
@mrslackles / mrslackles.tumblr.com

|| Lindsay || I want to be the girl who makes boys realise being a woman is the most powerful thing anyone could be || she/her ||

To lovely humans who were excluded from invitations, left behind when they tied their shoes, forced to walk in the grass when the sidewalk was full, spoken over when you tried to contribute, whispered about or laughed at, given side-eye when you tried to fit in…. you are so worthy of love.


Hi! Any more Brio inspired fics in your future?

Love reading your portrayal of these two characters.



Thank you so much!!

I want to say no, but tbh I haven't found a new OTP yet so who knows? :)


But WAIT, is anyone watching Vampire Academy? Because I have thoughts

Anonymous asked:

You are literally one of the best writers in this fandom. Will you ever write something for us again or do you not consider it? Now that it’s over? Hugs and kisses.

I mean, butter me up, why don't you? 😂 No, I'm kidding, that is an incredibly high honour in a fandom of such exceptional writers so I really appreciate that, thank you!

I probably won't be starting anything new but if you are following any of my WIPs, I might do some work there depending on if inspiration strikes :)

Anonymous asked:

Hi would you ever consider writing a postseason three or four fic. ?


I guess that would require me watching season 4? Which is very unappealing to me, especially after my unintentional year-long (!) break that has helped me get some much-needed distance from canon.

Just thinking about the whole brother/cousin situation already makes me gag so I think I can probably give a firm no on this one, sorry!

Anonymous asked:

Hi! I hope you are well and in a happy time in your life. I just wanted to tell you how much I love your writing. You are my favourite GG writer - your stories have so much heart and humor, I reread them again and again. I was wondering (WITHOUT ANY PRESSURE) whether you still plan to work on You Were My Life? And if not & you've lost the inspiration, do you think you'd ever release what the ending was going to be? I go back to it again & again - the Uncertainty! Thank you, for all you gave us!

Hello! This is so incredibly sweet, thank you! I can't say I'm well but whomst of us ever is on this hellsite? ;)

As for the rest, just click here :)


I think a lot of abled people get confused about ableism because they fail to recognize how diverse a category disability is. There are so many kinds of disabilities - intellectual, sensory, motor, chronic illness, neurodivergence, limb differences, to name a few - and people in these categories will have different needs.

Which is why you often end up with disability advocates saying seemingly “contradictory” things. One group may be advocating for more support while another wants increased independence. People with a terminal illness will fight for a cure and more research whereas some ND/sensory disabilities want to stop having their experience medicalized, and so on. The kinds of ableism that people experience will also vary for that reason.

And having one kind of disability doesn’t make you an expert on all of them! Which is why it’s important to have diverse disability rep within organizations and groups. I’ve encountered organizations in the past that claim to be accessible/disability friendly because they have one disabled person on their board, only to find them woefully unequipped to deal with my very different disabilities.

This disability pride month I really encourage abled “allies” to examine the ways they try to flatten disability into a monolith and to make an effort to listen to and uplift diverse disabled voices.


It’s like she read my mind!

Except….. if they could listen to the fans, fix the bad writing, kill off Dean and turn it around I would it to return for another season #savegoodgirls


Important addition:

Anonymous asked:

i really enjoy your writing and can't wait to read more. is there anywhere else you post?

Hi Anon!

It depends which pairing you're reading for? I only post Brio on AO3.

Thank you so much for the love ❤️

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