
Nala's Lounge


An ask/rp blog for all my ocs, who live in the town of Snowden, in a musical au known as 🎶❄wintertale❄🎶

Hey tumblers, gonna open my Ocs up for asks. Here they are.

Monday- Loli / Harold

Tuesday- Jade / Ruby

Wednesday- Sasha

Thursday- Dimtrov

Friday- Garrus / Jeff

Saturday- Gaia

Sunday- Nala /Roxanne.

Don't be shy now .


🍃 Hey, it's Tuesday isn't it? I guess that means I'll answer questions for anyone who has them, This is Jadie Sans, waiting to hear from you..

By the way, I saw an emoji I like kinda want to use it to represent me when I speak instead of the leaf🍃 hear is the other one I want, and tell me what you think. ❤️‍🔥 It's a firery heart.


"Ok, for me, it kinda went like this. My Dad was a mortician, and oddly enough he had set up shop in an old Victorian type house. The lobby was the area coming in. And further back on the first floor in the living room is where the bodies would be on display before their memorials. The rooms upstairs were like offices, or where he would get the bodies ready to be embalmed.

Well one day, I was waiting for dad in the lobby, he was finishing up for the day and was in his office. I must have been about 10 or 12 years old at the time. Sitting on the chairs in the lobby, reading comics. That's when I noticed a young girl walk into the lobby through the front door, she couldn't have been more than about twenty. She had red curly hair and a dark dress on.

I saw her, but didn't pay her much mind, until I realized that she wasn't here to pay respects to anyone but I'm sure she went up the stairs, which was odd because nobody went up there. Moments later my dad came down and met me in the lobby. "You ready to go home, Harry?" "Dad, what about the girl who went upstairs?"

He looked at me confused. "What do you mean? There's nobody upstairs." I insisted that I saw her go upstairs. So, we went to check it out.

There was nobody. Nobody in his office or the other rooms. We ended up in the room where he embalmed the bodies and get them ready. There was one last body he had finished earlier, and was going to bring down for display tomorrow.

He opened the casket to show me his work, he was always asking what I thought. When he opened the casket, I froze. That was her, the girl I saw come in and walk up the stairs, laying in the casket.


Jeff looked up, and across the room at Roxanne, contemplating her question. A quick glace a Harold, and Jeff shakes his head, he's still reading. "Well, my interest in the paranormal really comes from collecting data, mostly catching stuff on camera, or digital audio. I wasn't always an investigator, but seeing alot of things I have seen, I think is reason enough to prove some things are real."

After several moments, there was silence in the room. It became so intense that it actually grabbed Harrold's attention, and he lowered his comic to see Jeff, and Roxanne looking at him. "Um ..hi." He said sheepishly. "Harold, did you hear my question? What influenced you to become an investigator?" Roxanne asked, Jeff following up giving his best English accent, "Yes Daddy, do tell us a story."

Harold gave them both a look, but didn't see the harm in telling them. He gave Roxanne a change to stop laughing at Jeff acting like a kid.


Roxanne came walking inside the same room her team was in from the hallway. Her presence merited a glance from Harold, who was sitting in an office chair reading an old Marvel comic, after an acknowledging wave, went back to reading. Jeff was doing a inventory check for what tech they may use for there next investigation. She observed the two of them, and spoke up, asking

both a question. "Hey, you two. I was wondering something about you guys. How did you get involved with paranormal investigation, I mean what sparked your interest? I mean with me, I've always been able to sense and talk to the spirits, if they want to talk to me that is. I guess I never imagined doing anything else.


"Oooh okay nice to meet cha' Sasha name's Zero, does this mean you're Russian too?"


*Sasha smiles and nods her head*

"Da. I am Russian tiger as well."

* She stands to her feet and steps into the kitchen, momentarily revealing her height*

"I know cousin has chocolate here. I can make you some to drink, no? It would be no trouble."


"Heyaaa sooo who is Sasha?"


* the young maiden looks up, hearing someone ask about her*

"I am Sasha, Dimtrov is older cousin of mine. It is good to meet you."


you know what’s always bugged me? when a character is faced with some magical two headed being or some shit and one always lies while the other tells the truth and to figure out which is which the character’s like “which one of you is the liar” or something like bruh literally all you gotta do is be like “what’s two plus two” one of them’s gonna say four and the other one is gonna say 83 or some shit. there you go. answered. go on with your magical quest to defeat david bowie. 

this has forty notes. that’s forty more notes than expected.

THIS IS A VERY GOOD POINT and deserves more notes

LISTEN i don’t normally engage in Discourse but this information is DANGEROUSLY MISLEADING!

the point of the riddle isn’t to figure out which one is lying, in fact, knowing which one lies and which one tells the truth is irrelevant. What you want is the correct answer from the magical beast/two guards/etc. Usually this means knowing which path to take. For that, you HAVE to ask it “if i ask the other head/guard/etc which is the safe way to go, what will they tell me?”

if you asked the truth-telling one, they’ll tell you the wrong way, because the liar will always mislead you. if you ask the liar, they’ll tell you the wrong way, because they’re misleading you, so

ALWAYS do the opposite of whatever answer you get.

“who cares this is a stupid tumblr post this doesn’t matter irl–”

WRONG AGAIN! story time:

A few years ago a friend threw a halloween party, and since he dressed as the Riddler, he decided to have a riddle contest.

now, i’ve been preparing for a riddle contest my entire life, since i first read the hobbit and it got bilbo out of trouble. for some reason, i assumed riddle contests were as inevitable as quicksand.

I answered the first riddle easily (it was one of the ones from the hobbit) and then i had to answer the next one to win a bottle of top-shelf rum. it was a variation on the two-guard riddle, only i had to choose one of two paper bags. one had crappy cheap vodka, the other the nice rum. 

the host and his friend did the classic one lies one tells the truth thing, and of course before i asked everyone started shouting “ask him what color your hair is!” and stuff like that, but i already knew what to ask, so i shushed them and won the rum

remember, kids, it doesn’t matter which one is lying and which one is telling the truth. all that matters is you get the correct knowledge to move you forward, win your rum, and make you seem like a superhuman riddle-solver to a crowd of drunken party guests.

always be ready for a riddle contest

Here’s a thing that usually doesn’t come up when people try to criticise this riddle as well. One of the conditions of the riddle is typically that you only get to ask one question. You arrive at the liar and the truth teller and you need to find out which bridge is safe and which one will collapse when you’re halfway across.

They tell you that one of them always lies and that one of them always tells the truth. And they tell you you can ask them one question.

If you ask “What’s two plus two?” than great. You know which one lies but you also still don’t know which bridge you can cross and can’t find out.

You played yourself.

i can get the answer in zero questions. block all the other exits, light them on fire, and see which way they run.

^ Look at Alexander the Great up here, cutting the knot and all.

10th Kingdom did it best. X’D


hello! In pursuit of having more crafting hobbies that are your fault, I've been looking through your blog for a doll pattern that I seem to recall you sharing, but Tumblr search has failed me (no surprise there, really). Any chance you know what I'm talking about and can help a girl out? thanks!


Possibly these?


Half awake, Dimtrov sits up, his legs hang over his bed to the floor. Silently he slips his feet into his fuzzy slippers, surrounding his feet in their much needed warmth. He raises his arms,and engages in a satisfying stretch, resulting in a low, unexpected growl.

🐯 *Yawns* "Good morning comrades. It's time for coffee, no?" Dimtrov gets up to make coffee, and should be able to answer questions shortly.


(Yooo how are Jade and Ruby doing?)- Keiko


🍃Hey Keiko doing good on our end. /Jade has her guitar strapped over her shoulder, ripping through arpeggios/ 🤘


Good night you guys.. it's 2 am for me. Hopefully I can get some sleep.

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