do the things we have to do to get by!! It isn't a privilege or something we hold over transfems, acting like your assigned gender to avoid violence or discomfort is just part of the trans experience.


Yeah masking isn't privilege, it's literally just protection from discrimination


girlies when the rot and decay is so fundamentally interesting that they are compelled to observe it


happy december 3rd, aka heather day!

reblog this and tag a few moots to give them your sweater


@leenkiyakepapahihihi for you <3, happy heather day (time zones exist so)

nora i fucking love you. i will not giev this sweater to anyone because i cherish it and im selfish

be a lil selfish you deserve it

That sweater is for you <3

mai alya is @/ i-dont-wanna-need-you-this-way SHAKsGAFD

and you!!!!!!!! if ya read this congrats youve your owwwnn sweater :DD

thank you char <333 enjoy ur sweater mwah !!

(charlie !!) @bluelips-blueveins @crappy-unicorn @fairy-complex @ver-underleaves @ any other moots my brain is kinda empty rn :P


Abortion access for women is one of the most important issues for women's rights. Let's be clear, this is not about the children; it's about controlling women. We understand in every other context that no other human has a right to your body even if that means they die. If someone wants your kidney to live they can't even take it from your dead body without permission. These same "but the children" people don't care when poor women need help to care for their kids. Have that fucking baby, but don't ask us for help!

Abortion is also a disability issue. Pregnancy can cause a multitude of health issues from diabetes to post partum depression. This is why the idea of "the mother can just give it up" is complete and utter bullshit. Nevermind the utter agony of giving up a child, they could lose their life giving birth! They only care about the fetus because it can help them control women.

Women's liberation is contingent on abortion rights. You cannot support women and be pro life too. We are on the precipice of losing this vital protection, and honestly I'm scared. I'm scared for the women who will lose their hopes, dreams, health, and freedom in the name of children they really don't give a fucking shit about.


Ok sorry to post about her but I didn't realize JKR's pen name Robert Galbraith comes from the conversion therapist Robert Galbraith Heath ?!? This is so insane like What the fuck

and this was what she wrote about under that pen name...

link to article


If you're not saying "fuck you JK Rowling," then fuck you


from one shipper to another:

can we please not put white and/or light skin women in our sarahbucky moodboards? please?

this is what she looks like:

she’s not light and she does not have beach waves.

having a dark skinned black woman with braids be a love interest is a pretty big deal and pretty important. please don’t erase that.

reblogging because this continues to happen on here

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