
Please Goddamnit He's The 14th Doctor


Icon by me
You can call me Rehks!
My pronouns are they/them I'm white, and my name’s pronounced like Rex Icon by me
math haters dni
Please send me asks about random stuff I’m bored!

what if i was in my twilight years and i flew across the world to interview you to find some kind of closure about the most maddening loose thread of my life and i discovered that when i was young you impulsively tried to kill me as you had killed thousands before me but then instead perhaps equally impulsively projected all your hopes for your own humanity on my survival and guided me through my life like an angel. and we didn’t even fuck. and armand wore sunglasses


oh damn, okay, so literally last night i was talking with friends about how unrealistic the golden horse in tears of the kingdom is and how it feels like they were just trying to one-up the white horse in breath of the wild, and then i run across this post, do a tiny bit of looking, and—no really gold horses are actually literally a real-world thing!


I remember reading about this breed in horse books. They're indeed very very old (over 3000 years old) and come from the deserts in turkmenistan. The way their hair is built helps them with the extreme temperature changes in the desert.

They're tough, with high endurance and intelligence, friendly and sensitive.


Oh my god if 8 year old me had known about this it would have been OVER


i cant stop thinking about "you led him there so he could destroy it"

you led him (lestat) there (your coven) so he could destroy it

you led him (louis) there (theatre des vampires) so he could destroy it

you led him (daniel) there (dubai) so he could destroy it.

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