friendly mushroom!

@living-on-kyoshi /

requests are (slow but) open!
main blog: living-in-eroda

scars and swords: chapter 3

Y/N had been a Freedom Fighter her whole life alongside Jet, her first love and closest friend. They had been together through thick and thin, no matter the circumstance. When they decide to leave the vigilante life behind and move to Ba Sing Sei, they’re reunited with the Gaang and things take an unexpected twist. 

pairings: jet x f!reader, sokka x f!reader

warnings: still angsty lol

a/n: thank you all again for all the support on this fic, it means so much to me! i hope you all enjoy how the story goes this chapter, i tried to keep the angst up as always. now that i’m posting my work i’ve set myself on a higher standard so i may post chapters late, mainly because i’m starting to get more critical on myself and it takes me time to feel fully satisfied with a chapter. but again, thank you all so so much for reading and for all your feedback! enjoy!


Is this thing on 🎤

It's been 84 years

Okay LMAO little update on me!!

- so the end of 2020 was kinda rough; my mental health was going down and i was about to move houses so i was very busy in all that

- i've moved into a new house! it's really nice i have my own space so i'm happy about that.

- i've also been busy with college classes and work since classes aren't online anymore.

- honestly ,,, i did lose some motivation for writing at one point and that just tumbleweeded into this entire account just getting abandoned LMAO

- i'm not 100% back i just logged in after literal years and was like ,,  reminiscing

- may or may not finish scars and swords i've recently wanted to start writing it again since i've been rewatching the show but now i want to take a different approach so i don't know how that'll turn out but again, i cannot make any promises. i'm sorry that i just completely abandoned it but i hope you understand!!


going to have scars and swords ch. 4 drafted and hopefully finished by the end lf the week!! also going to try to finish some requests as well! classes have been kicking my butt but this week is going to be kind of slow in work so i'll have time! thanks so much for being patient it means a lot <3


Tag game for people who write anything!

Pick an original character! (Ex: y/n)

What’s your character’s…

  • Name
  • Age
  • Birthday
  • Favorite Movie/TV Show
  • Favorite Color
  • Best friend
  • Most dominant character trait

Hopefully this doesn’t completely flop! Tagging @spiritvines, @loversamongus, @noodlesfluffy and anyone else who sees this!

I love this!

Here’s what I have in mind for y/n in the lovers smau :)

  • Name: lol y/n
  • Age: 20
  • Birthday: I’m judging by how they act and then matching that up with a zodiac sign lol and so I feel they best fit with Cancers. we’ll go with June 26th
  • Favorite Movie/TV Show: The Office and idk probably Coco lol
  • Favorite Color: purple
  • Best friend: Suki and they won’t admit it but also Sokka
  • Most dominant character trait: stupid empathetic; really good at understanding other people’s emotions, not good at understanding their own

HOHOHO I LOVE THIS THANKS FOR THE TAG OKAY i love: this characters. you smau is one of the best out there i need to catch up with it ASAP

i’ll use my main character for my bakugou series hehe

Name: Shigaraki Y/N but her villain name is “Nightmare” so I kinda just call her “Night”

Age: I don’t know? theoretically she would have to be like 15/16 to be bakugou’s age but I’m kinda considering just aging everyone up so I’ll say 17/18

Birthday: uh i have no idea tbh. i feel like she would be a Gemini tho so let’s say May 29? i like that

Favorite Movie/TV Show: i feel like she wouldn’t really watch a lot of movies or tv shows but if she does????? action movies and comedy shit

Favorite Color: red hehe

Best Friend: uh Tomura maybe??????

Most Dominant Character Trait: strong!!!! very very strong!!!! and the emotional repression ❤️

i’ll be tagging @azucanela @jayly420 (do it with your writing account if you want babe you do you) @firebendersimp @eclecticcs and @spiritvines !!! no pressure tho


Thank u for the tag nina 🤪 this is very cute also ninas bakugou series is gonna be a bomb heh i absolutely love night shes so dumb LMAO

Ok this is for before anything good (lok) uwu

Name: y/n

Age: about 18/19

Birthday: ur bday LOL okay but idk much abt astrology so imma say she gives me taurus vibes (not self projecting at all),,,,, maybe virgo ,,,?? Idk

Favorite movie/show: this kid cant even afford a tv but shes probably always wanted to watch spongebob or jimmy neutron or danny phantom lmao but she would absolutely love and be appalled at the same time by the john wick movies

Favorite color: idk but she hates green

Best friend: asami mayhaps 😳

Most dominant character trait: making fun of people and self isolating shes pretty intuitive!!

No pressure tags: @sokkascroptop @sukifans and anyone else who wants to share!

Okay this is going to be so much fun!!!

Name: Y/N (from Traitor obvi)

Age: 15

Birthday: I think Y/N is a Leo!! so July 27

Favorite Movie/TV show: I think that Y/N would like crime shows; Criminal Minds, SVU, maybe Mindhunter? She probably also fucks with Bob’s Burgers and Archer when she’s feeling like she needs some serotonin

Favorite Color: blue; partially because one time Sokka told her she looked good in blue and she never forgot it and partially because she thinks it’s pretty. She likes the combo of blue and gold because it mixes Fire Nation colors and Water Tribe colors

Best Friend: this might be controversial but I’m going to go with Katara!

Most Dominant Character Trait: how about stubborn? I think that she is super headstrong and that she doesn’t know when to quit. It gets her into trouble a lot. 

no pressure tags: @casualdadnomad @itsivyberry @living-on-kyoshi and anyone else who wants to share their characters!!


name: y/n (from scars and swords duh kfjfjfj)

age: about 15 ish i believe

birthday: honestly .. idk she gives me capricorn vibes but it's up to debate haha

favorite movie/TV show: for movies, i'd imagine she'd be a fan of hunger games honestly! for tv shows she likes to laugh so probably that 70s show hehe!

favorite color: green or red tbh even though red is ~the enemy's color~ she likes the boldness of it

best friend: definitely smellerbee!!

most dominant character trait: honestly i think shs's stubborn at times, she doesn't really like being wrong but she will eventually admit it!

tagging (but no pressure hehe!!): @boltwrites @khaleesi-of-assassins and anyone else who would like to do this!!


also just a mini update on me even though no one asked:

  • i've been really stressed with classes; i'm nearing the end of my semester so we're in crunch time and because of this i haven't been able to write. my mind is honesty not in the zone to put out quality content and i really want to give it my all.
  • i've recently been watching mcyts/dream smp and god i love them so much ah my new comfort youtubers/streamers i've honestly always loved gaming youtubers, idk something about them haha but yeah watching them helps relieve some stress
  • i've made some friends through among us! we play together on discord almost every night and it's really fun they're all super sweet even though like they're all friends and i'm like the new girl lolz. they're all guys and honestly..i'm kind of simping over this one guy's voice and he's just really sweet AGAIN IM NOT SAYIBG IM CATCHING FEELINGS BUT HE IS JUST REALLY SWEET AND I HAVENT HAD ANY ACTION SINCE MY EX FJFKFKKF

but yeah, classes have been really kicking my butt lately. but the semester is almost over! and i don't have classes from december through january so i'll be able to really write more!! i really miss it, i have been jotting ideas down but because i'm so caught up with classwork i'm not able to give my 100% to writing. and i just want to post work that i'm proud of so yeah!


400 follower celebration!! (thank you so much<3)

guys i-

i couldn’t be more touched that you guys thought my writing - or just that i - was worthy enough that you decided to follow me. thank you all so so much from the bottom of my heart. i’m so honoured, i cannot say thank you enough.

anyway! i’ve never done one of these before, so i’m kinda scared no one will do this but im gonna do it anyway cus i wanna give something back to you guys for being so incredible and sweet.


(anon or not!) in my ask box, send a:

💙 - a ship! send a little description about you (preferably personality wise!) and a fandom and i’ll ship you with a character! (i’ll only do these for avatar the last airbender, the umbrella academy, harry potter(lightning era) and lord of the rings/the hobbit!)

🌻 - send me one of your fics/art pieces or something you recommend and i’ll compliment it! (we need some positivity in here)

🐶 - give me a title for a fic and i’ll tell you what i would write for it!

🦕 - send me a prompt and i’ll tell you what i think about it!

🍰 - tell me anything you want! promote what you create, tell me a fact about yourself, ask me any question you want; it’s up to you!

(if you cant see the emojis then just tell me which you would like!)

this event will close on November 22nd! November 19th will be the last day to participate in this!

thank you all once again! i’m so so happy and i love you all to the moon and back<3

congrats love!! <3

everyone go check this out!!


Please remember to VOTE tomorrow! 

You can register to vote on Election Day in the following states:

Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Illinois, Idaho, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C.!

Vote like this country depends on it, because it does!

source: @votesaveamerica

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