
read a better book pls



Never change Sarah Janet, never change. But seriously, it takes Julie Plec levels of misogynoir to be as committed to disrespecting Black women in real life as you are to disrespecting them in fiction.


Feyre getting triggered by the colour red but not by actually being dressed up as Rhysand’s whore again is the worst depiction of triggers ever written in fiction.


Okay, but why did every High Lord bring one, maybe two companions to the meeting, while Rhysand and Feyre invited all of their pals and extended family? And allowed them to speak as if any of them has any real experience on ruling a court or actual authority to do so? That was so fucking wild. And the other High Lords just, accepted it? Out of fear? You’re telling me that six fucking High Lords couldn’t put Rhysand in his place, when it is canon that Tamlin alone can rival him?

And they all willingly helped bring Rhysand back? You’re telling me no one thought that “Hey, maybe we’re better off without him!”? Even though he was evil personified and a fucking pain in everyone’s ass? Aren’t the High Lords supposedly cunning and selfish? Was no one afraid that he might come back with a sliver of their power like Feyre did? Not even a knife to my throat could convince me to help resurrect that winged rat. I’d throw a ball celebrating his death the moment I got back in my court.


My hottest take is that the Hike From Hell is actually a beating. Like, I struggle to read it any other way than Cassian actually physically abusing Nesta with Rhysand and Feyre's blessing. I don't really see how you could read it any other way.

"But Cassian doesn't touch Nesta, he never lays his hands on her!"

Well what do you call it when a man, at the direction of his boss who is also his brother in law, forces a woman to do strenuous physical activity against her will for days on end? What do you call it when a man forces a woman to carry the heavy supplies, doesn't check if she'd eaten or had water, doesn't allow her to rest, and doesn't allow her to leave the situation until they've had sex and he deems her adequate for society again? He has no kind words for her and he knows that she's In a dark mental spiral and he keeps pushing her until she faints from exhaustion.

I'm serious. What is this, if not physical abuse?

Nesta "acted out" and the men in her life punished her physically for it.

It's genuinely disgusting how this scene is meant as an important step on the so-called healing journey.


Underrated terrible Feysand moment is in ACOWAR when they reunite and she asks Rhys where her sisters are before they’re about to bang

“I can—take you to them.” Every word seemed to be an effort.
But he would, I realized. He’d shove down his need for me and take me to them, if that was what I wanted. My choice. It had always been my choice with him.

It’s so fucking funny that SJM wrote this without a lick of irony, like ma’am. Why are we praising Rhys for giving her a choice on whether or not they’d have sex LIKE I SURE HOPE HE WOULD???


Okay listen. Come in close. I know I'm preaching to the choir here on my blog. I know it. But still.

I can kind of understand the dark fantasy girlies (gender neutral) being into rhysand on the basis of they are dark fantasy girlies and that's how they are approaching this. The appeal IS the evil dude who treats you... well the appeal is the evil dude. I get it.

And I can! Maybe! Sort of! Understand the feminist king (tm) rhysand girlies up to the end of acowar, on an intellectual level. The book says it, after all!

But after acosf I genuinely don't understand anyone who isn't here specifically for the evil dude thing. The second reproductive abuse enters the picture, even the mask of feminist king (tm) is rent asunder. It's fundamentally abhorrent to present this character as a feminist king (tm) at that point. There's no turning back.

Anyway I'm sitting here agog at how he's not getting the most votes in the worst/least favorite character poll

random anecdote: I’m studying for a degree in women’s studies. at an ice breaker event i met another student also doing women’s studies. the conversation went like this:

me: what’s your hobbies?

her: i read

me: what kind of books?

her: do you read?

me: yes i read

her: i like this series called acotar

me: *takes a second to process the acronym said aloud for the first time* OH i know those. sarah j maas. i have beef with her lol

her: oh because of the jewish thing that happened?

me: i have no idea what that is?? but i really don’t like her books, they’re sexist

the conversation then became very tense and awkward as i tried to bring up random examples of rhys being sexist and her trying to counter them. i haven’t read the books in a looooong time and not the newer ones but the reproductive abuse was something i knew via tumblr and used that example. it was the only one that she couldn’t really counter but also just kind of brushed off anyway.

thankfully i never saw her again because she even though she was studying the same course as all of us at the icebreaker, she gave off the vibe that she was vaguely above it and didn’t get the passion others had to be there?. i would love to know what she’s doing her dissertation on. additional context is that the women’s studies course i do is fucking good. it is not the easy mainstream feminism course i think she was expecting.


Our perfect High King😍😍 The best of the best. The best man in SJM world.

What we have now is de facto ✨segregation✨. And not only by Rhysand and his sycophants, but also by Velaris citizens.

“I took precautions,” Rhys said—an edge to his voice I had not heard in some time. “Many of them. Starting with meeting with the governors of the Palaces and getting them to agree never to serve, shelter, or entertain Keir or anyone from the Court of Nightmares.”

“They have been sending out the word to every business owner in the city,” Rhys went on, “every restaurant and shop and venue. So Keir and his ilk may come here … But they will not find it a welcoming place. Or one where they can even procure lodgings.”

and this is Feyre.

I stepped in at last. “We’ll set limitations—on when and how often they come.”

And then they started telling stories about Amaranthe again.

Imagine being a woman who is about to be sold into an unwanted marriage and escapes to Velaris because finally they opened the borders.

And this is how you are greeted, by your own people, by other people of your own lands. With distaste, disgust and horror, before you are sent back into the darkness.


Sometimes I think that I must have read the ACOTAR series wrong. Like, so many people love those books and SJM writing. They can't all have missed that Rhysand is horrible, that Tamlin deserves better and all that retconning going around ?

I lowkey want to reread the series, but honestly not sure I'm brave enough.


If Feyre can handle being "High Lady" she can handle full and immediate knowledge regarding her body and her child.

She is an adult woman who can and should be in charge of all decisions regarding her.

People say the knowledge will stress her, good. She should have the ability to dictate her own reaction and be privy to all matters about her. If she can rule a court and carry and raise a child, she can know the extent of the risk she is at.

Feyre's pregnancy plot is a huge divide, and its honestly the easiest way for me to judge if I agree with someone's opinions on a rounded note


SJM needing to butcher Tamlin’s character (or at least trying to) just made Feysand’s love story that much weaker.

You’re telling me that if Tamlin didn’t fuck up those two wouldn’t have ever been together? You’re telling me Feyre needed to see Tamlin as worse than Rhysand for her to fall in love with him.

Imo SJM could have made them fall in love without assassinating Tamlin’s character. I think Feyre finding solace in Rhysand’s grey morality could have been enough.


remember when i said offhandedly on here that sarah j maas is a plagiarist and someone said i shouldn’t say that because accusations like that ruin careers

i want to be clear that i have no idea about any serious plagiarism accusations that may or may not exist against sarah j maas, and i was mostly just cracking jokes about how she steals all her character visuals and maybe a few names from dragon age fanart she finds on pinterest without knowing it’s dragon age fanart, which is i guess weird but not a crime. that being said, i’d swear in front of a judge that sarah j maas plagiarised me personally if i could really ruin her career

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