
@pathologising / pathologising.tumblr.com

blank open eyes watch the moon flower bloom

:) he tried some new things and liked them!!!! Autism win #autisticwhiteboy


Rapidly cycling between emotions like a bawse


I would 100% go to Home Depot with you but idk about hot pot mostly bc idk what that is


HOTPOT IS SO GOOD it's korean and basically you cook the food at your table and it's very fun and yummy

Anonymous asked:

In your relationship are you the the one who asked for no pickles or are you the "he asked for no pickles!" person

Well I ask for no pickles bc I don't like pickles on my burger but he doesn't order for me because I am an adult so yes and no for both


girl please why did i think you asked who wants to go to home depot with you

i was fully prepared to say yes absolutely but also yes absolutely i would go to hot pot w you


Home depot should start doing hotpot

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