

Venus || 23
[ our time here is limited ]

You can apparently also eat that mushroom as Durge and unlock a memory.

And depending on if you’re resisting the urge or not you can get a flashback of eating a baby via the mushroom!


the absolute beginners guide to twine part i

I've posted this in the tutorial channel in our decoding twine server, but I figured it might be helpful to keep on here. As someone who found learning twine incredibly daunting especially with so many things to read, often using coding language I was expected to already understand, I want make coding in twine alot simpler for beginners.

So, with this, I'm unleashing the absolute, absolute, begginers guide/series of sorts for people looking to pick up twine, but might be intimidated. Here I'm talking about the 'stuff you should already know' 🙄 you see when going into tutorials. I really hope some of this helps, and I'll be happy to answer any questions I can in the future, or at least, send you to someone else who can too.

so, with that being said, here's the absolute beginners guide to twine, part i

So, this is the most basic basic basic stuff you're going to use within sugarcube twine, that I thought would be helpful for those of us who are just learning, there are plenty of more in depth guides out there, but I wanted to keep this as simplistic as possible in a sort of explain-to-me-like-i'm-five style.

Once you've gotten twine installed and switched your format over to sugarcube -> (This is done by opening up a new project, clicking in the bottom left of your screen with your game's title, and clicking on the 'Change Story Format' Option and switching over to the latest version of Sugarcube (sugarcube2.36.1))

PASSAGES These are what hold the content of your story! They hold your main body of text and LINKS which what connect passages in your story. Think of passages as pages in your choose your own adventure novel, and links are the choices that tell you (or the program) which page to flip to. Passages have TITLES and BODIES Your Title, is you guessed it, what your passage is called. This will not show up in game, but I'd recommend naming your passages something bland incase code-divers hop in and look at your code lest they find something embarrassing in your titles. Your body, is what is in the actual passage itself, this is what shows up in game and contains links.

LINKS links are what tie ALL of twine together across the formats, and in sugarcube you can style them a series of ways, connecting one passage to the next. The easiest way to include a link looks like this: [[LINK]] This is a link that will appear as the word 'link' in-game, and will take you to the next passage entitled LINK. For this route, it's necessary to wrap your link in two sets of brackets OR [[]] These, which will actually make it function as a link. [[NEXT | LINK]] This is another approach you could take, where players will click on a link that says "NEXT" in game, but will take the player to a passage called LINK. For beginners think, left is what will appear to the player and right is the title of the passage just for you the developer.

USING VARIABLES - variables are an incredibly useful tool that can be used to keep track of things throughout your game, whether that be your character's name, whether or not the player's visited a passage, the response to a question or numerical stats.

For our purposes there are three types of variables, Boolean (true/false), Numerical, and String Variables.

The two macros that will be useful in reference to variables are: <<set>> and <<if>>

First things first, when you have your list of variables ready, you're going to want to define them first in the StoryInit Passage. This is the first passage that will run in your game, you won't see it when the game is played BUT it does get run in the background behind everything else. By setting your variables ahead of time and modifying them later it allows for a smoother run through of the game that eliminates problems further down the line. You can of course, define your variables as your game progresses in individual passages BUT you might run into trouble later down the line.

So, let's set up your variables in a mock StoryInit Passage here: :: StoryInit <<set $characterfriendship to 0>> <<set $yesornoanswer to false>> <<set $eyecolor to "null">>

SO, what this does is it sets a variable called $characterfriendship to 0 using the <<set>> macro. What this does is set my friendship points with said character to ) that can progressively grow throughout the game.

VARIABLES whatever you call them ALWAYS have to be proceeded by a dollar sign ($) for them to function in game, and you can format the <<set>> macro a number of ways. For example: <<set $characterfriendship to 0>> <<set $characterfriendship = 0>>

Both will function the same and make it so that variable will equal 0.

Now moving on, if we want to alter those numerical values further down the line in a passage we can do so in a number of ways, whether that be adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying. For example if I want to ADD 1 point to my friendship my code would look like this. <<set $characterfriendship += 1>> OR IF WE'RE JUST ADDING ONE you could simply do this: <<set $characterfriendship ++>>

To subtract you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship -= 1>> To multiply you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship *= 1> To divide you'd do: <<set $characterfriendship /= 1> This of course can be altered to any number, just by changing that 1 to the number you'd like.

BOOLEAN VARIABLES are useful when an option has two outcomes, helpful for things like yes or no questions or passage visits. Setting those variables looks something like this:

<<set $yesornoanswer to false>> <<set $yesornoanswer to true>>

when setting the variable it is NOT necessary to add quotations around the words true or false, this will mess up your work down the line if you don't continuously use those quotes again.

STRING VARIABLES These are helpful for options with more complex outcomes, things like multiple options, names, or character customization.

<<set $eyecolor to "null">>

So far in StoryInit I've only set it to null because I haven't set it yet in-game, and by setting it to "null" it just gives me an option that isn't really an option.

SETTING VARIABLES WITH LINKS SO, moving forward, no that I have defined my variables in StoryInit, I want to change them when I'm in game.

You could do this of course, by setting them at the top of your passage in game. So looking something like this:

::passagethree <<set $eyecolor to "brown">> Her eyes were brown. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

But another sometimes more effective way to set them with actual links! You can go about that a couple of ways.

One is with the brackets method and it'll look something like this.

[[BLUE | LINK][$eyecolor to "blue"]]

Using this method, it's important NOT to include the word set, simply skipping ahead to your variable the to and what you're defining it as.

The other method is through the <> method. This is simply another way to style your links. I like the brackets method, but it's all up to you.

<<link 'blue' 'passage-four'>><<set $eyecolor to "blue">><</link>>

The first quotation (blue) is what the player will see as the link in the passage, and the second quotation (passage-four) is what the associated passage is called. You can set the $variable within those <<link>>


Manifesting a dream body? Start commanding it.

You can definitely make your body do whatever you want it to. In fact, your body is one of the easiest things to manifest (out of A LOT of things!)


  • Actors can literally cry in command.
  • Christian bale has learned to make his body sweat at the same time for every shoot/scene in american psycho.
  • Your friend that can eat a whole buffet but doesn’t gain weight? It’s because they believe that they can’t gain weight. It’s their mindset.
  • Abdullah eats like shit and manages to have a healthy body because he knows that no matter what he eats, he is still in perfect condition.
  • Amou Haji, the ‘World’s dirtiest man’ did not shower for 60 years because he believes that soap will give harmful effects on him. He lived ‘till the age of 94.
  • My uncle (when he was a teenager) used a placebo that the more he eats eggs, the more he’ll grow taller. He’s now the tallest in our family.
  • I literally eat chocolate/sugar DAILY, and yet i have NEVER lost my figure. Even everyone kept telling me that they like my body.
  • A swimmer wanted to improve his backstroke and asked scientists for help. He literally just visualized himself performing the backstroke in his mind, and his performance got better and even developed more muscle.
  • Those ‘slimming tea’ advertisements? They’re LITERALLY ALL PLACEBO. It has been debunked that there is no such drink to make you lose weight, and it only works because you believe it does.

So yes, you can manifest your dream body without dieting/exercising.

If it’s not your thing to do that, then don’t. Simple. Just persist in the notion that yes, you do have your dream body no matter what you do or eat.
If you want to exercise and eat healthy because it makes you feel good, then you can! Just don’t stress about it and trust yourself. Remind yourself that you don’t need to do any of that shit because it’s your mindset that’s doing the work.

You are not doing anything wrong, if people make fun of you and tell you that you’re supposed to do this and that— fuck em’! Sounds like they base their belief in logic and lack of loass teachings. We all know that logic doesn’t exist in our reality.

Remove limiting beliefs and start believing in yourself.

now as we’re all aware revision has become quite the popular topic in the loass community as of late. for why ? I have no idea, but just like everything else y’all are confusing the everlasting hell out of it and each other. so sit back and relax because class is back in session with your favorite sirengodmother 🤝🏾

re·vi·sion (/rəˈviZH(ə)n/)


the act of revising; the act of changing or correcting something, or the thing that has been changed or corrected

y’all know how if you bombed a test or assignment you’d be given the chance to revise it after school or sumn ? yea 🤝🏾

“Changing your life means changing the past. The causes of any present evil are the unrevised scenes of the past.” - Neville Goddard excerpt from ‘The Law and the Promise’

y’all seem to have this deep rooted belief that revision is anything but natural when in fact it is completely 100% natural. when you revise your going back into your imagination and rewriting how you want things to be.

y’all also seem to believe that manifesting presently and revising are on two different levels, and I’m here to tell you it’s not✋🏾

ok so siren since you’re saying all of this and it’s going in one ear and out the other , how do I revise ?

well glad you asked🤭revising is no different than manifesting in the present. (nie reread that until it’s engraved 🙂) the same way you’d affirm/visualize or do whatever that helps you manifest you can do it to revise. remember it all starts within you, in your wonderful human imagination

the past is never and will never be set in stone you can literally revise whatever you see fit.

success stories you might not think have anything to do with revision but they do


now there are some success stories missing I know someone asked me to tag revising a birthday and that’s somewhere on my page deep in the archives🧍🏾‍♀️

ok so you wanna revise/manifest your dream life ? lol what’s stopping you then ? revising that you’ve always lived your dream life is nothing hard. however you choose to manifest whether it’s through affirming, visualizing, scripting, etc, doesn’t matter.

if you’re using affs affirm in the past tense “ I have been living my dream life (for however long)”, “I manifested my dream life (so and so long ago)” , “ I have always had my db/df (or whatever your manifesting / revising”

if you’re visualizing then visualize a scene in where the past has been rewritten to what you want it to be. Neville in ‘The Law and the Promise’ spoke of a woman who revised a life long back injury that she had endured, simply by visualizing herself back in the past and revising the events that caused her injury.

To revise the past is to re-construct it with new content. Man should daily relive the day as he wished he had lived it, revising the scenes to make them conform to his ideals. For instance, suppose today's mail brought disappointing news. Revise the letter. Mentally rewrite it and make it conform to the news you wish you had received. Then, in imagination, read the revised letter over and over again and this will arouse the feeling of naturalness; and imaginal acts become facts as soon as we feel natural in the act. This is the essence of revision and revision results in repeal.” - Neville Goddard

when you’re revising something you’ll have all the memories of it and the experience. for example I revised always having my back dimples pierced, and when I woke up the next morning I saw them. I had all the memories of going to get them done and I remembered how it felt to get them done.

also for the girlies that want to manifest always living (ie; revising😑) their dream life and manifest never manifesting it ? pleaseeeee 😭yes it’s possible but like I said that’s literally revision

now that we got all of that cleared😮‍💨I sincerely hope (and I’m manifesting strongly) that everyone who was confused about revision or had reserves about it completely understood /understands everything I’ve written here. because idk how many more revision questions I can take🫠



understanding the law thoroughly truly solves most if not all problems you might have regarding manifesting. with understanding i do not mean just reading neville and understanding what you’re reading. i mean understanding on a level where you can apply it and relate it to every aspect in your life. taking in these principles as the upmost truth you live by may take time, but just acknowledging them every day makes a lot of difference.

consciousness is the only reality

"That I may not be misunderstood, let me again lay the foundation of this principle. Consciousness is the one and only reality. We are incapable of seeing other than the contents of our own consciousness." - Neville

there is no other world but the one that you are aware of. we are incapable of seeing other than the contents of our own consciousness. this is why consciousness is the only reality. reality is something you can experience and you only ever experience anything with your consciousness.

If you are impoverished and borrow from every friend you have, and then suddenly you roll in wealth, where did you bury the poor man? You so completely rub out poverty in your mind's eye that there is nothing in this world you can point to and claim, that is where I left it. A complete transformation of consciousness rubs out all evidence that anything other than this ever existed in the world.” - Neville

anything ever exists only if you’re conscious of it. whether you’re rich or you’re poor you are aware of being one or the other. when you erase anything from your mind that appoints to anything other than you having your desire then eventually everything will prove to you that you have that desire. a complete transformation of consciousness rubs out all evidence that anything other than this ever existed in the world.

"Now put them all together in a practical sense and see what the ancients tried to tell us. As I stand here, having discovered that my consciousness is God, and that I can by simply feeling that I am what I want to be transform myself into the likeness of that which I am assuming I am; I know now that I am all that it takes to scale this mountain." - Neville

you are all that it takes to scale this mountain. there is nothing, no one else that can change anything, but you. any problem, any desire you have is smaller than you. all you need to do is transform yourself.

"Consciousness is the one and only reality. Therefore, we must form the object of our desire out of our own consciousness." - Neville


"Man is always looking for some prop on which to lean. He is always looking for some excuse to justify failure. This revelation gives man no excuse for failure. His concept of himself is the cause of all the circumstances of his life. All changes must first come from within himself; and if he does not change on the outside it is because he has not changed within." - Neville

everything boils down to self. to blame others or some kind of outer circumstance is extremely comfortable. but true freedom is whenever failure hits you to look within. because the concept you have of yourself is the cause of all the circumstances in your life. if you want something to change then change yourself and don’t force change on the outside.

"Heretofore I thought I could change others through effort. Now I know I cannot change another unless I first change myself. To change another within my world I must first change my concept of that other; and to do it best I change my concept of self. For it was the concept I held of self that made me see others as I did." - Neville
"Instead of trying to change others through argument and force, let me but ascend in consciousness to a higher level and I will automatically change others by changing self. "There is no one to change but self; that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to consciousness that we must turn as to the only reality. For there is no clear conception of the origin of phenomena except that consciousness is all and all is consciousness." - Neville

everyone is you pushed out. however people act around you - it is all a result of the concept you have of yourself. you see others the way you do because of your conception of self. if you want to change someone you must change yourself first. self as in your awareness. shift your awareness of that person to the desired version.

“A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by. Always expressing a state, you identify yourself with it by saying: “I am poor or I am rich. I am known or I am unknown. I am wanted or I am unwanted.” - Neville

a state is your “I AM”. you always identify with something and you’re always expressing that. you are either poor or you are rich. you are either one or the other. the choice is yours.

“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” - Neville
"Be still, and know that I am God." - Neville

prayer (assumptions)

"If you are still desiring, stop it right now! Ask yourself what it would be like, were your desire a reality. How would you feel if you were already the one you would like to be? The moment you catch that mood, you are thinking from it. And the great secret of prayer is thinking from, rather than thinking of." - Neville

how would you feel if you were already the one you would like to be? this is the key question to ask yourself when praying (assuming). when you assume you stop desiring because you already have it. the key is to think from your desire not of your desire.

"Take my message to heart and live by it. Practice the art of prayer daily, and then one day you will find the most effective prayer is: "Thank you Father." You will feel this being within you as your very self. You can speak of it as "thou" yet know it is "I." You will then have a thou/I relationship, and say to yourself: "Thank you, Father". If I want something, I know the desire comes from the Father, because all thought springs from Him. Having given me the urge, I thank Him for fulfilling it. Then I walk by faith, in confidence that he who gave it to me through the medium of desire will clothe it in bodily form for me to encounter in the flesh." - Neville

being thankful every day will transform you. make it a habit. taking time to shift your focus inside every day will help you realise your potential. you are God. pray every day to Him knowing that He is you.

"Now that you have assumed that you are what you want to be, do not look back on your former state and wonder HOW it will disappear from your world. For if you look back and give attention to it, you are steeping once more that kid in its mother's milk. Do not say to yourself, 'I wonder if I am really detached from that state," or "I wonder if so and so is true." Give all your attention to the assumption that the thing is so, because all responsibility to make it so is completely removed from your shoulders. You do not have to make it so, it IS so. You appropriate what is already fact, and you walk in the assumption that it is, and in a way that you do not know, I do not know, no man knows, it becomes objectified in your world. Do not be concerned with the how, and do not look back on your former state. "No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62 Simply assume that it is done and suspend reason, suspend all the arguments of the conscious three-dimensional mind. Your desire is outside of the reach of the three-dimensional mind. Assume you are that which you wish to be; walk as though you were it; and as you remain faithful to your assumption -- it will harden into fact." - Neville

there is no need to search for the “how”. you do not have to make it so, it is so. you already have it. once you give it to yourself inside, it is yours. assume that it is done. your doubts, your concerns are that of the 3D mind. they’re irrelevant, they’re not important. suspend all reason because it belongs to the 3D and the 3D is irrelevant. assume you are that you wish to be; walk as though you were it; and as you remain faithful to your assumption - it will harden into fact. “how” that will happen is unknown. all you need to know is that it is already yours.

"In your mind's eye, you feel that they are as you would like them to be and then drop itThe secret is dropping it. "Let me go" is one the last statement in the gospel. "Do not hold me." If you hold on to it then you haven't dropped it. The seed must fall into the ground and die, before it is made alive. If I hold onto it and keep on holding on to it, I haven't dropped it, and it has to be dropped and left alone too. You can't pick it up every morning and see if it has root. I must drop it and leave it alone and then confront the harvest." - Neville

when you “let go” you accept it to be yours. when you “let go” you stop desiring because it already is yours. you do not have to cling on it because it is already yours and no one can take it from you. yes, it will appear. yes, you don’t have to worry about it.

"If you reach the point of relief, your bread has been cast upon the water to return, perhaps in the matter of an hour. I have had the phone ring – minutes after I have imagined it – to hear confirmation that it has happened. Sometimes it has taken days, weeks, or months; but I do not repeat the action once I have done it and felt the feeling of relief, for I know there is nothing more I need to do." - Neville

time does NOT matter. there is nothing more left to do. if you know it is done and feel relief then so it is - done. it is yours. if you worry about time then you don’t feel it to be yours. accept it to be yours, you’re allowed to have it - you’re allowed to feel whatever you want inside of you.

consciousness is the only reality. therefore all you need to change is your consciousness. more specifically your self conceptions. and you do that through prayer aka assumption. you assume all the time. make your prayers conscious and say “thank you”. it is the greatest prayer because you know your prayers are always heard and what is heard is answered.

take the time to truly understand these principles. remind yourself of these daily and you will notice yourself accepting your power more and more by each day.


𝐴𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ’𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑑𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑜’ 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑠𝑒𝑡:

Instead of searching up success stories and reading them with mindset of ‘i wish i could manifest like that, if they can manifest then why can’t i?’ flip that negative mindset round so when you see success stories on tumblr you feel motivated because you know if they can do it, so can you. If they went to the void, so can you. If they manifested 2 million dollars, so can you.

*ೃ༄ If it’s possible for everyone else it’s more than possible for you because this is your world, you are the one in control.*ೃ༄

Adapt the mindset of every time you hear about someone’s manifesting successes, you are happy for them, you are not envious of their success because you know you too are a powerful manifestor that can have anything you desire

You are not the exclusion, you are THE EXCEPTION!! I dont care if they manifested what you want in less than 3 days, you’re gonna get it today because you can, because if they can do it, you can do it with such ease. Why? Because you are the main character. Because you are the operant power and god of your reality. And as god of your reality, you don’t just sit back watching everyone else getting what they want and seeing that as reason why you can’t. NOPE. They’re are no reasons for you to not get what you want. If you want it, you’re getting it because as god of your reality and your commands are heard and granted instantly.


“get results after reading this post” challenge

The challenge is very simple, you will read this post all the way to the end and follow the instructions and at the end you should have some visible results. The amount of results you get is up to you but I have energy charged the post and affirmations so even if you have a “shitty mindset” or “bad self concept” it will work either way.

instructions 🤍

You will read the affirmations as they are written, and where there’s a ☁️ cloud emoji like this one there will be instructions that you follow before or after affirming.

the challenge is starting now, good luck!

……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..

affirm: “I will now breathe out whatever does not align with my desired self”

☁️ breathe in, hold your breath and count backwards from 5 down to 0 and as you breathe out, imagine breathing out stress and limiting beliefs, you can repeat this step as many times as you want but min 3 times is preferred. when you feel ready, start reading the affirmations below either in your head or out loud.

affirm: “I just breathed out everything that did not align with my desired self, I banish it and cast it out of me forever”

……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..

affirm: “I will now bring new energies into my life and into my 4D, I will only bring what I deserve and desire”

☁️ Breathe in the air into your lungs, count from 10 down to 0 as you slowly let the air out and imagine filling yourself with new energies that are cleansing your 4D and bringing in what you deserve and desire.

affirm: “I just brought in new energies into my 4D and it is only positivity and my desired energies. My 3D already reflects these energies back at me in the most positive desired way. I feel completely different”

note: repeat this one 5 times ☁️🤍❄️

……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..

☁️ Hold your breath, don’t breathe until you have read the affirmations down below in your head. Be careful though and if this is too much, pause whenever you need to and continue reading. The idea is that you will be semi conscious when holding your breath too much and feel almost dizzy so the affirmations slip right into your mind.

affirm: “I get results no matter what my mindset is, no matter what my self concept is, no matter whatever else is happening I still get results because I said so”

……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..

“what kind of results can I expect”

That depends on you and the subconscious beliefs you hold but if you feel like you didn’t see or sense results instantly you may see them later during the day or have them and not be consciously aware of them.

“what should I do to get results”

Repeat the post, and between each rep read these affirmations (yes they are also energy charged).

“I am consciously aware of the results I have”

“I am not desperately looking for results that are already there”

“I do not feel nervous and anxious or hold the belief that I cannot get results or that I don’t have results I am a new me now and things are different for me”

“I have cut off the old story so I will not be repeating that bullshit ever again. I am my desired self end of story”

……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..


for master manifestor mindset just affirm these:
















(i'm gonna be taking a break from tumblr for now and persist in this mindset. this month is all about growth for me)

Affirmations by The Wizard Liz 🌪️
i have all the qualities to be successful
i become prettier every day
whatever i desire comes to me in the easiest, higher, fastest way
anyone i meet becomes obsessed with me
i light up every room that i walk into
i am becoming the highest version of myself
i’m always getting spoiled and admired
anything i want, i get
i embody perfection
you are a master manifestor

you can have it all. you already have it all. there’s no need to look at an unfavourable situation and feel completely hopeless and full of worry anymore. you can change anything to go your way and you don’t even have to lift a finger in order to do so. you can become fully in touch with yourself and your mind and create the life of your dreams. and you can do it instantly. there’s no need to feel dragged down by the weight of life anymore, any weight can instantly be lifted if you deem it so. you can have anything, be anything and do anything just by living your life knowing that you can. how incredible is that? 🦋

𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪

❥ i lovingly and peacefully withdraw any limiting beliefs, emotions and tension

❥ i just remembered that everything always works out for me

❥ i never need to do anything to get what i want

❥ i know i get anything i want because it’s literally a law

❥ i just realised how powerful i truly am and i now take back all my power

❥ if i say that i don’t have it, i am literally lying to myself because i literally have what i want

❥ i always been able to manifest because i have been doing it all my life, and even in this second i’m manifesting from my 4d

❥ creation is finished. therefore my desire has already been created

❥ i now take all my power back. i am deeply apologising to myself for even thinking for a second i couldn’t have what i want when i know i have always gotten what i want

❥ silly me. i tricked myself into thinking it wasn’t gonna work out when me even thinking like that manifested my desired results anyways because everything is rigged in my favour

❥ wow all i did was be alive and be pretty and i got exactly what i wanted literally in less than a second

❥ i am self assured knowing that everything is rigged in my favour

❥ i am a manifesting god

❥ i am so powerful, even if i don’t feel like it

❥ no matter that i am feeling or seeing in front of me, i KNOW i have what i want because i said so

❥ no matter what i am thinking, i always manifested my desired outcome

❥ the universe helps overcome these limiting beliefs

❥ i know i deserve only good things in this universe

❥ i fully release anything unwanted thoughts that no longer serve me

❥ i permanently remove all self doubt and worries

❥ i am the creator of my reality

❥ i fully trust myself and i know i already have everything i want in this life

❥ i live life in peace knowing i have everything i want

❥ i feel so calm because i trust myself and i know my potential and power


if you want to be a feminine woman, start prioritizing and catering to your physical appearance. aka pamper yourself always. how we look and treat ourselves is how we feel. our appearance plays a huge role in that.

habits you should incorporate into your routine in place of bad ones:

  1. manicure and pedicure always done.
  2. take baths.
  3. get your hair done.
  4. make sure you are well groomed.
  5. facials.
  6. skincare routine.
  7. massages.
  8. stretch/flexibility.
  9. get your eyebrows done.
  10. get your teeth cleaned.
  11. go on a walk.
  12. eat healthy foods.
  13. dress up (look put together) even at home.

Femme Fatale Playbook: How Flirt With Men, Hold Your Own, & Embrace The Art of Seduction

While every encounter has nuances, here are some general principles that inspire a captivating, confident, and alluring presence without making you appear closed off when interacting with the opposite sex. Hope you enjoy these tips x

Decide On Your Intention: Determine your desired outcome from the interaction. Are you looking to get a man to sit by the bar for a drink, ask for your phone number, plan a date in the near future, build tension for a potential fling, or is the interaction more superficial – to practice your flirtation skills or go home with someone (no judgment – everyone needs those nights in their lives)? Knowing your goal and expectations going into the conversation allows you to relax and have a general action plan of how you want to approach the conversation.  

Go In With Confidence: While remaining humble, it’s important to enter into the conversation with the feeling like you’re the hottest woman in the room. Dress to impress – whatever is well-fitting and makes you feel your best. Do your hair and makeup – add a seductive perfume. Wear anything to make you feel like a million bucks. Remember: You can take or leave any offer. It’s a man’s privilege to be in your presence and have your attention. You're in control of the outcome and dynamic of the conversation. Claim your power at every stage of the interaction. 

Learn How To Hold Your Own: Stay unbothered by men’s opinions of you. Decide whether you like him before second-guessing what he thinks of you. Embrace a quiet confidence. Own your opinions. Walk away at any signs of disrespect. Finish your sentences if he’s about to cut you off while you’re still speaking. Control your range of emotions while still having a sense of humor, smiling, and maintaining good posture/open body language. Command presence. Display confidence. Make it clear that you know what you want. 

Remain Interested To Become Interesting: Listen more than you speak – it’s the secret to being mysterious, charming, and alluring. Don’t reveal too many personal details about your life. Ask follow-up questions to his anecdotes. Paraphrase his talking points and respond with an insightful connection that one can take away from his series of thoughts. This type of response makes you captivating and allows him to feel heard without your needing to disclose anything. Let him be more emotionally vulnerable. Nod, smile, and maintain eye contact to show you’re listening and to make him feel safe in your presence. 

Keep It Playful: Tilt your head to the side, touch your lips on occasion, subtly bat your eyelashes, use the triangle technique (look at his left eye, mouth, right eye, and then back at his left eye), graze his shoulder or knee while sharing a laugh, look him up and down – complete with a smile on your face. Indulge in the seduction. Regardless of your intention and timeline, sexual tension starts building in the mind and offers many avenues of exploration from the emotional, intellectual, physical, sexual, and spiritual – all in due time. 


Femme Fatale Playbook: How To Look More Expensive & Elevate Your Aura

Looking expensive or 'rich' is all about investing in yourself, your appearance, how you carry yourself, and not shying away from signature details or indulgences. Here are some tips to level up your look and demeanor to feel high-class in your daily life – no matter how much money you want to spend in these life arenas.


Prioritize Proper Grooming: Always looking clean and put-together is the ultimate sign of class. Shower daily. Brush, and take care of your teeth. Wash your hair on a regular schedule. Never allow your hair to look greasy – brush and blow dry it regularly. Cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize every inch of your face and body. Perform your skincare routine religiously. Apply sunscreen daily.

Tailor & Steam Your Clothes: Freshly-pressed and well-fitting clothes always look infinitely more expensive – no matter their price point. Looking rich and expensive is about high self-regard and paying attention to the little details. Ensure your garments look crisp and clean – no wrinkles, pet hairs, loose threads, lint pieces, or fabric bulges highlighting an improper fit.

Create A Classic & Streamlined Capsule Wardrobe: Simplicity radiates a chic sophistication. Go back to the basics with timeless pieces – like a button-down blouse, a classic crewneck sweater, black trousers or straight-leg jeans, leather pants, a leather jacket, a trench or wool coat, a well-fitting cami or tee shirt, a simple slip dress, or a knit set. Focus on a neutral color palette – black, champagne, dark grey, chocolate brown, camel, or crisp white shades. Seek out elevated fabrics – such as Pima cotton, cashmere, washable silk, and buttery vegan or recycled leather.

Invest In Signature Pieces: Spend on "outer shell' items – coats, jackets, heavyweight knits, handbags, and shoes – that directly interact with the outside world and can be worn repeatedly with almost every outfit. Save on items like tee shirts or more simple jewelry pieces that can be found for less while still being fairly high-quality. I recommend Everlane, Lilysilk, and Naadam for affordable basics (Frankie Shop, Skims, and Norma Kamali for moderately priced pieces) and Catbird and Oma The Label for well-priced accessories. Here are all the everyday essentials you need to build the ultimate Femme Fatale Wardrobe.

Simplify Your Beauty Routine: Fresh, clear, and glowy skin radiates rich girl energy. A well-curated skincare routine should do half the heavy lifting. However, you will probably want to include a shade-matched foundation, concealer, and powder into your makeup routine along with a bronze contour, a rosy blush, and a subtle highlighter. Shape and fill in your brows for a polished look. Apply a deep black mascara to your lashes and luscious black eyeliner to your top lid, waterline, and tight line – keep the strokes thin and crisp (create a subtle wing if desired). Finish your face with a deep pink nude, red, or deep wine lipstick/gloss/lip tint. Here's a guide to the ultimate Femme Fatale Beauty Routine for a completely elevated (and sensual) look.

Eat Healthfully & Workout: Health is wealth. Taking care of your body shows self-respect – your most priceless asset. So, incorporate whole, plant-based foods into your daily diet and make it a priority to find movement you love that you can incorporate into your routine multiple times a week.


Streamline The Details: The rich girl aesthetic is all about refinement and looking put together at all times. Always have a set of matching pens with coordinating notepads on your desk, a uniform set of coffee mugs on the counter, coasters, glassware, sheets, pillowcases, cold-weather accessories, etc. This attention to detail instant makes your environment look more expensive.

Have Personalized Stationery: A high-value woman isn't shy about leaving her signature touch. Have personalized stationery (thank you notes, greeting cards, business cards, etc.) monogrammed and on hand for anytime you need to send a note or gift to a friend, coworker, boss, client, etc. This addition shows your attention to detail, leaves the recipient something small to remember you by, and adds a human touch to any gift or gesture. Try gold lettering on cream cards for an elegant, expensive look.

Keep Prosecco & Sparkling Water On Hand: Bubbly on a budget feels just as expensive as champagne (and tastes great too). Sparkling water elevates your daily H20 – add some lemon, lime, orange wedges, or frozen berries for a fancy, fruity twist.

Have Proper Place Settings: Neat, thoughtful presentation exudes class and rich energy. Whenever hosting any type of sit-down event or cocktail party, have the plates stacked, glasses and cutlery arranged correctly. Have all of the appropriate utensils readily available. Again, it's all about the details.

Stay Informed & Well-Read: A thirst for knowledge, learning and having the ability to engage in thoughtful, informed, and intellectual imbues a high-class radiance into any room. Read books, learn about different cultures and current events, and invest in studying different industries, and interests. Explore your hobbies. A rich mindset translates and generates an overall elevated aura.


Learn Proper Etiquette: Address people by name, and offer a firm handshake. Maintain eye contact. Say "please" and "thank you." RSVP promptly. Communicate clearly and compassionately.

Maintain Good Posture: Shoulders back and relaxed. Open your chest. Keep your back straight and your head held high. Take up space. Command presence.

Master The Art of Engaging Conversation: Prioritizing self-presentation, learning how to listen, holding your own, and encouraging others to feel relaxed are the secrets to becoming magnetic in any social situation. Read more of my tips HERE.

Embrace An Abundant Mindset: Free your mind of limiting beliefs and notions of scarcity. There are plenty of opportunities, experiences, and emotions to go around. Another person's success doesn't take away from your potential. Focus on expansion, not envy.

Remain Confident & Unbothered: Believe in yourself. Invest in your well-being. Prioritize your goals and block out the noise from anyone trying to tear you down or criticize you for your ambition, goals, or desires. Stay in your own lane. Allow others to do the same. This is how you level up to elevate into your queen energy to create a rich life and design your dream reality.


Femme Fatale Guide: How To Cultivate Self-Love & Boost Self-Esteem

Acknowledging these two truths is essential: 

  • You have inherent worth. No one can deprive or deplete you of this value – except yourself. 
  • Only you can be the hero of your own life. It's no one's obligation to be your personal cheerleader – except you. 

Understanding that only you are responsible and able to generate your sense of happiness and fulfillment sets you free. 

How To Practice Self-Love: 

Discover and live by your values: Unapologetically! Some of the best advice I ever got when I was in high school (the OG Tumblr era lol) was this sentiment that I still live by: It’s important to live your life with respect and consideration for others but to never live for others. Your life is for YOU, not THEM. Remember: Self-neglect has a domino effect. You don't know how to provide others with the proper emotional space and validation until you first give it yourself. 

Find what gives you energy: What activities, habits, and people in your life help you feel alive and most connected? Lean into these routines. Make it a priority to spend time with these valuable people who earned a place in your inner circle. Give yourself the gift of ease whenever possible. Life is hard enough just by virtue of existing and having to engage with society daily. 

How To Build Self-Esteem: 

Gain confidence in your areas of mastery: Affirm your strengths. These can be character traits, skillsets, accomplishments, etc. Any truths about your personality and achievements that you can use to hype yourself up. While being delusional has its place when setting goals, I’ve found it easier to internalize naturally healthy levels of confidence and self-esteem when I can back it up with facts or experiences grounded in reality. 

Perceive your past mistakes as life lessons: Understand that every decision can serve as a data point. Every action has a certain outcome – whether that’s positive or negative. Seek to understand how your behavior, actions, and reactions shaped either outcome. Lean into the patterns that created positive results and adjust those that led to negative results when encountering similar situations in the future. 

Release the desire for revenge: Stop giving away your power to others. Stay in your own lane, unbothered. The ultimate revenge is personal success and fulfillment. 

Acknowledge what’s outside of your control: Don’t internalize outcomes that occurred due to external factors outside of your control. Other people’s actions, reactions, mannerisms, criticisms, and praise are most often (if not always) a reflection of how they perceive themselves. Detach yourself from the outcome or approval of others. Once you gain an understanding of yourself, your values, how you want to show up in the world, and ways to feel secure in your own skin, it's easier to stay objective when dealing with a high-stakes situation, conversation, or conflict. Once you cultivate a sense of self-respect and integrity, you can be objective and have the energy to listen to and validate others as needed. 

Focus on your goals and priorities: Remain laser focused on achieving your career, personal growth, health, relational, and other life goals. Make your fundamental habits and most valuable relationships in your life your utmost priority. Everything else is an outside indulgence or distraction. Choose to give into your temptations wisely. Prioritize your life to ensure you make room for pleasure, love, abundance, and joy. You have the ability to give to others freely once you’ve already filled up your own cup. 

Remember everything takes time and experience: No one has it all figured out. It’s okay if you’re not where you expected to be or desire to be at this stage of your life. Stop comparing yourself – we all have our own paths. Choose to do one small thing every day to make your life better – either a step towards reaching a goal or indulging in a deep desire. Ensure there's a healthy (not necessarily equal) balance between the two. Leave your future self better than you found your past self. Express compassion towards yourself and acknowledge that you’re doing your best. Everything starts to make considerably more sense in hindsight. 

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