
Beloved Sandworm Of The Desert

@starlightsearches / starlightsearches.tumblr.com

Call me Star! (20s, she/they) / Queer 🏳️‍🌈 / I'm a writer! AO3: starlight_searches / Reblogging Wonderful Writers @starlightreadings / Requests: always open!

no yeah babe it’s not weird they’re just my friend that i met on my horny porn blog. yeah no we bonded over hardcore fetishes back in the day haha. now we’re buddies we’ve been exchanging pastry recipes for a couple months now. nothing weird.

Veronica Mata says she can't understand how the police officers who stood in a school hallway for more than an hour while children and teachers were being slaughtered in a classroom could possibly have been doing their jobs by the book. But that was the conclusion of a new municipalreport released Thursday into the May 24, 2022, shooting at Robb Elementary School, in which a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers.  "We don't understand. Like, everybody knows what went on. Everybody was there," Mata, whose 10-year-old daughter Tess was among those killed, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. "Everybody saw that these police officers stood there for 77 minutes and did nothing to protect our children. Nothing."

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled, repeatedly, that the police have no duty to protect you or your children.

So next time someone asks "who will help you if there are no cops and someone breaks into your house and is trying to kill you?" just spit in their face. There were DOZENS of police standing RIGHT FUCKING THERE at Uvalde, they just LET it happen, and that somehow counts as "cops doing their job" in this fucked-up mess of a country.

They're fucking waiting for the shooter to kill themselves


there’s an online mobilisation effort called “blockout 2024”, where people are en masse blocking influencers/celebrities who have been silent so far on palestine to make them lose followers and income. and it’s been making celebrities and streamers start posting links to gofundmes and the PCRF, which is great. But after 7 months of silence, I simply can’t look at many of these creators the same way, and the idea that these people with so much wealth and influence only started caring when something materially forced their hand and affected their social standing should disgust you too.

so accept the meager good these people are doing by posting links, but remind yourself that all of them could’ve been talking about palestine this whole time. sharing resources is truly the bare minimum. remind yourself that your faves aren’t exempt from the criticism attached to attending the met gala because they’re your faves. and never forget how many lives they could’ve saved if they spoke up sooner, and bothered to put any of their own money on the line.

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