
Tash Queen Supreme


Art and Comics. reposts are not allowed :D

reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future


I reblog  the money pigeon because I love him.


I had a fic search request on my discord server for Bagginshield fic where Hobbits have tails. I was completely shocked that I couldn't find any, (searching the Bagginshield tag on ao3 for "tail" brings up some weeeeeird stuff!) but I realized that's because your Hobbits with tails art has taken over my brain and it just feels like there's a whole fic out there already! So, I was going through your Bagginshield works (🥰) and a random thought occurred to me...do you think consort!Bilbo would wear any kind of jewelry (or a braid?!?) on his tail? 🤩


YES!! Thorin would absolutely make a bunch of jewels and rings and bedazzelmemts for Bilbo. And marvel when Bilbo wears them

Here are some more headcanons:

  • Hobbits wear their wedding rings on their tails since a lot of them are farmers and workers, so Thorin always makes extra rings just for Bilbos tail
  • When Bilbo is looking for Thorin he will subconsciously wiggle his tail so the rings make noise. Thorin always answers the call
  • Once it’s long enough Bilbo would wear a braid in his hair. Thorin likes to braid it. Bilbo learns to as well but keeps it to making Thorins hair pretty and fancy
  • After the journey Bilbo starts wearing much more simpler and comfortable clothing. Whether he is in Hobbiton or on court makes no difference. He sometimes will wear the fancy clothes for important events but keeps mostly to something one can move around in effectively
  • He constantly travels around. To the elves, to other dwarf folks, to the hobbits and back. Always documenting his journey and knowledge and sharing it with the world. As such he is very popular and gained some refined muscles. He still likes to have the belly and eat with a lot of hearth. But he is considered very strong and with an impressive stature for a hobbit
  • (The drwarfs see him more like one of themselves)
  • He has a little bit of facial hair grown. It’s not much and never will be much but it’s a little bit and Bilbo is proud of it
  • People think he always looks like he is analysing you and every situation. When he sits on court the nobels are always more careful with what they say bc Bilbo has a tendency to read everyone like a book and snap with the situation calls for it. Thorin thinks it’s funny unless the eyes are set on him

I had a fic search request on my discord server for Bagginshield fic where Hobbits have tails. I was completely shocked that I couldn't find any, (searching the Bagginshield tag on ao3 for "tail" brings up some weeeeeird stuff!) but I realized that's because your Hobbits with tails art has taken over my brain and it just feels like there's a whole fic out there already! So, I was going through your Bagginshield works (🥰) and a random thought occurred to me...do you think consort!Bilbo would wear any kind of jewelry (or a braid?!?) on his tail? 🤩


YES!! Thorin would absolutely make a bunch of jewels and rings and bedazzelmemts for Bilbo. And marvel when Bilbo wears them

Here are some more headcanons:

  • Hobbits wear their wedding rings on their tails since a lot of them are farmers and workers, so Thorin always makes extra rings just for Bilbos tail
  • When Bilbo is looking for Thorin he will subconsciously wiggle his tail so the rings make noise. Thorin always answers the call
  • Once it’s long enough Bilbo would wear a braid in his hair. Thorin likes to braid it. Bilbo learns to as well but keeps it to making Thorins hair pretty and fancy
  • After the journey Bilbo starts wearing much more simpler and comfortable clothing. Whether he is in Hobbiton or on court makes no difference. He sometimes will wear the fancy clothes for important events but keeps mostly to something one can move around in effectively
  • He constantly travels around. To the elves, to other dwarf folks, to the hobbits and back. Always documenting his journey and knowledge and sharing it with the world. As such he is very popular and gained some refined muscles. He still likes to have the belly and eat with a lot of hearth. But he is considered very strong and with an impressive stature for a hobbit
  • (The drwarfs see him more like one of themselves)
  • He has a little bit of facial hair grown. It’s not much and never will be much but it’s a little bit and Bilbo is proud of it
  • People think he always looks like he is analysing you and every situation. When he sits on court the nobels are always more careful with what they say bc Bilbo has a tendency to read everyone like a book and snap with the situation calls for it. Thorin thinks it’s funny unless the eyes are set on him

It’s been seven months since we were in the same place

I made this comic in 2020, when it had been seven months since my partner and I had been able to see each other. It’s 2023 now and once again it’s been seven months, and I’m thinking about portals that let us hold hands.


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