
The Ishgardian Counterrevolution

@ardently-faithful / ardently-faithful.tumblr.com

Long live the king.

Ardent Wrap-Up

(( Although a few final follow-ups remain to be written to "Dragonsblood Treason and Plot," and the investigation of the three incidents goes on, the story of the Ardently Faithful that I have sought to bring to you is now at an end. It has been an exhausting and laborious project, but I hope it has produced some enjoyable roleplay for the players of characters of all political stripes in Ishgard!

Although my plan is now to enjoy a long break from running anything like an open community plot, I am still very interested in the feedback of those who have been following or participating in the story, which I would like to analyze and share with others thinking of attempting similar projects in the future. To this end I would appreciate feedback sent directly to this Tumblr, to that of the sole moderator/Dungeon Master @hasty-touch , or even better, submitted via this Google Form. The Google Form also allows you to submit feedback anonymously.

I would very much like feedback not only from participants but from those who were interested but chose not to get directly involved! Both I and future DMs of open community plots would, I am sure, love to hear your thoughts too and ways to make your participation easier in the future.

A thousand thanks for all your interest and support over the past year! Without it, this story would never have been told. Best wishes to all of you, and may you have many new adventures come Stormblood! ))


The 29th Sun

The 29th of the First Umbral Moon dawns -- Parliament meets, and all goes just as peacefully, just as ordinarily as it should in Ishgard.

Word of the drama that unfolded the night before spreads only slowly, and accounts vary in their detail and accuracy. Aught about a plot against the new-formed Parliament or the whole of Ishgard, heretics infiltrating the very Vault, dragons and dragonsblood -- whispers abound, and some are even backed up by the accounts of the servants who had to scrub the blood and gristle out from the cracks between the floor-stones of the Vault's undercroft. One family grieves the loss of their daughter, a Temple Knight -- and hardly are they eager to tell the world about their suffering.


Dragonsblood treason and plot, 6

From high atop the Pillars, Gentiane gazed down over the walkway's rail, down at the spiraling city below.

The King was overturned on the chessboard she beheld.

She supposed this meant, in the proper order of things, that it was time for her to yield their seat, admit their loss, and give up the game of which she'd become the steward. That would be proper and sporting; perhaps 'twould be what he would wish her to do. Perhaps he'd tell her to sacrifice herself, turn in their pawns and rooks and knights to the new government and surrender herself to their torturers, throw herself on those spikes as he had planned to throw himself on the spears of the heretics.


the 21st Sun

While the inquisitors' desks are cluttered with a bevy of unrelated blackmail letters, angry notes, and a few "threatening messages" from creditors desiring long-overdue bills to be paid, the Tribunal's quiet investigation reveals a great number of warning letters, all in the same hand and many in nearly the same format, full of vague ominousness about the 29th Sun and the Vault. It seems the recipients are generally liberals -- but then, who is left who isn't? -- and while most seem to have assumed the writer specially picked them to be spared, there are at least ten delivered to the hands of the Inquisition and probably even more unaccounted for out in Ishgard somewhere.

At the least 'twill be an occasion for heightened security…


An announcement is circulated at Parliament, to its members and staff:

Some members of Parliament have recently received messages of a cautionary or threatening nature. If you or someone you know has been such a recipient, the Special Office would be grateful for your assistance. Please contact Fr. Michandel de Pepin at his chambers within the Tribunal, whether to give a statement, provide an original of such a note, or provide information about such a note’s contents to the best of your memory or ability. Ishgard is grateful for your cooperation, that we may work together to ensure everyone’s safety.

[ooc note: Any such reports may be sent to @halonic or in care of @ardently-faithful ]

Anonymous asked:

M. Banlardois, out of concern for your good masters and respect for your wisdom, I write you to beg: you must prevent the lords of House Fortemps from attending this coming session of Parliament, in particular on the 29th Sun, for I have reason to believe great catastrophe may occur at the hands of those who reject their offered peace. I can write no more for fear they will discover who betrays their plan to you, but only pray in the name of Shiva and Hraesvelgr that you will heed this advice.

The note crunched beneath Honoroit’s grip as he read, glancing up every so often in a vain attempt to discern where and how it was delivered. Hraes…vel…oh, of course – the name of the goodly wyrm who had clashed with Nidhogg in the skies above Ishgard. The sight of the dragon’s blood showering down from his torn wing – the first warm rain Ishgard had seen since the Calamity – was burned into Honoroit’s nightmares forever. Was this intended to be a threat? A warning? A trap, to lure potent voices for reform away from the budding Parliament at a crucial moment? Ought he to show the note to someone? Emmanellain would be easy to trick into skipping what would surely be a dull debate, but Lord Artoirel would not be as susceptible to such dissimulation. But of course, the note was addressed to him alone, and Honoroit was familiar enough with secrets to know that some are more dangerous when shared with the rich and powerful. What to do?With a curt sigh, Honoroit sat down on the floor to think for a moment. Being the clever one was such a dreadful responsibility at times.

Anonymous asked:

Lord Farendaire, this I write out of concern for your well-being and that of your friends: pray have care this coming session of Parliament, and if you are able, I beg you to devise some scheme to avoid sitting on the 29th Sun, for I have reason to fear that a terrible disaster may occur at the hands of those who reject your offered peace. For fear they may discover who it is that betrays them to warn you, I can say no more, but only beg you to consider the advice. Shiva and Hraesvelgr keep you.

Aronaux reads the letter shakily several times over, parchment crumpling in his hands; when he has committed all to memory, the viscount turns to the fireplace and burns the letter.  Hand rising to his lips in tumultuous thought, Farendaire stares out through the window of his chambers for several long minutes, images of violence and catastrophe distracting him from aught else.


The end of nobility.

Not many copies are made of this open letter; just a few, smudgily printed, are submitted to influential personages within the House of Lords and the House of Commons, with perhaps two or three extra for displaying at common gathering-places in the city of Ishgard. The one posted at the Forgotten Knight is tacked, perhaps pointedly, over the latest angry woodblock from the counterrevolutionaries.

It is quite long, and it opens as follows:

To both parliament and to the people on the street, I beg you to allow this humble servant of Halone to speak his thoughts.
I love my country, and I would not insult the heights of our culture, our engineering, and our learning by accusing it of stagnation – but that it has long suffered from corruption is the disturbing truth, one even plainer to those of us who have spent time within the nobility and the Church than to those who have ever stood without. Therefore we must acknowledge that, no matter what we each may think of the circumstances that brought us through this revolution, the opportunity it has brought for self-examination and reform is a blessing. The Ishgard we live in today is more open and tolerant than it has ever been before, and our new Parliament may yet prove a vehicle for advancing our people’s prosperity and happiness to new heights.
But there is one facet of our new government that fills me with unease, enough that I must protest; and even as I know that aught I have to say will be immediately dismissed as the whining of the disenfranchised elite, as I am both a long servant of the Tribunal and a nobleman who, as a consequence of the order of his birth, is barred from participating in the new legislature, I shall still try to express these earnest grievances I have carried from the earliest years of my service, in the hope that some person of like mind exists to hear my pleas and act upon them in a way that I, a man now ill, old, and feeble, cannot.
It is the House of Lords – less its membership full of bright and virtuous souls earnestly working for Ishgard and more its enshrinement, as an institution, in the laws of the new Republic of Ishgard – that concerns me.

Dragonsblood treason and plot, 4

The ruffian spent a few moments consumed by his hearty laugh before he was able to peer down at her again. "You come to me with a job this crazy and expect me t' just accept it when you say you can't tell me your reasons? I'd already thought you had a few screws loose, but I can see now it's a lot more'n a few!"

Gentiane felt herself flush. "We are promising to pay very well -- and even compensate you for time spent on a failed attempt! Are such details really so important for you to know? The matter is very sensitive."

"That it's 'sensitive' only means I need to know even more," he rejoined, folding his arms. "I'm not so gil-blind that I'm prepared to risk the necks 'f my crew for an errand that I could well bring the angry guardsmen of four city-states down on us a fortnight after."

She pursed her lips, frowned, and finally fell into considering silence, and at long last, she decided that she had to relent. "I and my people," she began slowly, "are on, as it were, a mission of mercy -- for both man and dragon."


Preparing for the End

One last time does a certain familiar voice come through the linkpearls, following the usual pulse that announces him.

"My friends--

"This may be the last you hear from my lips. When next you hear of me, I pray 'twill be in memory of mine ardent faith and not my foolish hubris.

"If I cannot make Her people see, and we who keep the truth alive in our hearts must continue to hide and to wait, 'twill be left to you to fight for Ishgard. And so, if one of you is willing, I shall make yours the shell and all remaining pearls, if you come soon to see me.

"Farewell; may our children's souls yet be saved..."


Dragonsblood treason and plot, 3

Gentiane had heard Dravania described as a land of strange and savage beauty, an image of a snowless Coerthas cast in a twisted, fantastical mirror. To the extent she attended the view, she had to agree; 'twas lovely, haunting, both nostalgic and alien at once. And yet, less did she feel its beauty than the dangers its forelands held.

And less did she feel its physical dangers -- in the wariness of the caravan guards, in the shapes of strange creatures rippling beneath the foliage -- than its spiritual ones. For in the night, when the camp was still, she sometimes fancied that, over the howls of the forest's beastly denizens, she could hear a faint, faint trace of a roar, a sirenical song long sung to the weak-willed of her people, echoing down from the distant mountains where the Horde yet slept.

She clutched her rosary close for more reasons than one.


Dragonsblood treason and plot, 2

'Twas a cold night in Ishgard, bitterly cold -- but rare were the nights that were not, in the dead of winter at the very bottom of Ishgard's Foundation.

A heavy snow had fallen over the course of that day, frosting over with a thick and slippery layer of ice after nightfall, making the journey there particularly difficult. After the second near-spill off a walkway, Guidevaux found himself wondering, with black humor, whether his mysterious new friends were not, after all, disguised inquisitors, their invitation a ruse to lure out the last few faithful and see them dead through tumbles off the city's sides.

If he were more sensible, less keen, perhaps he'd have turned back to the flophouse and its relative warmth and waited for a meet on a less inclement day. But he knew that as soon as he returned to his bunk and pulled the canvas up over his ears, there would start to hum in them that melody, long married to his blood and reawoken by their whispers, louder and louder, inexorable and uncontrollable, the itch in his brain working up to an unbearable crescendo.

He could not resist the Song.


The Sentinel Papers - I

Published anonymously in Ishgardian papers, posted around on pamphlets in the City.

                                        Good citizens of Ishgard, I call upon you to refute the calls for rash action and ridiculous assumption by those whom call themselves those of Ardent Faith. There are no dark cells, no black depths in the Vault in which these accusations of torture take place. Not anymore – not since the Right-Honorable Ser Aymeric has established the Republic of Ishgard. We of Parliament would not permit it. Those of Ardent Faith call those who serve the new government murderers, flayers – torturers of the honorable and loyal servants of the people, but it is not simply true. There are no secret prisons, and there are no prisoners held in secret. There are no torture cells and there are no good men and women being tortured for doing their duty. The lies offered in the pamphlets of the Ardently Faithful are aimed to tear apart what we, as a people, have worked so hard to achieve.

The House of Lords – and House of Commons - does not forbid you to read anything. They encourage you to read the drivel published by those who seek to disillusion and manipulate you. They wish for you to see them for what they truly are: those stuck in the past, a group of revanchist men and women who long for the return of their power and wealth. Wealth and power that now belong to all the people of Ishgard.

One of the foundations of democracy is that the people have rights, inalienable and granted by powers higher than themselves. A liberal tradition that serves causes higher than ourselves: freedom to worship, freedom to speak their piece, freedom to own land, freedom to pursue their own path, freedom from oppression. These rights are the basis for all, and they come from our own morality. Rights precede what is perceived as good – and the key to that is the new-found separation of the Church from the State.

The truth is thus: The Republic is here to serve the people. The aims are to bring education, prosperity, peace, and liberty to all Ishgard. Hope is what is needed, not fearmongering demagoguery of the worst degree. Hate will divide at the time that Ishgard needs to stand together the most! A war that has plagued our land for fifty generations has ended and now there is no clear enemy to unite the people. It is understandable that there might be those who turn to internecine conflict and unrest, but now, there must be remembrance of the cost. Unity is vital. The Eorzean Alliance has opened their arms to Ishgard, nascent trade agreements bloom and great wealth is upon our doorstep. The resources that have been consumed in a thousand years of war – exhausted by the centuries of conflict with Nidhogg’s Brood – can once more be Ishgard’s through the graciousness of newly rediscovered allies to the south.

This will not be the last time you hear from me. I will write more. I will bring to you reassuring word and explanation of what goes on in the Houses of Parliament.

Yours, in the name of the Republic!



A Response

Hark, my dear countrymen, and take heart once more; though our nation is now plagued by anxiety and dread misgivings, we yet ride the wave of hope and light which has already brought us so far from the dark days behind us.

I would like to address recent claims made by the Ardently Faithful, those few who view themselves as the sole defenders of the Halonic Church and the freedom of true believers in Ishgard.  While I have often differed from them in their views and written to you, my nation, accordingly, I would like to address their most recent circulation to both share in some of their concerns and correct their falsehoods for the general public.

To begin, I would like to address their demand for the execution of the True Brothers of the Faith still in the custody of the law.  I freely admit, my dear reader, that I had forgotten that any were still held at all; I would have believed, for weal or for woe, that they had already gone to the Fury for their judgement, and rest now in the Halls or languish in damnation. 

I am unaware whether the Ardently Faithful are correct in accusing the nobility of keeping the True Brothers of the Faith in custody to continue torturing them for the names of “co-conspirators.”  This is a dire accusation which unfortunately bears likely credibility - for why else are the prisoners held in secret, with no governmental transparency?  I call now upon my dear friends within the House of Lords and Temple Knights to ascertain the truth of this claim and to correct this grave injustice if the Ardently Faithful are justified in their suspicion.

However, though I sympathize with their reasoning, I cannot condone the Ardently Faithful’s demand for the True Brothers’ execution.  It is said in the holy books that our goddess, our beloved Halone, is a merciful goddess, who graciously accepts the penance of sinners and grants them salvation; why must we, Her Chosen people, not follow in Her example?  It would be unjust to execute them all; some charismatic few may argue skillfully that the True Brothers guilty of murder should by all rights be executed, yet the lives of those guilty only of the crimes of kidnapping, ransom, and conspiring against the nation ought to be spared.  They must be sentenced appropriately, and dwell in confinement until their sentence is done, yet when spared execution these men and women will be able to live in liberty for the remainder of their lives and redeem their names and legacies in the eyes of their countrymen.

I would like now to refute two false claims the Ardently Faithful have either made explicitly or implied in their latest circulation.  They cast all of their admonishment upon the nobility, in the House of Lords, for the suppression of the Faith, free speech, and liberty within Ishgard.  Their latest circulation, “Execute the True Brothers Now,” claims indignantly that the Lords forbid the reading of their words.  I tell you now that while many within the House of Lords are in opposition to the Ardently Faithful, no suppression of free speech has thus far been enforced.  Secondly, the Ardently Faithful paint an unflattering picture of our beloved Republic, casting it only as the tool of lords to oppress the unlucky many below them; this is a blatantly untrue statement and irresponsible lie on their part, as the House of Commons, whose members rank the poorest among us - the peasantry, the merchants, and the artisans - wields as much influence in the Republic as the House of Lords. 

I tell you, my dear countrymen, that the Republic is no malevolent lie of the privileged few.

Take heart, my dear countrymen, be you of any estate, that Ishgard moves ever forward in progress, yet history does not in itself arc in the course of justice; it must be bent, and thus we must ever be observant.

In closing, I petition once more the House of Lords, the House of Commons, and the Temple Knights to ascertain abuses of law and common decency in regards to the True Brothers’ anguish.

Faithfully Yours,

A Humble Minister

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