
Show me your cat!

@maximumsunshine / maximumsunshine.tumblr.com

Max - Old - Older still - There are no genders.  Only chaos. This is first and formost a frog and cat blog, whatever else I might be blogging or newsletter I might be running. So I guess maybe don't follow me if you don't want a dash full of cats? President of the Pasha Fan Club.  Ask me about my best friends' cats. Find my clowder on patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/karenmarrs

Hey y y'all! Money is tight this month due to migraines causing me to miss a handful of (12-hour) shifts brought on by Ohio weather. I'm medicated for them, but there is only so much meds can do when one day is 70 degrees and sunny, the next day features a snow storm, then the next day has winds that brought us a tornado watch/warning. I push myself through what I can, but I can't do my job if I'm puking.

As some of you know, I have a patreon where I sell cute photos of my cats. There was a pause in production while I sorted out some technical difficulties but it's back up and running. Usually, my patreon goes towards vet bills or better equipment to run my patreon. But all cash brought in over the next few weeks will go towards things like electricity and gas.

Alternatively, if you have means, I do have a Paypal.

As always, please ignore my dead name!

(If you can pass this along/reblog to the fellow cat-obsessed, that would be lovely!)


well one fine day with a woof and a purr a baby was born that caused a little stir

In this essay i will explain: why choose, when you can have both!

wait. I'm not done with this. I think my dream dog (golden retriever) and dream cat (orange tabby) would honestly be peak CatDog.


well one fine day with a woof and a purr a baby was born that caused a little stir

In this essay i will explain: why choose, when you can have both!


Hi, I'm Nik, or Red, or Wylde, or any number of names or online handles you may or may not have met me under. Recently I moved to West Virginia to get away from Portland, Oregon's outrageous cost of living and the stress of living in a city on my autistic, traumatized nervous system. For the most part, that's been a good thing. Rent's been significantly cheaper and I'm in a nice quiet area without gunshots going off at all hours of the day and night.

Unfortunately, my apartment isn't weatherized well at all, winter's been extremely cold, and all I have is baseboard heating.

The result is a $350 electric bill that, as a disabled autistic person on a fixed income of ~$1600 a month who is already paying nearly half of that to rent, has to pay other utilities as well AND still afford to somehow feed both myself and my cats while paying off the loans I took out in order to move down here in the first place, I legitimately can't pay.

I know Red off Tumblr and can vouch for this and them!


Some of us older millennials are hitting early perimenopause and honestly it's fine, but the memes better be lit.


After my ceiling is repaired and I can use that room for storage, I need to get a move on building a proper kitchen in here. And I am paralysed because I just cannot decide on decor. I don't know what colour tiles to buy.

Do you hate me specifically or life in general

To be fair derin, if I color sampled the background of your pfp I think it'd be quite similar to the suggestion

Still a horrific tile color choice but, just sayim

"Decorate your house in the style of your Tumblr profile pic" should be our next rent-lowering-gunshot trend

i painted my biggest free space kitchen wall BRIGHT sunshine yellow. Catch up.


After my ceiling is repaired and I can use that room for storage, I need to get a move on building a proper kitchen in here. And I am paralysed because I just cannot decide on decor. I don't know what colour tiles to buy.

Do you hate me specifically or life in general

To be fair derin, if I color sampled the background of your pfp I think it'd be quite similar to the suggestion

Still a horrific tile color choice but, just sayim

"Decorate your house in the style of your Tumblr profile pic" should be our next rent-lowering-gunshot trend


I've got a pageant-themed murder mystery party to go to after tomorrow's trial. We're supposed to write our characters' states on our sashes.

I'm tired.

Well I posted this in the groupchat and none of them seem to have noticed anything off. Girlies I have concerns

"Nanny Ogg knew how to start spelling 'banana', but didn't know how you stopped."

—Terry Pratchett


What was under your pillow in bed as a young child so you could sneak and play with it after bedtime? And how old are you? (Helps relay who had what technology options. )

Me it was books and I'm early 40's.


Pass it along or don't I'm just in week 4 of a migraine cycle plus my kids gave me flu b this week and I'm allowed to take day/nyquil but my liver is fucked up so the shit makes me super fucked up. And it's been a week. Oh and my clone turned 17. He's also the one who gave me this flu. So yeah. Entertain me.


So. I've been going to Wednesday night drag bingo at a local gay bar of late. At least when I can. Um. Life in 2024 is pretty amazing. Last night I was in charge of squeezing the screaming chicken everytime someone got a confirmed bingo. It was purple. I was very good at my job. Super enthusiastic.

Every possible joke you could make about that purple screaming cock that I squeezed and squeezed in celebration of a bingo, is the entire point of the screaming chicken. Drag bingo is well. An experience.

The lesbian I go to hang out with is my mom's age. Uh. She fits right in. My own mother would not. Her daughter is pretty cool too. And her grandson is the DJ. Drag bingo is the family business. They only make memories not money.


So. I've been going to Wednesday night drag bingo at a local gay bar of late. At least when I can. Um. Life in 2024 is pretty amazing. Last night I was in charge of squeezing the screaming chicken everytime someone got a confirmed bingo. It was purple. I was very good at my job. Super enthusiastic.

Every possible joke you could make about that purple screaming cock that I squeezed and squeezed in celebration of a bingo, is the entire point of the screaming chicken. Drag bingo is well. An experience.


So. I've been going to Wednesday night drag bingo at a local gay bar of late. At least when I can. Um. Life in 2024 is pretty amazing. Last night I was in charge of squeezing the screaming chicken everytime someone got a confirmed bingo. It was purple. I was very good at my job. Super enthusiastic.

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