





"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me"

—seven days [ epilogue ]

pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader

summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.

warnings: mentions of death and suicide.

author's note: here's the epilogue and the end end of the seven days series. thank you everyone for showing love to this fic! i was honestly so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of all of you. also, i apologize for all the broken hearts i caused after posting chapters 4-7. stay safe yall! i'll rest my fingers for real now. my doctor wasn't very happy with me. NOT BETA READ. NOT EDITED.




acabei de perder mt tempo da minha vida lendo uma história com um final horrível mas q poderia ter sido mt foda, pqp


poetry of the stars

—this fic was originally written for the bangtan fandom with kim taehyung as the main male character. it has been re-worked for the summer i turned pretty fandom with conrad fisher. yes, i am the original author [@/jjiimin is no longer in use]. the plot of this fic is entirely separate from the plot of tsitp. only conrad’s name is used.

synopsis: yn and her family are social pariahs a year after her older brother confessed to the murder of his secret girlfriend, who was also yn’s best friend. with normalcy as a thing of the past, all yn wants is to work through the summer and save up enough money to leave her town forever. but what happens when the job she gets hired for means working alongside the brother of the friend she lost?

genre: fluff, angst, friends to enemies(?) to lovers

warnings: theme of murder; guilt by association; hurt/comfort; general emotional pain; minor character death (pre-fic); lots of anger; emotional bullying; lots of sadness; conrad is a bit ‘rough’ in one of the scenes; yn gets physically assaulted by someone (non-graphic)

playlist: sweet night by kim taehyung; soldier by before you exit

word count: 25k

Sometimes you don’t see that the best thing that’s ever happened to you is sitting right there under your nose. But that’s fine, too. It really is. Because I’ve realized that no matter where you are, or what you’re doing, or who you’re with, I will always, honestly, truly, completely love you.

LOVE, ROSIE (2014) dir. Christian Ditter


vinnie hacker x fem!reader

summary || reader taking care of a drunk vinnie

“Be quiet or else you’re gonna wake them up Vinnie!” y/n whispered yelled, as they tried to make their way to his bedroom.

“Says a person with the grace of an elephant” he snapped back, while unsuccessfully trying to light the dark corridor with the flashlight from his phone.

Being quiet while drunk is harder than it looks - especially when the drunk one is a nineteen year old boy.

Before going to the party, y/n offered to be the driver for tonight, so Vinnie could have some fun with his friends.

What she didn’t know was that her “I don’t enjoy alcohol, so don’t worry, I’ll only have one drink” boyfriend would end up shirtless on top of the roof, trying to jump into the pool.

Maybe playing beer pong wasn’t a good idea after all.

“Vinnie, you just stepped on my foot! Get off me.” y/n said, as she took the phone from his hand and started walking faster.

“Chill woman, you’re not made out of porcelain. I won't break you.”

“When did you get so sassy baby?”

“Don’t baby me. Don’t you dare. I’m a man!” Vinnie started to raise his voice, sounding very offended.

Y/n laughed under her breath, as she dragged her boyfriend forward. He definitely didn’t get upset when she called him “dude” by accident last week.

“Yes, yes, of course.” they eventually made their way to his bedroom, y/n quietly closing the door behind them.

As she was taking off her shoes, she heard a loud thud, followed by a groan. Her head shot up in confusion, but what she saw had to be the best part of the whole night - Vinnie, excited to FINALLY be able to go to bed, missed it by at least a meter, and instead of falling on the soft mattress - he fell on the floor.

“Oh my- FUCK!” a groan escaped his mouth, making his girlfriend laugh.

“You’re a man, huh?” y/n made her way to where her clumsy boy was laying on the floor and kneeled beside him.

Even now, with his cheek squished to the cold floor, unruly golden hair splayed around him, and lips formed in a pout - he has never looked more beautiful.

“Let’s get you to bed champ. Properly this time” she giggled, as Vinnie tried to stand up by himself. He gave up after falling to the ground for the third time in a row.

Exhausted - both from partying and unsuccessfully trying to stand up, he collapsed on the floor with his eyes closed.

“This is comfortable enough. I’m staying here” Vin murmured, turning his head away from y/n and snuggling the non existing pillow.

“You are very endearing when you’re half-asleep baby” y/n used all her strength to lift up her boyfriend and guided him to their bed, where he collapsed once again. She pulled off his pants and helped him take his shirt off.

“Remember about socks.” he pointed at his feet.

“Are you sure you can’t do it yourself?” y/n smiled at him.

“Na-ah.” was the only thing he said as he wiggled his feet at her.

Yeah, he’s definitely a man.

After taking care of that, and making him brush his teeth, they made their way back to bed.

He threw himself at the blankets and nuzzled up to y/n, who was putting her phone on silent to have a peaceful night after all the crazy stuff that happened during the day.

The second she turned to face Vinnie, the clingy boy put his head on y/n’s boobs.

“What are you doing Vin?” a soft laugh escaped her mouth. She couldn’t help but to brush through his golden curls.

“You’re comfy.” he said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Mmmm. I see.”

“No really babe, you’re my new favorite pillow.”

God, y/n loved him so much.

A moment of silence passed and she thought that Vinnie was asleep, when she felt his lips move against her neck.

“You wanna have sex?” she looked down at him in disbelief, just to meet his honey brown eyes already looking at her.

“Vin, you can barely keep your eyes open.” she chuckled.

“How about a kiss then?” he asked with hope.

A kiss. Something as simple as that, quickly became one of her favorite things. Even a little peck stolen during the day, meant more than she could articulate.

How could she say no?


a ghost story — cedric diggory

pairing: cedric diggory x female!reader
prompt: the thing with love is that it doesn’t matter who it’s between; even if it’s between someone who’s alive and someone who isn’t.
t/w: mentions of death
a/n: ahhh probably not gonna be able to post as much as i used to anymore bc i’ve been spending too much time on tumblr & social media DDD: anyways yay cedric 

If you wander the halls of the Hogwarts castle, it’s likely you’ll come across a translucent figure or two, some eager to talk to you and others who won’t even bat an eye.

Ghosts. Some have been around for decades, others for entire centuries, but many have aimlessly roamed the grounds for so long no one really knows—or cares—where or when or how they died. There are those that are bitter and hold incessant grudges; they wander through walls, angrily uttering empty threats under their breaths that they have long since lost the ability to truly carry out. They are ghosts after all; mere imprints of the departed soul, according to the usual textbook, and there are a variety of things that they can no longer do that they once were able to when they were alive.

Take the young Hufflepuff ghost, for example, who died at the young age of seventeen, long before she could truly live her life beyond the school walls. Before she could graduate or find love or do whatever was on her agenda.

That in itself is a tragedy. But if you happen to come across her in the castle—because Merlin knows she is always, always wandering, never in one place at one time—you will see that the last thing she seeks is vengeance.

Quite the opposite, actually.


after all this time. fred weasley

request; not requested i was just in my feels and i wanted angst and as someone who has kinda been in the same situation this was also a comfort to write :))

pairing; fred weasley x fem!reader

warning/s; fluffy angst where fred lives and not much else

word count; 4.4k (holy cow that’s the longest i’ve written so far)

a/n; moved to the end of the post :)

summary; fred leaves you on the day you were supposed to tell him that you were pregnant with his child. three years later you see him again, and secrets are unearthed.


“i don’t understand, freddie. why are you—”

“[y/n]! that’s enough!” your boyfriend furrowed his brows, blowing out an exasperated breath that had you feeling offended. he ran a hand through his already unkempt hair before meeting your eyes. “don’t you get it? i’m done. we’re done. we’re through.”

there was no emotion behind his words. no meaning. nothing that told you of the two years you’ve spent together. and to be perfectly honest, even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, you expected this. deep down you knew he’d fallen out of love somewhere along the way.

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