
@studysaint / studysaint.tumblr.com

tracking: #nihaosher | sherlyn, 17, ENFP, temasek poly digital film and television
this is a ((((o゚▽゚)o))) side blog

I honestly just want to pack my bags and go travel the world and see and explore everything possible i just want to travel the world but i want someone by my side along my journey 


Hebe Tien - Day by Day Album Package

Client── HIM International Music Inc. Photographer── Mária Švarbová Graphic design── Even Chen & Aaron Nieh Aaron Nieh Workshop 2016


forgive yourself. whether you fail a test, eat too many cookies, say the wrong thing, fail a class, or spend a whole day in bed — learn to forgive yourself. the next day will be better. the next day will be a day closer to your next success. you can do it.


Stop glorifying unhealthy study habits

Because not enough are talking about this

A lot of people (not just langblr, studyblr too )have been glamorizing the way Asians study in certain countries as depicted on tv, news , various media sources. Saying oh they are working so hard for their goal and look how dedicated they are. Please stop. Seriously. My degree is in psychology and I focus on mental health. I’ve done research in Korea and continue to take psychology classes in korean about various issues (I’ve taken cultural psych, neuro psych 1&2, psych of happiness and I’m currently taking psychology of addiction). I’ve also extensively talked to high schoolers in Korea about this “dedicated study” and most of them said they were stressed to the point of having physical symptoms of being stressed out, almost half were depressed or showed symptoms of anxiety and I won’t even get into things like suicidal thoughts, actual suicide, self harm, eating disorders that are also happening in correlation to study related stress manifesting itself in other ways. This isn’t just Korea. I’ve read research (just not as extensive about the same happening in other Asian countries and even some western now and days) Why the heck are y’all out here trying to glorify something that is clearly unhealthy and causing other people harm? And then promoting it to your followers as something to “motivate them” ?

Getting into your dream school/ uni, becoming fluent in 2 month in a language, whatever is not worth it if you end up hating life, physically unhealthy or mentally ill as a result of it

Please reblog this because I think it’s so important **

Important. I actually used to have the mindset of “I don’t care how much suffering I have to go through, as long as my grades are good.” Can you believe that? So glad I’m in a different place now

as a korean currently attending a “special” korean high school, i want to boost this so hard.


Learn To Say

  • No, to people when you don’t feel like hanging out
  • No, to people who don’t deserve your time
  • No, to people that make you feel uncomfortable
  • No, to people that threaten your happiness
  • No, to people that don’t let you be yourself
  • No, to people that make you ashamed for what you like
Source: cwote.co

Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and ultimately happy life.


I managed to be more productive last week and studied a lot for my biological psychology exam (which will be in 8 days), I had a pretty bad yesterday when I wasn’t able to do anything except listening to audiobooks and I’m glad it’s over :’) Hope this week will be better xx

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