
Grab Bag of Intrests

@pwanch / pwanch.tumblr.com

I'm in my 20's but still on this broken website somehow

after more than a year I’m finally done with Corsola 2019 XD reposting Corsola 1999 along with it so that I can compare the differences…

I originally intended to release them as companion paintings, but life happened. Seems like I went a bit too heavy on the outlines for Galar Corsola! 


My hypothesis is that in like 10 years gen z is gonna have a big cult boom the way the boomers did in the 70s


It’s already happening on tik tok. There’s a fun new thing going round that’s citing common symptoms of depression and anxiety as signs you’re about to have your awakening and that you are actually an alien and the reason you don’t feel right is because you’re home sick for your own galaxy. So that’s fun.


agreed, and i don't mean this in a "haha gen z is so dumb they're gonna join a tiktok cult lmao" i mean that conditions are perfect for the formation of cults right now.

  • high unemployment and a lot of underpaying, pointless jobs = people are looking for things to do with their life, a purpose
  • skyrocketing cost of living = most young people will not be able to live on their own, meaning some will end up in a group living situation with people interested in recruiting them
  • it's a time of great cultural and political upheaval, nothing feels real, people are desperate for meaning and human connection. cults promise that
  • there is a new wave of acceptance and understanding for ways of life outside the norm, which is great! ...except for when cult leaders tell you abusive and controlling practices are just their culture, their religion, their lifestyle, their beliefs, their tradition, and if you disrespect it you are the problem
  • social media influencers have already shown us how easy it is to build a cult of personality and attract people from anywhere in the world who are interested in the exact brand you are selling
  • spirtuality is having a boom, as are things like astrology, crystals, tarot, meditation, energy... those things aren't bad on their own but they are often used as tools of cult spaces
  • wellness. i think a lot of people are already in wellness cults. you can make people do a lot of things in the name of "wellness" and a big factor of maintaining a cult is keeping members in a state of decreased cognition..... like say, with regular fasting
  • i think people are just unaware in general of how cults function, especially because the satanic panic was a big stupid false alarm that convinced the youths that dungeons and dragons or doom were gateways to cults, which are scary evil child murdering, satan-worshipping gangs. people don't know how to spot them in real life.

So if that's the case everyone remember with me the cardinal rules of not getting cult'd

SOCIAL BUFFER: Learn what healthy social boundaries are and develop relationships which are within those boundaries.

Be wary of those who step on your or others' boundaries. Be there for your friends, but don't be their therapists or parents. Go get coffee or juice or snacks & chat casually with a friendly crew on a regular basis.

ESTEEM BUFFER. Recognize that you and every other person on this planet are owed a baseline of respect.

Respect means that what you wear, what/who you take interest in, and who/what you are are things which you decide on based on your own reasoning. If anyone is trying to change your mind, make sure to think critically about their side and decide for yourself whether you want to change. Ask: Why do they want you to change? Is that valid to your situation? Who / what would benefit from this change? Do you want them / it to benefit? Then decide for yourself.

RELAXATION BUFFER. Take time exclusively for yourself.

Take care of your body and mind when it needs to be fed, watered, washed, or nurtured. Have a couple hobbies that are just for you. Have more than one interest. Think about more than just one topic. Cults keep you focused on them to the exclusion of all else, so don't allow yourself to be blocked in.

BUBBLE POP BUFFER: Learn from multiple sources, even ones you don't like or respect.

Read multiple sources' versions of events before you decide what you feel about something. Recognize that not all sources are valid, but understand what those invalid sources are trying to do. Are they misguided or malicious? Who are THEIR sources? What is the agenda? Who benefits? Why would they want to say what they're saying? Do they have a point? Who pays them? What do they care about? Then make your decision.

BEWARE THE B.I.T.E.: Cults control people via Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotion control. BITE

Look up the BITE model and consider it against groups you wish to join / have joined.

Remember. You are the arbiter of your mind.

You have the blessing and burden of making your own decisions. Other people who will love and care about you throughout your life will want you to think for yourself and will think for themselves.

You are not alone. You are worthwhile. Your thoughts are your own and you have every right to control them yourself.

Here is the BITE model kialessa suggested looking up. I've found it to be a very handy resource myself :)

Some further information:

Hope this helps :)

As someone who joined one and found out and got out before it was too late, this is so important.


i feel like everyone’s forgotten some Covid basics so please let me remind you:

  • Your mask protects others more than it protects you
  • You can still spread covid even if you’re vaccinated or not showing any symptoms
  • The more this spreads around, the more mutated variants of the virus will appear and they WILL be stronger than the original

so like maybe stop being a little bitch and endangering others because you really, really needed to go out to dinner or get fucked up at a bar instead of in your home like a respectable person


Why can’t someone’s superpowered alternate personality be the introverted one for once?

Party animal turns into sexy, focused, supergenius.

Ok,  Yugi has as much party animal energy as wet toast. but this does fit into the general idea.


Ankko Headcanon

A super contagious virus known as the ‘Rona hit the entire area surrounding Luna Nova and basically, the entire world is in shutdown. Luna Nova has severely restricted the amount of people that can be in one area, so most people have gone home and do online learning or are stuck at campus because of flying restrictions. 

Sucy and Lotte decided to go home because they have the means of taking online classes due to advances in magitech, Akko does not have such means back home in japan and also cannot stand to be in the bunk they shared by herself.

Akko also needs human interaction for serotonin, and with barely anyone there at the campus except for professors she doesn't like, she decides to shoot Andrew a text asking if she can quarantine with him at his mansion. Andrew immediately talks it over with his dad and somehow convinces him to let her stay. Andrew is very very happy that the girl he has a massive crush on is staying in his house and he can interact with her instead of his father which is like talking to a brick wall. Andrew is also hoping that being in such close contact with Akko would maybe lead to their current friendship into being romantic.

Andrew’s dad is very much struggling to deal with her antics, He may be more tolerant of her since she Saved The Entire World From Being Blown Up, but she is still A lot. He’s not entirely sure if she’s a good presence for his son, especially since she is a chaotic gremlin part of the time, but at the very least his son has been smiling more often with her being around.


I was curious so I tried coloring this sketch, lol. x)


one last present for ankko nation for 2020! ;P stay safe and wear your masks ily


Thank you very much for everyone’s support, I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

This is my last drawing of the year as I will be offline elsewhere and will be back in early January. ✨


I rewatched Little, Witch Academia Ep 10 and had to draw them!!


I grew up with a grandma who quilted, but she’d never been interested in passing along the hobby, so when she finally kicked it I was the grandkid who got all her materials, ‘cause I was the only one who knew how to use a sewing machine. Then, in 2015, a friend had a baby and I figured I’d make her a quilt, ‘cause how hard could it be?




Luckily I am the stubbornest human alive, ‘cause I never woulda finished otherwise. I didn’t know what I was doing, didn’t know the terms to look up how to do anything, I musta reinvented the wheel like eight times and it took ten months, BUT I DID IT.

Figured I’d suffered enough and would never do it again and now I’m on quilt #9 smdh


I’m hyperventilating.

Holy shit. Holy SHIT.


Oh my god.

I’ve gotta go lay down holy shit look at this how do we just walk by other human beings every day and live our separate lives when there’s a person sitting next to you on the train or in line for coffee who goes home and makes things like this what even IS being human holy shit.



Oh heck I did not expect the notes to blow up on this, UM

Okay so on a purely technical level, this is not that difficult, you just gotta come at it a little sideways.

The background of this sucker is just rows of 1.5″-wide fabric strips. I can’t remember the exact pattern, but I wanna say it was something like one row 6″ strips, one row 4.5″ strips, one row alternating? I don’t remember exactly, it was a while ago. That’s not difficult, you just lay it out and sew it all together one row at a time. It’s not hard, just tedious.

The fish are a lil different. I can’t draw, there is a disconnect somewhere and my hands are stupid, so I figured out probably fifteen years ago that tracing was the way to go. For this, I legit just yanked several photos of fancy-looking goldfish off the internet and traced over ‘em in Photoshop.

Once I had enough, I printed my outlines, laid ‘em out on the background to create the idea of movement, and then traced the outlines out on fabric and pinned the hell out of ‘em.

This woulda been WAY easier with Heat ‘N Bond, but I didn’t know that was a thing at the time. From there I just used just about every fancy stitch on my inherited sewing machine to make the fish STAY WHERE I PUT THEM, and also look good.

I have since learned this is called “raw edge applique” but whatever. It’s fun, it’s neat, you can do it with a bunch of stuff and impress the hell outta people. More recently, it’s how I’ve gone from this:

to this:

(this was another project I SUFFERED over unnecessarily, because I’m the dip that decided to quilt the waves, like a moron)

god that sucked but it looked SO COOL when I was done!


I’m very sorry to tell you that if you thought we would be less impressed with you after this update you were very mistaken. I’ll say again:

Holy. Shit.

Imagine inheriting your grandmas quilting skills without even realizing even after the 9th quilt


“why bother writing bisexual characters if they just end up in a m/f relationship”

my dude

my guy

my pal

stop talking forever

Oh I have never reblogged faster in my life


Watching my bi friends’ identities get erased when they‘re in m/f relationships makes me think it’s even MORE important to write bi characters in m/f relationships and then be REALLY BLATANT about the fact that one or both of them is bi.

I had a bi friend who was dating a girl and when he said anything about being bi she would laugh and say “that doesn’t matter cuz you’re with me”. Never been so happy to hear a friend broke up with a partner

As a bi woman who’s in a m/f relationship, who’s favorite oc is a bi man in a m/f relationship. This is very important to me!


husband kissed me this morning and murmured “mlm/wlw solidarity[1]” which is frankly the entire point of bi folks of different genders ending up together

[1] pronounced mlem and wooloowoo

oh my god the Owl and the Pussycat were bi


ATLA fandom: Aang tried to force his ideals on Katara and stop her from confronting her mother’s killer.

ATLA episode transcript:  Katara: Don’t try to stop us. Aang: I wasn’t planning to. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. But when you do, please don’t choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.

What’s funny is that Katara said herself she will never forgive him and that’s okay. Aang was fine with that and he accepted that. The whole thing was that Katara was not gonna let anger get the best of her. She didn’t need someones life on her conscience at such a young age too. Bryke pretty much explains this but fandom likes to be that dramatic.


^ ^ ^

I would argue that Aang did get it. He found out his entire culture and everyone he knew and loved - except Appa - had been murdered by the Fire Nation. Including Monk Gyatso - the closest thing to a father he would ever have. Aang understood.

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