
KH Rarepairs Remind Zine

@rarepairsremind / rarepairsremind.tumblr.com

A Kingdom Hearts zine dedicated to the lesser known pairings of the fandom! All proceeds will be donated to a currently undecided charity. More info coming soon!

Money donated

The money from our second and final round of sales has been donated! Huge thanks to everyone who's supported us.

[ID: A screenshot of the donation confirmation page of the Trevor Project, thanking the donator for a donation of 73.94 US Dollars]


Zines sent out

All zines have been sent out! If you ordered the zine, but haven't received an e-mail with the PDF, please contact us!


Shop closed!

Thanks everyone who supported us! The second and final round of this zine has now finished sales, and the shop is closed. We'll donate the money and send out the zines over the course of this week.


The money from our first round of sales has been donated! Huge thanks to everyone who's supported us.

If you've wanted to buy the zine, but missed the sale period, don't worry - There'll be a second round soon. The second round will also be the last one, though, so use that chance!


Hello! We’d like to apologize for our long radio silence. Life has been busy for a while.

However! There’s only a few minor tweaks to be made to the PDF, so we will be able to start preorders on the weekend! Take a look at all the amazing ships in the zine (IDs in alt text, and a plaintext list of the ships is under the Read More)


Hello all! A couple of quick updates on our end:

  1. The zine is getting into its final stages and is mostly a matter of us and PayPal smoothing out a few things.
  2. Our charity has been decided by contributor vote, and proceeds from this zine will go to The Trevor Project!

Hello, everyone! Another update here, this time to say that — for everyone's excitement and reference — we are giving you our lovely and talented contributors in our CONTRIBUTOR LIST!

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