
& Coffee

@onecricket / onecricket.tumblr.com

i reblog what i like icon - 100wizard

having thoughts,

I hate how this meme format always catches me. No matter what it is about I HAVE to go through it line-by-line and consider each choice like I’m looking at fucking wine selections it’s my kryptonite I CAN’T NOT LOOK DAMMIT


Reposting my single favourite piece of official Star Wars media for no particular reason.


His face in the last panel is KILLING me. Like he's holding in a fart and if he laughs it's gonna happen. He can't. It's against the code.


Mobility assistance


If you are not physically disabled, I want to ask you to do one tiny thing. Download this app. And every time you are about to go out with your friends, check the location you're going to go to.

Then drop a note in the group chat or on the Evite or whatever letting people know what the situation is. Lifting that bit of work off of your disabled friends is going to be hugely welcome, especially if you're the one to ask for changes. "Hey that restaurant looks tasty, but it's going to be a hassle if anybody needs to use wheels or a cane ( or has a stroller or anything else that your friend group might need), can we get takeout instead? Or go to this other cool place up the block?"

If you want to do a big thing, anytime you go somewhere that is poorly rated, let them know on a comment card or with a quick email that you're disappointed in their lack of accessibility. And vice versa, if you go somewhere that's well rated, send them a note to say thank you.


The alphabetized files at my ranger station lead to some interesting mental pictures

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