


@askbaldithemathgirl is a ask account I made up; BBiEaL Fandom

Imagine Remus suddenly trust falling everyone:

  • Patton barely catches him.
  • Logan grabs him by the sash before he crash against the floor and then lets go so he crash less painfully.
  • Roman is taken by surprise, screamsblike a banshee and falls with him.
  • Virgil says 'nope' and then moves out of the way.
  • Deceit is so used to it he doesn't even have to be watching, his extra arm catch Remus.

And here are the scenes for these!

Patton’s Scenario

Patton, humming peacefully as he washes dishes: Oh, hey Remus! What’cha need? There’s no deodorant in here--

Remus: Nothing, I just wanted to see you, I guess.

Patton: Aww, that’s so sweet-- (Remus starts to fall) REMUS! *barely catches his with soapy hands*

Logan’s Scenario

Logan, conversing intellectually with the use of a telecommunication device used for two-way talking with another person: Hold on, some trash came into the room and I must clean it up. *Puts phone telecommunication device down* Greetings, Remus

Remus: Hi, Log

Logan: ... Why are you greeting a log that is clearly not in this room? (Remus starts falling, so Logan gets up quickly and catches Remus quickly by the stash)

Remus: Thanks, Logon-ni! Hey, where are you dragging me to?

Logan, after fully dragging him out of his room, lets go of the stash and goes back inside, closing *and locking* the door, grabbing the telecommunication device: I apologize, the trash is now out. What were we conversing about, Patton? Ah, affirmative--

Roman’s Scenario

Remus: ROMAAAAN >:3C

Roman: WHAT DO YOU WANT... (pauses for a second to think) REAK-MUS

Remus, with mini laughter: CATCH ME!

Roman: Wait, whAT, NOT RIGHT NOW--

[Roman can be heard screaming from the next room over, with loud crashes and clatters included. Everyone runs in, just to see Remus, sitting on top of a dizzy Roman‘s back.]

Remus: Thaaaaaaankssssss, Roooooomaaaaaan!

Roman, while Virgil tries to hold back laughter, Patton freaking out, and Logan calling 911: I hate you

Virgil’s Scenario

Remus, coming up from behind: SURPRISE MOTHERF*beep*ER

Virgil, moving to the side as he continues walking, now with his phone out: Oh, what’s this post about Remus and trustfalls? This seems cool and *beep*... Man, I need to change this ringtone. The notifacations are getting annoying

Deciet’s Scenario

(Translation from Deceit is in parentheses)

Deciet, totally just spacing out on his phone in annoyance (he’s reading a book peacefully): Why, that’s boring. In fact, knew that already. (Why, that’s interesting. I didn’t know that!)

Remus: Heyyyyyyy, Deciet!

Deciet, ignoring her (aknowledges him): Yessss?

Remus, while falling: Catchy-itchy butts!

Deciet, while letting Remus fall and still spacing out on his phone in annoyance (Catching Remus, still reading a book peacefully): This is not promising. (It’s promising)


Ink and Error are basically like Goku and Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z Abridged and you can not change my mind on that




Ink created by comyet

Error created by loverofpiggies

This is... too darn funny XD

“Hey, glitches--” *angry Error noise* “I heard you lost a fight really bad, “Angering noises intensifies*


I gotta say… Your body’s quite nice to form into… No wonder ya don’t ever TRY to change your look…

Axe has formed himself to look like Dean!


oh man….i think Alex made Dean too much jealous that he got angry-Mod Tiutti @asktheaftermaths​ 

Wait- Why would i do that to my HERO?”


W-wait, what?

I worked onto lookin’ like ya because i wanna be like ya in the future

Axe then slowly formed back to his default form, sighing sadly.

Forget it… Guess I’m just bad at bein’ a fan

@asktheaftermaths​ qwq you broken my heart in cuteness



Anonymous asked:

Someone came into our store trying to use Apple Pay, which is fine, but our computer wasn't accepting it, which meant he had to take out his Apple Card, which he found to be "ridiculous" and he kept going on about it as if I was going to vore his phone and process his payment. I really can't wait to quit this job.


Don’t put the mouth there please…..


how on earth do you make a whole movie looking like that and at no point do any of the hundreds of animators raise an objection to this design during the year or three they took to make it and then how on earth do you slap jim hensons name on that movie knowing the worst designed wolf known to mankind is inside

But what about the :3o


when we say fiction affects reality we dont mean there can never be morally wrong things in fiction… its not the bad things themselves that shouldnt be shown its the romanticization and glorification of those things. when u ship something its romanticizing, there is literally no other way of looking at it.


stories depicting abuse, assault, discrimination, etc. = fine

stories depicting abuse, assault, discrimination, etc. in a way that illustrates it as good or okay in any manner = bad



People watch tragedies on purpose. People watch stories about hope on purpose. Pulling the rug on the narrative promise of your story and switching tracks isn’t clever or interesting, it’s just lying about the genre.

If Midsummer Night’s Dream ended with everyone brutally dying, I’d feel kind of betrayed. If Macbeth ended with everyone getting happily married, I’d also feel kind of betrayed.

Yes! You have to earn your ending. They’re not supposed to be twists. They have to be built to throughout the story


You need to have the payoff match the kind of investment you set your audience up with.

To clarify, twists can be well done!  But they shouldn’t be “Gotcha!  You thought you were watching Type A show but you’re really watching Type B show!”

Like, the Red Wedding is an appropriate twist for Game of Thrones.  

It would not be a good twist for something like Doctor Who.

Also, a good twist should feel random, but make sense in retrospect.


*hits every single TV writer over the head with this post*


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