
Fangirl 24/7

@fangirlanelimcc / fangirlanelimcc.tumblr.com

Welcome to my Art and main blog. Check my other fanblog @imjustafangirlfangirling.

Akira Toriyama, creator of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, dies at 68. Absolutely tragic. Rest in peace Legend.


4Haloween Dia 3: Sangue

"Sangue é a entidade do sentimento. Busca intensidade: dor, obsessão, paixão, amor, fome, ódio"

Aproveitei que os dois são de sangue entre as entidades e fiz eles no trono de sangue.

Até pensei em pintar mas não confio nas minhas habilidades para isso 🙃

4Haloween Day 3: Blood

"Blood is the entity of feelings  It seeks intensity: pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, hatred"

I took advantage of the two choosing blood among the entities and made them the throne of blood.

I even thought about painting but I don't trust my skills for that 🙃



4Haloween Dia 1: Fantasia

Segui com HC clichê mesmo, em que eles aproveitarem o halloween para liberar suas formas monstruosas.

Não tá bem como eu queria mas espero que gostem ;)

4haloween Day 1: Halloween costumes

I end up drawing the cliche hc about they taking advantage of Halloween to be in their monster form.

I'd like this draw to be a little bit diferent bit it is what it is, hope you enjoy ;)


I'm so happy that Forever is back and today he'll be streaming \o/ To celebrate, here are some drawings I've done these past few days!

Please don't judge me too much, I haven't drawn in years and I'm still deciding on my personal Q!Forever design. Hope you guys like it 😀


Tô tão feliz que o Forever voltou e hoje vai ter live \o/ Para comemorar, aqui estão alguns desenhos que fiz nesses últimos dias!

Por favor não me julguem muito, fazia anos que eu não desenhava e ainda tô me decidindo sobre meu design pessoal do Q!Forever. Espero que gostem 😀


I'm really thankful for qsmp. I was starting to enter a new depressive period and qsmp came at the best possible time! I'm not one to play video games, but out of nowhere the tiktok algorithm started showing me some videos from the Forever's lives and Betrayal/Infiltration Arc, I got intrigued, gave in and started watching.

Ever since, QSMP has been my comfort, it raises my humor up and is always there with me when things get rough in life.

QSMP has been so good to me, it had been years since I had drawn (even before the pandemic) because, well...life sucks sometimes, but watching the live streams , especially from Forever POV, gave me energy to want to draw again (if I work up some courage, maybe I'll post later).

My point is: Thank you so, SO MUCH to QSMP, to Quackity! Thanks to my fellow Brazilians and all the other players. You really changed my life for the better!


Eu sou realmente grata pelo QSMP. Eu estava começando a entrar em um novo período depressivo e o QSMP surgiu no melhor momento possível!

Eu não sou de jogar video games, mas do nada o algoritmo do tiktok achou que deveria me mostrar alguns videos das lives do Forever e do Arco da Traição/Infiltração, e quando fui ver, cedi e comecei a assistir. Desde então QSMP é o meu conforto, tem me animado e acompanhado quando as coisas ficam difíceis.

QSMP tem me feito tão bem, que fazia anos que eu não desenhava (antes mesmo da pandemia) por motivos de... a vida fode com a gente as vezes, mas ver as lives, principalmente as do Forever, me deu energia de novo para querer desenhar novamente (se eu criar coragem, talvez eu poste depois)

Meu ponto é: Muito, muito, MUITO obrigada QSMP e Quackity! Obrigada meus amados conterrâneos Brasileiros e todos os demais jogadores. Vocês realmente mudaram minha vida para melhor!


In case anyone is having a bad night:

Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found

Here are some fun sites

Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics

Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli

Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies

*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*

You’ll be okay, friend <3

i will reblog this everytime it shows up because any of my followers could have a bad night right now

All these links, besides the first, are broken. So here’s some more.

Here’s an emergency compliment

Here you can play 2048

Here’s a playlist of Bob ross

Here’s a website to watch movie’s and shows for free

Here’s a website to watch documentaries for free

Here you can to nothing for two minutes

Here you can break something. It’s good for anger

Here’s a button to press to make everything okay

Here’s a site to cut something up (TRIGGER WARNING)

Here’s a site that makes you a website depending on a song you choose

Here’s a gay comic. It’s adorable

Here you can spend Bill Gate’s money

Here you can draw your own island

Here you can learn about patterns website’s use

Here you can get your life stats

Here you can listen to the Tucker Zone (Headphones needed)

Here you can see how fast you’re moving

Here you can see the progress of time

Here you can see the future of the universe 

Want some more? 

Here’s the butterfly project

Here’s a snickerdoodle mug cake

Here’s a link to some free audiobooks

Here’s something to read when you feel like a burden

Here’s a secret

Here’s my playlist of some sea shanties 

Here’s another secret

Here’s a link to some cool websites 

Here’s a blog that gives you recipes for when you’re low on spoons

Here’s some Brony Headcanon’s

Some more? I’ve got plenty

Here’s 100,000 stars

Here you can control the weather (TW FLASHING IMAGES)

Here you can weave silk

Here you can make a castle of your own

Here you can make a kaleidoscope drawing

Here you can explore recursion

Here you can play a jelly block game

I’m back with some more! 

Here you can draw with pasta

Here you can draw logo’s from memory

Here you can play this is sand, here you draw cool sand designs

Here you can play The Organ Trail

Here’s a customizable white noise website

Here you can simulate gravity

Here you can create your own guardian of the galaxy

Here you can make your own galaxy

Here’s a website you can get some support at.

Here you can split circles into smaller and smaller pieces (I found this really satisfying)

Here you can have images of people point to where your pointer is

Here you can paint someone’s nails

Here you can grow a garden across your screen (Audio included)

Here you can try out all kinds of mind illusions (Trigger Warning: Flashing Lights)

Here you can see how many miles you have scrolled

Here you can watch a website load forever, although you might be getting enough of this on Tumblr mobile

Here’s a rickroll

Here you can remind yourself that you’re awesome.

Here you can throw trash into a dustbin only for it to bounce right back out (Audio included)

Here you can make sand dunes using sand (Audio included)

And here you can generate more cool websites like these

pinning thissss

And yet more!!!

Here you can listen to a gentle rainstorm

Here you can make snowflakes

Here is a Line Rider feature film with relaxing music

Here is the entire script to the Princess Bride (many don’t need it but it’s fun to read anyway)

Here is an abbreviated script for the entirety of Book 1 of A:TLA that I made out of anger at the film that definitely doesn’t exist

Here is a playlist of the top 10 most relaxing songs ranked according to science

Here’s a site where you can make a dude beatbox with fun animations


I’m fully aware I will need this at some point.

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