
still got a tumblr

@yazzydream / yazzydream.tumblr.com

⚠️JJK MANGA SPOILERS tagged #jjk spoilers Shit ton of reblogs and current fandom obsessions. It's a mixed bag here. You have been warned. Gif ListArt Blog ☕ Ko-Fi 💖

Gonna be here for a while so, right off the bat for any Jujutsu Kaisen viewers:

  • I tag #jjk spoilers for the sake of anime-onlys. That tag refers to content that could spoil things that have only happened in the manga so far.
  • I DO NOT post page leaks.
  • I tag #jjk season 2 for official stuff related to season 2 of the anime.
  • I also tag #jjk manga for just general jjk manga edits, manga caps, etc. Lots of overlap with #jjk spoilers, obviously, but not only.

That's the important stuff for now. Will update if I think of anything else.

Anonymous asked:

top 5 jjk characters?

1. Gojo Satoru. No surprise here. 😆 My favorite is usually the one that makes me laugh the most.

2. Maki and Yuuta share this place because my feelings for them can change at any given moment. JJK 0 movie is a blessssingggg. Anyone who has yet to watch it needs to.

3. Nanamiiiiin~ ❤️ He's like... The most adult adult while being cool af. I developed weak knees for Responsible Adulting™️ since I saw Reigen Arataka at the end of season 1 of Mob100. And he's got a sense of humor even while he acts as Gojo's straight man.

4. Higuruma Hiromi. Gawd, I didn't realize I needed to resonate so much with Tired Adult in fiction. (Which Nanami also falls into the category of lol.) But Higuruma cracked because of the failed justice system. And ugh! Ugh! There's so much that could be said about him, but basically it comes down to: He's so relatable.

5. Nobara!!! My queen!!! 🌹🌹🌹 Nobara seriously made me start loving the characters of JJK more. Like, I know people are tired of hearing this, but the women of JJK are written so well!! And it starts with Nobara!!! She's not a romantic love interest/male gazey fan service character and she's a total badass. The way she syncs up with Yuji is my favoriteee. I love her relationship with him!

One thing they all have in common is that they're all cuties. 🫶

Anonymous asked:

Top 5 most embarrassing/humbling moments

Ah? Since I actively try not to think of embarrassing moments until they haunt me in the dead of night, I can't really remember any right now...

1. Oh! Urgh. There was this time in h.s. I pretty much promised my best friend I'd go to their performance and bailed at the last minute (because I didn't want to pay for the ticket and I wasn't too enthused). Ahh, I still feel guilty about it. They were big upset. I think it was the first and last time they were so mad at me.

2. Uh... Oh! There was this time I answered an ask and started a whole back and forth drama here on tumblr.com because I misread the initial ask. Lol it's funny now that I've typed that out.

...I was gonna set this ask aside in my drafts until I thought of more but I'll probably never get back to it if I do. So, I'm just gonna publish this as is. Lol



If a website has a paywall, like New York Times, DO NOT use the ctrl+A shortcut then the ctrl+c shortcut as fast as you can because then you may accidentally copy the entire article before the paywall comes up. And definitely don't do ctrl+v into the next google doc or whatever you open because then you will accidentally paste the entire article into a google doc or something!!!! I repeat DO NOT do this because it is piracy which is absolutely totally wrong!!!


Also do NOT append "12ft.io/" before a URL ! Typing an URL like this https://12ft.io/<URL> will redirect to a site that would break the display of the page by removing the paywall !


Honestly it's kind of prohibited to mash CTRL+P before some paywall windows can load in to get a PDF of the article. Really shouldn't be done tbh very dangerous🤷🏿‍♂️ ❌️


thinking about that post of people assuming ao3 has an algorithm and also about how bonkers persistent the view is that ao3 is social media lite. like with startling regularity I get comments saying something along the lines of "it's probably weird to comment on a fic this old--" no it isn't!!!! this is an archive I am literally just assuming you searched for a selection of specific tags or sorted by kudos or looked back on my pseud or any other number of completely normal ways to use an archive site ?? kill the tiktok ghost in your brain and comment on old stuff it's NOT weird


Guess how many people contact us regularly to ASK for us to have an algorithm, go ahead. Because it's many. And I always take a little bit of enjoyment in explaining that no, we're not going to build a system to recommend fics to you based on your kudos, because for one thing that would be extra work, and for another thing that would require us to be tracking and using a lot more of your data than we want to. We actually do not want to monitor that people who liked Fic A also liked Fic B, or that people who like the tag "butt plugs" might also enjoy the tag "anal fisting", or whatever other nonsense seems to be the expectation these days. I already know enough (more than I'd love, in a perfect world!) about people's reading habits, and I don't want to have that knowledge deployed via algorithms on the Archive just because someone really wants an automated conveyer belt of content being streamed directly into their feed based on us extrapolating from their most commonly used tags or their most frequently visited works or whatever.

(I also do not want to imagine how many people would contact us to yell at us the second they got a 'bad' recommended fic. "I can't believe that you recommended this to me, you monsters!")

Anyway here's my favourite sentence to include in my answers: "We hope instead that users will take control of their own experience using the Archive, and choose for themselves what works they wish to view or not view." Apparently a novel view in this day and age.


The thing that's become clear to me over the past few years is that many people are not good at constructing searches. Recently, someone in a fandom I don't even know was trying to find a particular thing and coming up with no fic; in less than 20 seconds I was able to hand over a list of more than 100 of that thing. This is not a stupid person! this is someone without a particular skill that I have, probably because for me it's a job skill -- it's something I do a lot. Not on ao3, obviously, but constructing effective searches is transferable.

I think a LOT of people don't have this skill. I always boost ao3 search tutorials when I see them for this reason! And if you DON'T have this skill, The Algorithm is so helpful. It's doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you. I get the appeal of that.

But ao3 is never gonna be that place, so instead I shall recommend: find some ao3 search tutorials, bookmark them, they will save your reading life many times. Also bookmark your favorite searches.


Speaking of people not knowing how to use AO3, take a look at this post I reblogged a little while ago: https://www.tumblr.com/lierdumoa/741225032412512256/

The OP posted this poll:

What is your favorite tag on AO3?
  • Angst
  • Fluff
  • Hurt/Comfort
  • Sexual Content/Smut
  • Romance
  • Humor/Crack
  • Slow Burn
  • Violence
  • Friendship
  • Family
  • Sports
  • Other

To be blunt, If you are looking for fic on AO3 using these tags ... you probably aren't very good at finding fic.

99% of AO3 authors who write romance do not put a #romance tag on their fanfic. They will instead tag it with the ship and with the specific romantic tropes that appear in the fic. If you search for romance this way, you are missing out on the vast majority of the romance fic on the archive.

99.9% of AO3 authors who write sports fic do not put a #Sports tag on their fanfic. They will put the name of the specific sport, in the context of an AU tag like #Alternate Universe - Football, or you will find sports fic under a specific sports fandom like #Hockey RPF. Maybe this has changed, but last I checked, the AO3 tag wranglers have not made #Sports an umbrella tag that shows results for all sports related tags.

If this is how you search for fic, you're missing out on a lot of great fic that fits these categories, but doesn't use these tagging conventions.


Upon seeing this, I decided to add my own poll to the post, that I think better reflects how AO3's tagging system actually works.

What is your favorite type of tag for filtering search results on AO3 (excluding the obvious #ship name #fandom title)?
  1. canon denial tags like #fix-it or #[character name] lives
  2. porn kinks i.e. #tentacles #glory hole #dacryphilia
  3. plot tropes i.e. #amnesia #body swap #fake dating
  4. worldbuilding tropes i.e. #a/b/o #urban fantasy #AU: mafia #AU: soulmates
  5. label!character tags i.e. "trans!Jaskier" "bottom!Loki" "human!Lestat"
  6. tags indicating when the fic takes place i.e. #book 4 #season/series
  7. tags for hate-reading like #Riley bashing or #John Winchester's A+ Parenting
  8. fanfic genres like those listed in OP's poll
  9. more conventional genres like #horror #action/adventure #tragedy
  10. I don't look for anything specific; I just exclude tags I *don't* want to see
  11. there's a category of tags you forgot to include!
  12. show results

As you can see, I listed the kind of tags that I've actually seen authors reliably use.

I don't just assume that all the romance fic will have a romance tag on it. I look through a ship tag. When I find stories I like, I pay attention to what kinds of tags authors are actually using, and I use those tags to find similar fic.

Some fandoms have tagging conventions that only exist within those fandoms. For example, virtually every AO3 BtVS fanfic author who writes a fic set in season 6 puts a #Season/Series 6 tag on the fic. That's just BtVS. In other fandom communities, authors don't consider this a thing worth tagging. You just have to read fic summaries looking for phrases like "right after Dean got pulled out of hell" to figure out what season the story takes place in.

In the Transformers fandom, all most of the smut authors tag their smut #Sticky Sexual Interfacing, or sometimes just #Sticky (for sex between robots; I don't know how sex between a robot and a human is tagged in that fandom as it's a lot less common/popular than sex between robots). I have no idea why they call it that. All I know is you'll find more Transformers porn using this tag than you will using a tag like #porn or #smut.


TL&DR You can't assume that people will categorize things the way you like to categorize things.

You have to actually learn a fandom community's preferred method of categorization, and then search according to their method, not your own. Otherwise, you're going to have a really hard time finding what you're looking for.



Constructing effective searches is a skill that was taught to me by librarians at the public library and by my father (a programmer), which I then honed on my own as I explored the internet as a teenager. Up through like 2010ish, this was an essential skill for doing anything at all on the internet.

And then Google got better.

In the olden days, you had to put recipe "french toast" in the search bar, quotes and all, to get a bunch of french toast recipies on the first page, but Google improved and was able to give reasonable search results to people to entered how do I make french tost?, with a question mark and a typo and without quotes.

This was a good thing, it meant that casual users (including your granny and your kid sister) could use a search engine and get what they were looking for without having to understand how computers think and without having to isolate the keywords themselves. And french toast recipes are a very simple example, Google's improvements also meant that people could use natural language to search for images, news articles, and location- or time-relevant information; you could search pictures of cats, what were last week's sportball scores? or weather warnings near me and get what you were acutally looking without having to use special search parameters.

This was a meaningful improvement that meant that a lot more people could use search engines, and thus the internet, effectively without having to learn special skills, but it also meant that the average internet user who was just here for recipes and cat pictures and sportball news no longer had the special skills needed for searching a lot of more specific websites. If you want Ever Given/Suez Canal fanfic, you can just type where do I read evergiven fanfic? into Google and the first result is the ship tag on AO3.

But if you want to search AO3 itself and narrow down that tag, you can't just type questions and requests into the search bar, you will have to teach yourself how to actually use a search.

The same is true for places like Twitter, Youtube, any wiki, Amazon and other online stores, your local library's website, The Internet Archive, Pixiv, Deviantart, all those image boorus, heck, even Pornhub. You can even search the backlog of that stupid Discord server that makes you join because they forgot what a wiki is. Some (like AO3) have very good search functionality and extensively tagged content, others are janky and bare bones or fiddle around with your keywords on the back end and mix in suggested crapola, but they've all got search functions that you can learn to use to find the specific thing you're actually looking for. (Tumblr is excluded from this list; no amount of searching skills will save you from their inability to index their own site)

I feel like I need to end this with a simple lesson on how you, too, can put together a better search query, but it really has been over two decades and I don't really remember how I learned all this in the first place.

But to give you the basics: 1.) Approach it as searching for where a specific word or phrase appears, not as requesting a type of thing. eg you are searching AO3 for instances of the tag trans!Jaskier, you are not asking a robot for Witcher fic where Jaskier is trans,

2.) Take some time to explore a website's advanced search page. Click around and see what the options are, read the tooltips (if you're on mobile, long pressing on something will usually bring up a tooltip that mousing over on a desktop does), check out what kinds of things get autofilled where, and if there's no good tutorial and the descriptions aren't very clear, just fool around with searches until you figure out what does what.

3.) Many search boxes, even on fancy modern websites, will accept a few basic boolean operators. If you're not sure if a website you use a lot takes them, it's worth testing it out. "Boolean operators" sounds like scary programmer-speak, but they're actually pretty easy. Here are some of the more useful and easily remembered operators.

  • - the minus sign is probably the one I use the most often, and is something that more websites seem to accept. It simply excludes the minused word. french -toast will turn up "french vocabulary practice" and will not show you "Grandma's best French toast recipe". Use this one to list all your squicks.
  • Enclosing something in quotaton marks will search for that exact string; "french toast" looks for things that have those exact two words in that exact order.
  • AND will search for things that have both the terms: french AND toast searches for anything that has those two words, in any order. The phrase "a toast to the French army" and "Grandma's best French toast recipe" will both show up with an AND search.
  • OR essentially performs two searches at once. french OR toast will turn up any mention of either word, you'll get "hot buttered toast" and "french vocabulary practice" with an OR search.
  • The asterisk is a wildcard. Trans* will turn up any word that starts with those five letters, including "transgender", "transsexual", "transition", "transcontinental", "transmission", and "trans*" itself.

And finally, AO3 has a lot of their very own search operators that let you narrow your search by pretty much any criteria you can think of https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/10851


Bff’s from the beginning.

that baby is making biscuits on that cat. what a role reversal.


That cat is just so content. He’s like, “Finally, a human that can speak my love language!”


i cant believe you guys. NOT EVEN ONCE

This is a major public health victory and the result of years of work. I know the in thing on tumblr is to kid around about people being uncool for not having sex or going to the club or whatever but those things don't give you lung cancer or a myriad of other health problems. Cigarettes are bad and the only reason you think they're cool is big tobacco poured astonishing amounts of money into marketing.

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