Wish Upon a Night Star

@smoothexpression / smoothexpression.tumblr.com

🛸Fox & Dana🔭
Smooth Collies of NOVA

hi everybody, long time no see just thought i’d pop in w/ a little life update for those curious...  the brown and whites are doing well, fox has been acting like a silly puppy lately and dana has been mellowing out enough to spend the day curled up at my side like a warm donut. i can just sit with my hand on her twirling her fur in my fingers and she doesn’t mind at all. chickpea has been regressing into a bit of a terror again but it’s not his fault, he’s still the most affectionately cuddly cat on earth.  in october i got spinal fusion surgery, meaning my mom has to do most of the taking care of my animals these days. recovery has been an extreme challenge, dana’s training was lagging because of covid and now it’s at a dead stand still.  but it’s hard to mind when she’s been being such a good sweet little girl for me. no matter what i’m so glad to have her, every day she makes me laugh, she turns fox into a puppy, she exercises chick, and warms up my cold toes, she picks up anything i drop, and even brings me back things she stole naughtily when i ask her to return them. she’s sort of like the heart of the household right now, helping us all get through this. i really don’t know where i’d be without these three, they’re my family, and i’m so so so grateful to have them. each one of them brings me a special amount of joy that’s unique to them and their funny little personalities.

i hope you all have been holding up despite this rough year, and that you’ve had a warm holiday season with those you cherish in your lives.  lets keep our heads up for 2021. i love you all. 


Long time no post, but an update of everyone

Mars is five months today! Shes doing really well with everything we're working on so far. She has a solid sit, down, and nose target, and a fairly reliable recall, stay, and stand. Her loose leash collar walking is great, she has phenomenal toy and tug drive but no interest in swimming. She shows great disc and herding promise, so we're working on foundations for both right now.

Vega is doing well lately. Shes been going on more outings as a service dog because my mental health has been shit lately and has been doing great! We had plans for obedience titles this year, but covid happened so its been put on hold for now. We do have hopeful boyfriend plans for her next heat though, fingers crossed!

Ray has been having a rough time of it lately. A couple weeks ago he pulled something in his back and had trouble getting up for a few days, but his bloodwork and x-rays seemed fine. He's on pain meds now and I'm going to start making him do swim therapy to gain some muscle back.

Puck wanted nothing to do with photos today, but hes doing okay too! The fireworks were terrifying and hes still been very anxious afterwards despite his gaba/traza cocktail during, so I'm thinking about getting him on anxiety meds.

oh my god, i missed you getting a pup!!! congrats!!!! 

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