little black submarine

@nuhmbr5 /

KIT i hope to travel the world someday. until then, i can only write of adventure.

Crowley (drunk on a bar): sometimes I can’t believe myself. I mean, I slithered here from Eden just to what? Hide outside his damned door?

Hozier (taking notes): tell me more…

Crowley, after his 5th drink: and sometimes I just want to kiss him, like- like, you know, humans. Real humans. Like people. It that too much too ask?

Hozier, already filling his second note book: No, no, go on


Crowley, after his 10th drink: and it’s like, I fell for asking questions, and so you’d think, you’d think I could just ask him. but there are these questions I can’t ask, even now, at last, with the worst over. I just see the way he holds himself… and idk, maybe we should just run away. someday.

Hozier, on his fifth notebook, fighting back tears: UH HUH SURE

Aziraphale, trying to put into words what hes finally allowing himself to think after millenia of repression: of course itd be simply apalling to… to ever see him try to be a saint, of course, in the traditional sense of the word. but he does have these moments where… see, i have… i have been to every place on Earth and done so many things while on the job. and still i find no…. no love like his love, and the way he… the way he misbehaves, i see now it’s not just malice or nature, no…. and i simply couldn’t… feel this way for someone who didnt do those things…………..

hozier, scribbling furiously: oh yeah totally

hozier: *releases From Eden*

Crowley, breaking his door down: I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE YOU BITCH

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