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While sitting in his high-chair, your baby drops the spoon. You get up, pick it up from the floor, give it back to Baby - only for him to throw it away on purpose. 

If this scene sounds familiar to you, you might wonder why he does that. Is he rebellious and tries to upset you on purpose? Does he have a really silly kind of humor? No and no. In fact, your baby is busy conducting his very first scientific experiments. His brain is starting to understand two important concepts. 

The first one is called “Cause and Effect”: When i throw away the spoon, mom picks it up. When i do it again, she does it again. Oh, yay!

The second is called “Object permanence”: When i throw away the spoon, it disappears - No, it doesn’t, mom picks it up! It’s still there, even when i can’t see it!

To fully grasp these concepts, your baby needs to repeat those experiments again and again and again. That’s annoying to you - but try to smile at your little scientist! 

another cognitive thing they’re learning is “when i drop something, it will fall down every time!” - boom, gravity

also, as important, they’re learning social emotional skills like trust. “every time i lose something, mom, helps me. even if it makes her mad.”

always pick up the spoon - you’re teaching the kid that they can depend on other people


Important information for people who get annoyed/mad when kids “act out”

they’re just learning, fam, give it time



even after reading the article… is this for real?


and still there are people who think we [women] are exaggerating when we say men will literally kills us for denying their advances.

not only did he kill her. he took her fucking head off and posted it for everyone to see.


Please be careful with ace positivity tags right now, people have been posting images of her body in those tags.

A few days before she was killed a she posted a selfie on Instagram tagged #ThisIsWhatAsexualLooksLike. And now she’s dead for not having sex with a man. I never want to hear an exclusionist say we’re not oppressed ever again.

Please, for the love of god, reblog this and know her name. Bianca Devins. She was asexual, and she was killed for rejecting sexual advances. This is the violence and fear we’ve been trying to speak out about. If you call yourself an activist, this cannot be ignored. Please support and protect aces, this kind of event is literally what exclusionists have been ignoring and mocking the concept of for years.


Can someone write a cliche story of the popular girl helping the unpopular new girl become popular but instead of changing everything about her, the popular girl helps her become more confident with who she is and loving herself by teaching her how to find products for her hair that nourish it instead of damage it, and a skin routine that’s meant for her skin bc every skin is different and acne doesn’t make u ugly, and when she’s told to exercise, it’s not bc she has to look a certain way, but bc exercise is the best way to manage stress and it releases endorphins


Reasons to love Fenrys

  • Rowan calls him boyo
  • He is so devoted to his brother that he tied his life to a Queen he hates
  • He unabashedly fights the blood oath from the moment he swore it
  • He asks Rowan to kill him if Maeve ever gave him the order to kill Aelin
  • He has a smart-ass mouth
  • He literally starts a bet on Rowan killing an Ilken WHILE he himself is injured and has poison running through his system
  • He is cranky when he doesn’t eat

we all love him.. hopefully. HE DESERVES TO BE LOVEd!


Okay but I’m always a slut for the Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers trope where they’re forced to work together while lost/stuck in a hostile environment and slowly build their relationship, first out of reluctant necessity, but then learn they can trust the other will watch their back, then slowly get to know each other more while old prejudices are left behind and character growth happens until finally they’re willing to die for each other like

That’s good shit


i could think of so many relationships that are like this and i absolutely love them. is it j me or does anyone else want this relationship..

“You never figured out? My mother made them. She was a seamstress, back at the camp where she’d been raised. She didn’t just do the work because she was ordered to. She did it because she loved it. And when she mated my father, she continued. Long ago, when I was still a boy, she made them—all your gowns. A trousseau for my future bride. Every piece… Every piece I have ever given you to wear, she made them. For you.

this.. this gets me every time.


Aaaaand it’s done! I’m dead! My Wings & Ruin montage. I probably could have spent a couple more weeks / months tweaking it to within an inch of its life, but for the sake of my sanity I’m calling it done (it was hella fun, but I think I wracked up about a million hours.)

PRINTS! In  the usual places, for everyone asking. Society 6 and Limited signed copies on Etsy.

the amount of awe that i am feeling for this picture is unreal.

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