
Big sh*t poppin

@zelico-blog / zelico-blog.tumblr.com


Seemingly invulnerable leader who is such a perfectionist and always pushes himself to the limit; it’s been hard on you. Your deteriorating condition is so painfully obvious to the careful observer with every difficult breath and restrained cough. It almost hurts to watch you work so hard even when I know that’s such a basic element of your character and you would refuse to do otherwise. The recognition you want and deserve is finally being given, we are all so incredibly proud of you. You are an inspiration to many and a respectable person to all. But in the meantime, please take care of yourself. Get some rest and get well soon; we will be right here when you return.

May your neighbors respect you Troubles neglect you, angels protect you And heaven accept you..


[B.A.P] 13 Feb ~ 19 Feb schedule

14 Feb Recording: MTV Music Island - B.A.P Radio: MBC 95.9MHz Younha’s Starry Night @ 10.05PM KST - B.A.P

15 Feb Recording: MTV-SBS Tadah! It’s B.A.P

19 Feb Broadcast: SBS-MTV Tadah! It’s B.A.P @ 4PM KST Fansign at Youngdeungpo Hot Tracks (Time Square Arithium 1st Arena Stage) @ 7.30PM KST 


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