
world's soggiest wet cat

@memeticallyengineered / memeticallyengineered.tumblr.com

no one wins. no one finds happiness. i'll show you a world where we all suffer together!

another underappreciated tumblr feature that you dont get on other sites is the queue. i love it when something i thought was funny six months ago and then forgot about a week later crawlts its way out of the processing vortex and i get to see it all over again.

you should queue this post it would be funny and grant me immortality

you motherfuckers put me in the processing vortex



News - A Gofundme campaign has started for voice actress Rachael Lillis, who fans might know as the original voices for Pokemon's Misty and Jessie, as well as the dub voice of Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena. Lillis is currently battling the nasty side effects of cancer, and has had to check into a nursing home for care. If Lillis' work has ever brought you joy, please consider contributing a few bucks, or pass the link along to others to help get the word out!


I've seen this before, but it's been years and it just came across my Twitter in its dying days. The words are from a favorite author of mine, Maggie Stiefvater, and they are the words I most need to hear when it comes to dealing with chronic pain and illness. I didn't need this the first time I saw it, six years ago. I need it now. Maybe you do, too.


So, I kinda wanted to hop in and subject this tumblr post to Peer Review, because while I definitely agree that there is a big problem in the US regarding poor media literacy, the study featured here is... not a good measurement, and these bullet points make the results seem worse than they are.

Another person in the notes linked an additional article that contained the full study, and these are the questions that were included in the study:

A couple of problems right off the bat. The first one that jumps out is #6: "The Earth is between 5,000 and 10,000 years old." In this study, the correct answer would be that this is a statement of fact, because it is, well, stated as a fact. And according to the paper in question:

  • A fact is a statement that can be verified. It can be proven to be true or false through objective evidence.

That's lovely and all, but nowhere in this study does it say that the participants were informed that this is definition of "statement of fact" that the study was using. It's not exactly common knowledge that "statement of fact" and "fact" do not actually mean the same thing. A statement of fact is when someone says something that they believe is true. A fact is something that is true.

So, anyone who participated in this study who interpreted "statement of fact" to mean "fact" (and also wasn't a young-Earth conspiracy theorist) would have gotten this question wrong, because they know that Earth is much older than 10,000 years.

Another somewhat less obvious problem is in question 2, which the authors of the study address as such:

  • First, as noted by Firey (2018), item 2 perhaps could be categorized as a statement of opinion because the phrase “a significant portion” is subjective. We repeated Pew’s coding on our survey, and solid majorities on both surveys rated the item as a statement of fact. In retrospect, we would categorize the statement as borderline (see note 4 above). By the end of 2017, ISIS had lost 95% of its territory (Wilson Center, 2019). Because such an overwhelming loss would be difficult to deem insignificant, we retain the item as a statement of fact for present purposes.

Yes, I agree that nobody could reasonably argue that a 95% loss isn't significant. However, unless the study specifically recruited participants who were extremely knowledgable about statistics relating to ISIS activity, the participants have no way of knowing that 95% is the amount in question. That "significant portion" could be anything!

Like, let's say that ISIS had lost 25% of its territory. That's a lot! That's over 10,000 square kilometers that were no longer under ISIS control. So one could argue that this is a significant portion. But also, that's only a fraction of their territory. ISIS still has control over the majority of the territory they'd had previously - three times as much as the amount they'd lost. So one could also argue that this is an insignifant portion.

If I had been a participant in this study, I would have marked this as a statement of opinion. And thus I would have become part of the 95% who apparently can't differentiate between fact and opinion.

But, I was not a study participant. So, who was? What does this study say about its participants?

Well, here's what the study says about it:

  • Data are from a national online survey we designed. The survey was fielded by YouGov from March 9 to March 14, 2019. There are 2,500 respondents.

That's it. No information about how participants were recruited or invited to take the survey. Nothing about what quality assurance methods were used to make sure that participants were following instructions, or that computer error didn't interfere with the data.

Nothing about incentives given for the completion of the survey.

Oh, yes, that's something very important to note. You see, YouGov is not an academic research firm. It's a marketing research firm. It functions similarly to sites like Swagbucks or Survey Junkies. And this is how it markets itself to participants when you search for YouGov in Google:

That's exact marketing used by Swagbucks. I use Swagbucks. I'm a pretty active user, in fact. I answer surveys and play mobile games to collect points, then redeem them, usually for Wal-Mart gift cards so I can save on groceries. I know how sites like these work.

And I also know that when I just want to get a survey completed, I bullshit. I just click whichever multiple choice option is closest to my cursor until I'm done and can get the points.

Guess what else I do: I lie. Sometimes a survey is listed on the site that's worth a lot of points but is only looking for people of a certain demographic. And I take it anyway. I give them whatever info is needed to get my points and get those gift cards. I have had a grand total of one cup of coffee in my life and hated it. But whenever a survey asks me if I have ever bought a certain brand of coffee, I say yes, and I review it.

Oh yeah, that's another point: there is no demographic information given about this study's participants. We know that participants were at least asked for their age and political affiliation ("Multivariate models include controls for age and partisanship") but we, the readers, are never told what that spread turned out to be. We just have to take their word for it that YouGov's sampling methodology was sound.

If I had turned in this research paper for review, with this Methods section and this survey, my advisor would have slapped me.

So, what is my point? Why did I spend an hour writing this response to a tumblr post? Well, because the findings of this study may be bullshit, but this whole post brings to light another big problem in the world of media and journalism.

The University of Illinois published this sloppy-ass study that I would have been embarassed to hand in as a 10-point assignment. This survey made it through the internal review board, a process that I know from experience can take months and dozens of rounds of review. It was then peer reviewed by Harvard, the school that people point to as the epitome of academic prestige full of super geniuses, and added to their library. Then it was picked up by a Washington DC online newspaper and tweeted about by a member of the House of Representatives.

And finally, it was posted here on Tumblr, uncritically.

I don't know what percentage of Americans can't tell fact from opinion. And reading this study is not going to give me an accurate answer, because the study's design and conclusions the authors reached are a mess.

All I can tell you is that academic and journalistic instutions alike need to do a better job of reviewing and thinking critically about information they receive before they publish it to the world.


There’s something too on the nose about this… very often, if you’re presented with something that makes the vast majority of people seem incredibly, shockingly ignorant and stupid, there’s more going on with the “study”.


Here's to the people who can't get the words on the page. The people who are too tired after all life throws at them to write. The people who are blocked. The people who are burnt out. The people who can't write because of physical or mental illnesses. The people who don't know why they can't write. And the people struggling with all those other things that get in the way of writing and make it seem or be impossible.

You're still a writer, you're still an artist. And you matter. This world is better since you're in it. Thank you for wanting to write, even if you can't right now. I hope you and your words find each other soon.


remember. you can't know things you don't know. you have to find them out. by doing things.

this is a mantra against shame over ignorance btw. like yeah you can and should actively seek out knowledge but you're just still gonna have blind spots and that's okay. you won't know the things you don't know until you know them. you know?


ID: A screenshot of a tweet from @hermit_hwarang reading: "They flattened Pyongyang with carpet bombs and still couldn't conquer northern Korea. They drenched Vietnam in napalm and Agent Orange and still had to scurry home. There is no bomb they can make stronger than the will to live. Palestine will be free and Israel will fail." End ID


When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.

If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.

Make sure to spread this around. This is important.

[ID 1: Picture of what looks like tweet with the top cropped off, with a quote from Parliamentary Majority leader of the country Georgia, reading, "Draft law will be prepared and initiated in Parliament in next 2 weeks. Draft law will fully respect principles and norms stipulated by 2nd chapter of the Constitution of hashtag #Georgia," Parliamentary Majority leader Mamuka Mdinaradze said." Followed by a picture of a pale skinned Georgian man with short grey hair and glasses in the midst of some speaking event captioned, "Majority readies draft law of quote 'defend society from pseudo-liberal ideology" unquote. End ID 1]

[ID 2: A quote posed next to a similar picture of him from civil.ge, Quote, "It is our duty to the Georgian society and its future to counter the targeted propaganda of the non-traditional way of life." End quote. Quote credited to, "Mamuka Mdinaradze Parliamentary Majority leader." End ID 2]


hozier does write a killer love song yes but also his special ability really lies in his political songs. and i feel like not enough people pay attention to that


Hello 💕

My name is Amal Abushammala, a Palestinian architect currently residing in Berlin. I am reaching out to you in a time of great urgency to seek your support for my family in Gaza.

My name is also listed in el shab hussain and project watermelon sheets, number 335 (Amal Abushammala).

Could you please reblog my GoFundMe pin post?


You are getting very close to your goal, I hope you reach it soon!

I just donated €5 if anyone can match that!! I was also donor number 777 which I believe is the angel number for wealth? So I am hoping that is a sign you reach your goal very soon 🤍



‏I am Ahmed, 31 years old

‏I am from the northern Gaza Strip and I am the sole breadwinner for my family. We consist of 8 people. I hope you will help me spread my campaign to save my family and take them to the safety zone.



This is a legitimate gofundme!! It’s very low on funds.

I just donated £5 if anyone wants to match it!

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