just to stop the feeling

@lesbianjackies / lesbianjackies.tumblr.com



lottie/meredith/elia. american. seventeen. she/her. christian (side a). lesbian. neurodivergent. sagittarius sun, libra moon, virgo rising. enfp. writer. multifandom blog. ethel cain, marina, chappell roan, boygenius. matching with @goosetheluce. @authorofemotion’s queer platonic partner. currently hyperfixating on yellowjackets. jackie taylor kinnie. nat scatorccio’s girlfriend. jackieshaunalottienat enthusiast.

side blogs

@lesbianbriars - ever after high centered

@bloodsoakedbread - christian blog

you can also find me on…

MUTUALS: feel free to dm me and ask for my discord, (personal) instagram or snapchat!!


when internet people are like “i love gothic literature but i hate anything that discusses incest, sexual violence, oppression, misogyny, abuse, torture, gore, murder, or death”

no actually me and everyone else who’s ever watched crimson peak were brainwashed by guillermo del toro into believing that incest and violence are cool and awesome. sorry


Horrifying that this pearl-clutching over horror actually being dark is unironically becoming A Thing…

(tags via @waterandsilver, id in alt)


Write the problematic thing. Make people uncomfortable. Create art!

The tags are actually mine, and I need you all to know when I said "girl," I actually meant "young woman of 23 years old," and the brainrot was so deep she tried to get us all to sit down as a class and vote as to whether or not we thought the designated reading with its dark themes were appropriate reading for a classroom.

For a Gothic Horror Literature class at university level.

There was not a single person in that room under the age of 20. We were all adults, mere months away from graduating with our bachelor degrees, and this person felt comfortable trying to police us and the class contents like we were five.

Needless to say, we did not participate in a vote. Nor did the professor call her stupid to her face, no matter how much she might have wanted to. Instead, she invited anyone who felt uncomfortable to drop the class. Bafflingly, the student who complained didn't leave, but she made damn sure to let us know during every class discussion that she didn't agree with the morality of the texts.

And this wasn't recent. This was over 15 years ago, long before TikTok, so this was home-brewed idiocy likely strained through the puritanical discourse of some LiveJournal flamewar.

Basically, what I'm getting at is 'what's old is new again.'

The only difference is now everyone's got access to the Internet via the smartphone in their pocket, and they're making their ignorance everyone else's problem on a much larger scale.


fucking sucks ass that detective is a subtype of cop or always some type of law enforcement. a detective should be someone who is a master of disguise, a weirdo, socially maligned, and hated by the police. he should solve the cases using his ultra specific knowledge about geography, linguistics, human biology, and cigar ashes


When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?

Take a 2 minute break and read this:

Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.

You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.

Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..

Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.

How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.

1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.

2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment

3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.

4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.


Reblogging this, because it is helpful information, BUT, with a couple of additions and caveats. First, this:

And then this:

And yes, as you get older, these are things you actually start thinking about, and worrying about, so I always try to stay informed.

Important for younger people too!! I was in my 30's, sitting in a waiting room, feeling sorry for myself because I was the youngest person at the cardiologist's. Then a kid who couldn't have been more than 16 walked in....

One of the most dangerous mistakes people make about their health is believing that a health problem doesn't happen to people "their age".

I keep seeing this passed around and y'all really need to stop, if you haven't looked into the comments literally every single one is talking about how this is factually incorrect and dangerous

PLEASE stop sharing this guys, cough CPR is not recommended, and a lot of organisations such as the BHF and the Resus Council UK have spoken out against it. ← @thoughtsofawildbadger from the nostes



Also in both article links that @davidkendall put up there it literally says avoid cough cpr

^ the wikiHow article

^ the very beginning of the snopes article

Please for the love of god y'all actually read the article links before sharing, actually fact check these things ESPECIALLY if what's being said is medical advice


“have you considered therapy” i AM in therapy and it turns out i’m just really like that :3 uwu

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