


Hey! Call me Kaia! My passion is ancient history! I also love music! Demigirl - She/They pronouns 18

i’ve mixed cranberry mikes harder and cucumber lime gatorade into a drink i like to call “the flavor” because like. you drink this shit and your tongue is like “there’s a taste here. you are experiencing a flavor” but when you go to open the door there’s no flavor there. it comes back with an undefined error in the flavor column. it’s the missingno of flavors. it so absolutely and definitely tastes like something and that thing is nothing.

im going to make this brb

okay so i found a gas station that had the stuff so i made it

diagnosis: it tastes?

this post reminds me of that one time a coldstone employee i knew by the name of jacob fucked up the ratios or something on a watermelon yogurt sorbet and produced an ice cream that genuinely tasted like nothing. not bland not water but nothing - like, the texture was perfect, your mouth reacted as if it was slightly tangy like most sorbets, but you actually tasted nothing at all. and if you mixed it with something it didn’t taste like 100% the other flavor either, it tasted like 50% that flavor and 50% nothing. like a distinct and identifiable lack of taste. my brain trying to comprehend the total absence of flavor became so overwhelming that i quit ¾ of the way into one scoop. we called it the jacob’s special and every day i long for its return

Shrimp flavors


if you want a real found family show try the bbc show ghosts

the premise is that ghosts from a variety of time periods (the main cast is a caveman, a beheaded 16th century nobleman, a ‘witch’, a 18th century lady, an 19th century poet, an edwardian lady, a world war 2 captain, an 80s scoutmaster, and a 90s politican) inhabit this manor house, which gets inherited by a couple, mike and alison. one day, alison has an accident and gains the ability to see ghosts, and from then on has to deal with them as well as her own problems.

it’s written/produced/acted by the horrible histories cast and honestly it’s a real delight, i can’t recommend it enough.


Reblog if you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, transgender or a supporter.

This should be reblogged by everyone. Even if you’re straight, you should be a supporter.

toph was shown easily bending a meteorite that sokka gave her, meaning that toph can bend any dirt regardless if its from earth or not, meaning toph couldve definitely bent the moon and the only reason she didnt do it was out of respect for sokka and his ex gf

Toph doesn't know where the fuck the moon is

Sokka: My first gf turned into the moon.

Toph: Okay, okay, stop. I keep hearing about this “moon” thing and I don’t know what it is.

Sokka: Oh, right. Um, so it’s basically this big rock in the sky that we can see at night, and it affects the ocean and waterbenders and stuff.



Toph: There’s a ROCK in the SKY?!


Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

The picture in the background of the second one

Tama is boss


Sad update everyone, Tama recently passed away… An estimated 3,000 people, including railway officials, attended Tama the cat’s funeral on Sunday, days after she died of heart failure aged 16. [x]

For those who haven’t read articles about it, the local shrine elevated her to a god. She’s now the Eternal Stationmaster and patron god of the station.


Now I’m crying thanks

and a new cat was hired right?

yep! her name is Nitama (essentially ”second tama” or “tama II”) and she served under Tama as an apprentice before being appointed her deputy


she works very hard


Everytime this crosses my dash, I reblog. It is the law.


I’m crying at 11pm over train cats


Nitama, already now a mature cat (born 2010), has a protege named Yontama (fourth Tama, b. 2016).  There is no information available for either the physical befellment or tragic self-disgrace which has removed Santama from contention.

^Nitama majestic, and below with Yontama



a legacy

okay but actually what happened to santama (or sun-tama-tama, which is her name because it’s a pun on santama) was that she was basically sent to train for the position in okayama and they liked her so much they refused to send her back

“Sun-tama-tama” (a pun off of “Santama”, lit. “third Tama”) was a calico cat sent for training in Okayama. Sun-tama-tama was considered as a candidate for Tama’s successor, but the Okayama Public Relations representative who had been caring for Sun-tama-tama refused to give the cat up writing, “I will not let go of this child, she will stay in Okayama.” [25]
As of September 2018, Sun-tama-tama is working as the stationmaster in Naka-ku, Okayama and appears occasionally on Tama’s Twitter account.

Every time I see this post there’s new info and it gets better

You are only allowed to scroll pass this after you pay tribute to the great Tama Station masters.

The shrine of Tama Daimyōjin (Great gracious deity Tama), next to the Kishi station where she worked.

Nitama presenting her yearly offerings to Tama Daimyōjin on the anniversary of Tama’s Death, June 23 (The offerings are presented by the company president, as Nitama is a cat and thus can’t hold the offerings herself) (Not pictured, but also present, Yontama)

you cannot pass without reblogging guys. i’m sorry, i don’t make the rules.

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