
Guys I'm a Furry

@little-bit-of-a-fixer-upper / little-bit-of-a-fixer-upper.tumblr.com

Furry caribou trash, Disney CM, Kristoff lookalike, basically inactive but i come back on sometimes to cringe at myself xD

So I'd love to post furry me on here but I don't know if I want cringey furry me to be tied to even cringier old Tumblr me 🤣


Day 2 of Mermay, and I’m already a day late, but here’s Kristoff and Sven!

creds @meanderer125​ for the idea of making Sven a - seahorse? seareindeer? I’ll let y’all decide


gonna post a controversial take alright are y’all ready??

actually typing out emoticons like XD and :D and :V never should have gone out of fashion and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands okay I know emojis are fun but THEY DON’T CAPTURE THE EMOTION IN THE SAME WAY

so like

…yeah that was basically it, thanks for reading


also websites that  automatically replace your typed out <3 and :D with emojis upon sending them are a Danger To Everything That’s Good In The World


bring back nose smilies :-)

There is no emoji that captures what I mean by :P (I do NOT mean “hur hur goofy-ass face!”) and the one for :^/ is not great. And lest we forget, 🤷🏻‍♀️ is absolutely inadequate compared to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Faces no emoji has ever managed to capture, imo:











I am too old to stop using XD


Y'all sleeping on D:<

I could never find an adequate replacement for ;u; and T_T

I never stopped using any of them. Can’t. It’s ingrained in me. there were some in the early 2000′s but it didn’t become normalized in the west until the 2010′s and I was too far gone by then. XD  The ones I use most often: XD >________>

> 3> >-< :T :B ;-; >:}

Excuse me but how can you leave out OwO & UwU?


I kinda find it funny that all my friends or relationships from this blog evaporated into thin air lol

Well it's been a while and imma changed man. Don't mean I'll be reviving this old relic tho xD I'll probably start up a new one... sometime and archive this one. Just for the art, not cause I wanna remember my past self. Ew, I was toxic af and take full responsibility, and for that, I humbly apologize. I took a lot of time away and realized I was the biggest problem on this blog. So, to anyone I ever was mean to, or said something bad about or made feel bad or anything like that, I am truly sorry. I was a mondo dick and my behavior was uncalled for, which is why I left. I've found a new fandom to call home now, one where I really feel like I finally belong ❤️

So.... Yeah. If this post gets any attention, I'll open up more about it, if anyone is still out there. If not then, okay. That's totally 100% fine. I ain't mad or anything, honest. I'm way past all that petty nonsense now.

So.... Yeah. Changed man, new fandom, new identity, I'm sorry for everything I did in the past and to the people I hurt, so.... Yeah. If you wanna know more about my new fandom and identity, hit me up with a reply, message or DM. I'll be lurking.

Stay cool, you guys :-) OwO


you’re on the beach passing by one of those airbrush t shirt kiosks that have a million unlicensed characters on them but you see one with your exact face and name on it and he won’t sell it to you


When will banksy


When will anonymous


always reblog, this is fucking activism folks

if you don’t have access to poorly-secured and un-backed-up debt records, you can help do this via legitimate means by donating to rollingjubilee.org - they buy debt (the way debt collectors do, for steeply discounted prices - like $20 to buy $500 in outstanding debt owed by someone) and just… forgive it, so it doesn’t need to be paid by the person on whom it’s a burden.

As of November 22, 2018, this information is outdated. Rolling Jubilee is no longer accepting donations. The organization has migrated to https://debtcollective.org/, the next stage in their fight against predatory debt. There is also more information under the “resources” tab on their homepage.

https://tools.debtcollective.org/?donate  Here is their donation page

The Debt Resistor’s Operations Manual - This is a book written by StrikeDebt, which is a branch of the Debt Collective. It covers the predatory nature of the debt system, as well as strategies to organize and fight it. It is free to read online at the link.

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