
My Own Corner Of Life


Asexual/Aromantic Lover of Harry Potter and Marvel and many other things
peter p: but mr america sir, aren’t you technically only 33? are you sure you qualify for this?
steve, taking a senior citizen parking spot and claiming his 15th senior discount of the day: shut your mouth you’re like 5

broke - the team mocking steve for being ‘old’

woke - steve trying to get into a zoo for free because “fuck it i was born in 1918 I deserve the fucking seniors discount”

I mean yes sure he could just take the military discount and save just as much but it’s the principle of the thing dammit.

pool employee: sir, Mr. Captain America, this is a seniors water aerobics class.

steve: I was born in 1918 am I not a senior citizen?

exaspertated pool employee: yes, but why d-

steve: some of my friends are in this class just let me take it with them!

bucky, yelling, already in the pool: just let him in susan! you let me in!

Susan (whispering): he’s old? I let him in because I thought he was homeless and sad.




So I just found out that Laverne Cox has an identical twin brother, who played pre-transition Sophia in OITNB. I was wondering how they found someone that looked just like her to play the role! Super cool.

they were discussing Sophia’s back story and she told them “ya know, i have a twin brother.” they asked him to do it and he said yes! :D

fun fact Jenji Kohan told Laverne Cox that they were going to hire somebody to play her pre-transition because they didn’t want to traumatize her or trigger dysphoria by having her pretend to be a man and she was like “no no, I can do this, I’m an actress” but the creators of the show insisted on using her twin brother instead 


Another fun fact: They actually let Laverne do the take as pre-transition Sophia but the creators told her that she was too feminine to play a man.

Another fun fact: her twin brother, M. Lamar, is a brilliant, intellectual, queer, black musician and performer and everyone should check out his work. 



Wow, did not know this


So, in my art history class today, my professor was talking about something that is so fuckin awesome.

These are warrior shields from the Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea. The warriors paint them with imagery meant to symbolize animals who have traits they wish to embody in battle. These depictions are intended to give the person using it the powers of what they’re depicting.

Now. Look at this Wahgi shield:

Hmm. That looks a bit different from the others.

That looks VERY different. Why, it looks like

The Phantom… American comic book character by Lee Falk. And that’s because it is.

The Wahgi people were isolated from the rest of the “modern” world until 1933. They came into contact with WWII service men who shared some aspects of western culture with the tribesmen. In particular, they showed them the comic books they read while shipped out. The Wahgi loved them. In particular, the Wahgi adored the stories of the Phantom, who wasn’t even particularly popular in its home of America.

He is so popular that the few Wahgi who can read english will read the comics out loud in the village center and hold out the pages for everyone to see, so the whole tripe can enjoy them and marvel at the Phantom’s might in battle.

They identify with the Phantom because he came from a jungle territory, like them, wore a mask to fight, like them, and came from a long line of warriors, which the Wahgi, who worshiped their ancestors, deeply respected. Further, despite not really having superpowers, the Phantom is strong, clever, and incredibly fast. He was so fast that his enemies began to believe that he was impervious to bullets and could not be killed.

Therefore, the Wahgi began painting HIM on their shields to invoke HIS abilities in battle. There are TONS of Phantom-Wahgi shields out there.

So, you might think that you’re huge comic book fan, but the Wahgi have taken their Phantom fandom to the next level and have made the Phantom a fucking talisman to carry into battle for strength.


That is pretty fucking cool.


not to be a history fucker on main but the whole mystery of the lost colony of roanoke is so fucking funny

governor of the colony: hey I’m gonna go back to england to get more supplies

115 colonists: okay

governor: ends up spending 3 years in england bc of a naval war with spain or some shit

governor: gets back to the colony to find everyone gone

governer: sees the word “croatoan”, the name of a native american tribe, carved into a post

croatoan tribe: has members and children with blonde hair/blue eyes, pale skin

everyone: what could have happened to the colonists of roanoke

racism is a hell of a drug

governor: I can’t believe my colony died

roanoke folks: actually these really nice people took us in? we left you a note about that? so please stop telling everyone we’re dead?

governor: Sometimes I Can Still Hear Their Voices

Gay people from 1950-2010: we are human just like you, we’re not another species or a subculture, the only difference is that we are attracted to the same gender.
Gay people in 2018: straight people are stinky, WIG!

straight people ARE stinky

there were 8 years between 2010 and 2018 where we didn’t exist but were just powering up our heterophobia gages


Now I want to get married just so I can do this.

If I were a billionaire I would absolutely tell my secretary to send wedding gifts to anyone who sent me an invite regardless of if I knew them, because- A. I know how expensive that nonsense is. B. I would be a billionaire and when else am I gonna do with that much money? Honestly… and C. I would totally make showing up at random weddings with crazy awesome gifts my new stress relief hobby. “Congratulations random strangers! I admire your daring and stratigic planning. Here’s that 700$ tea set you wanted but assumed no one would ever buy.”

Do you even have to be getting married

Are they gonna check

Damn it sure is

“we invited an eccentric billionaire to our fake wedding in the hopes of getting a free present, but then they said they would come and now we have to have an actual fake wedding for them to attend.”


movie plot right there

This post has gotten even better since the last time it crossed my path! And now I want to write that AU


Smash that mf reblog button if you stoically ignore all labelled washing instructions and everything your mama ever told you about laundry and just send those bastards hurgling around in an overfilled tub to meet either death or glory


Something I learned from a costume designer: if an item can be washed multiple ways the designer is only legally obligated to put one of the ways on the tag, but if there’s only one way to wash that item they have to put Only on the instructions

If the tag says “Dry Clean” it’s safe to machine wash but the designer thinks it looks better if you get it dry cleaned 

But if it says “Dry Clean Only” you will destroy it if you wash it any other way


Reblogging for that last bit which this 37 yr old adult did not lnowy


infinity war is a dumb movie cause why would you bother all those heroes to fight thanos when all you have to do is get ant-man inside his asshole, make him grow back to his normal size and that’s it purple joss whedon is dead

posts that started a revolution


Why don’t we get more women written in the “lovable asshole” character type

because people call them “bitches”


A couple and their child were looking over our Marvel Characters plush at my work, right? And the dad turns to his little girl and asks, “Which Marvel character do you want?”

His little girl, maybe 9, replies, “Mmm, I think I want Captain Marvel.”

Dad makes a face, and says, “How about you choose a real super hero and not a little princess?”

Me and my coworkers were about to smack down on this man when his wife makes a FACE and says, “Honey, you get Captain Marvel.” Then she turns to her husband. “Shut the fuck up, Greg.”

And that has become our new motto for dealings with mysogenists at work.

Shut the fuck up, Greg.
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