


Supernatural may or may not have taken over my life

“Umm, how can you be ‘semiaquatic’, you either are aquatic or you’re not. Don’t be greedy.”

“So, I get that you’re a monotreme and everything, but do you identify more as a rodent or a bird?”

“Ugh, why do you have to be such a special snowflake. Do you and like three other species need an entire order to describe yourselves that separates you from mammals that birth live young?”

“You needlessly complicate an artificially constructed system of classification. Why don’t you just lose the webbed feet and beak and egg laying ways and become a proper mammal.”

“Ha! You may look like you belong to class Aves, but I know for a fact that birds don’t have fur. You’re such a phony.”

“Why do you insist on appropriating beaks and webbed feet. Like, you admitted you weren’t a bird, stop incorporating them into your anatomy. All you’re doing is making birds look less legitimate as an order.”


Things that died in the Phandom world

- AmazingDan

- The sexy end screen dance

- Draw Phil naked 

- Sanity 

- Emo hair

- Dan with a tan

- No-homo-howell

- Our lives 


oh ok and also!!! ladies, when you’re shaving your “coochie”:

  • use conditioner instead of shaving cream
  • shave sideways (not against the hairs or with the hairs)
  • use smaller strokes
  • then pat with a cold cloth when you get out of the shower
  • then put on some scent free lotion 

bOOM. no razor burn. 

no lie, like I saw this either on tumblr or twitter and it worked 


ok but can you imagine

dean and cas are in the impala 

leaning in to finally, finally kiss each other

and just as their lips are about to touch and dean’s closed his eyes

sam walks over and knocks on the window


I’m surprised that Jensen “I hate glitter keep glitter away from me” Ackles used glitter on his card and shook it all over like dude what happened to your glitter phobia?


B y e “please sue me”


Is dean wearing a coat? Like an over coat? Like a.k.a trenchcoat? A black trenchcoat? What is this….WHAT IS THIS?!!!??!!??!?! AND CLAIRE? SHE IS  WEARING LIKE A COMBINATION OF CAS & DEAN’S CLOTHES.

SPN will be the death of me.

I wonder if they’ll ever put a black trenchcoat on cas.

Dean is looking weirdly Cas like in that photo. Trench coat Shirt and tie What could be an angel blade Shoulder grab

Maybe Dean decides to stand in for the dad role since Cas is…unavailable

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